Christmas Tree

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this chapter also really isn't important to the story as a whole, but it's short unlike the other one. so enjoy!

Miri's PoV

A little over one month has passed have passed since Chieko's birthday now. With Christmas nearing, the weather is now colder, which means no walking around barefoot on the tile and wood of our floors.

"We should set up a Christmas tree!" Yu announces to all of us during breakfast one day.

We agree with her. Might as well enjoy this Christmas. Who knows if we'll all be together like this next year?

Katsuki bangs his fist on the table. "I'm going to go steal a tree because only I am allowed to drive the car!" He yells, running outside.

If only he knew how may times we've all snuck behind his back...

"I'll go with him. He doesn't have good taste," I say, clearing away my dishes.

"Then I'm going with you!" Chieko says, poking her chest. She copies what I did with the dishes.

"Let's get going!" I run upstairs with Chieko and quickly get dressed so we can catch Katsuki before he leaves.

Walking out, I see Katsuki is about to leave. I pick up Chieko, and jump into the passenger seat right before the car starts moving.


"I'm going with you." I inform him.

"Whatever. Just don't be annoying."

After a few minutes of more of his reckless driving, we find a store that sells Christmas trees and other Christmas-related things. Because no one has been around for a while now, the only trees available for use are the fake ones.

He stomps around the small place, grumbling to himself until he grabs one and drags it out. However, the tree he gets is kind of... ugly. "Hey Katsuki."

He turns around. "What."

"I don't like that one. Let's get another one."

He throws the tree down. "NO. If you're so unhappy about it, why don't you just have Tiny make us one!?"

Chieko sighs. "I don't know how to, and it's not in either of my building books."

But before she finished her sentence, he had already run out. He's probably fuming in the van right about now. I pat Chieko's head. "Let's look for a nice one and meet him out there."

We browse around until Chieko find a tall and wide one. She tries to grab it but it falls on her, and she's completely covered by it. I chuckle and pull it off of her. She giggles along, wiping the thin pines out of her hair. "Oops!"

Together, we drag it out of the store, making sure to not trip over it. Chieko makes a hmm sound then speaks. "Miri, is Katuksi your husband?"

I jolt back, almost dropping my side of the tree. "My- my husband?" I laugh aloud. "No way. He's just my friend."

Her mouth pulls to the left side of her face. "Oh. Okay."

Once we manage to haul the huge tree out of the small door without breaking anything or ourselves, I notice the parking lot is empty. How could I kiss the van? It's the only thing here.

I place the tree down, Chieko following what I do, and I check the corner of the store's parking lot. Nothing. Wait a second.

"Katuki left us, Miri," Chieko realizes.

I smile through my annoyance. "Yep. It appears he did." I almost consider asking Chieko to make another car, but I can't drive, and she surely can't either. So I pull out my phone and call Zenith.

Almost right after we hang up, the scene around me whirls into a purple color, and we're back into the house. Chieko and I remove our shoes, going to the living room where everyone else is. I see Katsuki sitting in the couch, his back straight with an expressionless face. In front of him is the ugly tree, which is now almost nothing more than a few twigs and leaves.

I snicker, "Looks like we're using the tree I got."


Chieko hangs a sparkly ornament on the tree first, placing it right at her eye level. She steps back and gasps, her hands clapping once. "It's so pretty!"

Zenith had found boxes of ornaments in the mansion's basement, so we decided to use them. Granted, I was a bit against it at first because they could be a trap or something, but they haven't blown up yet.

We all start adding ornaments of all designs around the gigantic tree, with Zenith, Katsuki, Kirishima, and Michiko hanging them higher than Yu, Chieko, and I.

I grab a plain and shiny green one and stand back up to hang it, but Katsuki is right in front of me. I prepare to yell for now reason, but shut my mouth as a plan forms in my head. I slowly lift my hands, holding the ornament with both of them, and carefully hang it on one of the spikes in his hair. He doesn't even notice. I have to contain my laughter, so this doesn't end as soon as it starts.

Tapping Yu's shoulder, I point at his hair, and she giggles quietly. She adds another. We silently spread the message so that everyone besides the explosive Christmas tree knows.

Once the tree is fully decorated with a variety of ornaments, I lift Chieko up, and she tenderly places a star on top. "I did it!" She smiles.

Katsuki turns around quickly, "Well since we're done, why don't we-"


"What the-"

Click! Clank!

"Huh!?" He shakes his head vigorously, and the two ornaments fall out. We all laugh uncontrollably. "Alright, who's the genius who did this!?" He yanks them off of his hair and holds them up.

They all point at me, and I back up from him and curtsy playfully. "I take full credit, King Explosion Murder."

He crushes the ornaments with his hands and then dusts his hands off. "You're dead."

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