Completed Internships

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Miri's PoV

While I'm being trained again about accuracy, my phone goes off with a text. I know what this is. Michiko allows me to quickly check my phone, and my suspicions are confirmed. Izuku has sent his location on a group chat with no context.

The Hero Killer.

I can't tell everyone what's going on because of obvious reasons. In the end, everyone survives, so I decide to leave it be. I sigh, putting my phone back down, knowing I can't help them.

"What was that about? You look so down!" Michiko notices.

"Oh, it's- it's nothing." I laugh to cover it up.

After that, she teaches me how to contain the explosion's size. For example, to send an explosion as round and small as a dinner plate!

And after a few more lessons related to aiming, size, patience, planning, and everything to know about explosions except for power, she tells me, "It's getting late. Let's eat, sleep and then in the morning we'll work on the strength of your explosions.


I realize that I never read or watched past the Internships, so everything after this is a mystery. Falling to sleep, I think how life in this world will be like, without knowing what happens next. Scary, excited. I'll get to be surprised more. My experience here has given me more than I thought when making that wish.


When I wake up the next morning, I check my phone. No texts. No surprise there. I see Michiko walking to me. "Good morning," I greet her.

"Morning, Sleepy. Were you hoping to see a text from your boyfriend?" Michiko smirks.

"If I had a boyfriend, but I don't." I brush aside her comment.

"There's gotta be someone. There were two gentlemen with your other friend when we came to your rescue! It's gotta be one of 'em that you at least like." She cocks her head to the side.

I say under my breath, "Wouldn't call the blond a gentleman."

"Tell me all about him after training." She leaves it at that and rushes me to get ready so we can go right back to training.

During our training, she enlightens me in how to control the force of the explosion, and finally teaches me in how to make my explosions stronger. Can she do everything with bubbles that one could do with explosions?

Physical strength is important, so working out is helpful, but she still coaches me on blasting stronger explosions.

"Break time! Which also means it's tell me about him time!" She says, walking back inside, despite our first training session on my lasting an hour.

"Well..." I say, sitting down on a chair next to Michiko. "I'm not interested in him, he's way too rude and overall not my type. But Yu also thinks I like him."

"Who is he?" She says, excited.

"The explosive one. The winner of the sports festival. The one who had to be chained up. Does that ring a bell?"

"Ahhh, yes. Him. Well, compatibility test! Respond on a scale of one to ten!" She says.

Oh great.

"Let's start with... attractiveness!"

"Um, five?"





"Well that's all I got for now! Let's see...five, two and four." She groans. "Yeah, no. Forget I even mentioned him."

"Can we just go back to training?" I beg.

"Fine." She says, not amused by my request.

So that's how it goes for a while. Train, tease, train, eat.

We become quite close as we continue to speak, tell each other secrets, train, exchange techniques. And since she's so young, and her personality is like a high schooler's, we become friends pretty quickly. It's like having an older sister.

No! I already have an older sister. She's back where I should be...

Since we enjoy ourselves so much, the time flies, and the clock ticks, and the time for internships runs out.

_ large time gap _

"I insist in walking you to the train," Michiko insists.

"Well I can't say no to my last precious moments with you, can I?" I smile, but I can feel my heart ache. It's not like I'll never see her again, right?

We walk to the train station in silence. Once we're there she stays with me while I wait for the train to come. It rolls in and I know I have little time to say goodbye.

"Shooting Star. I... can't thank you even for being a friend to me, and training me so well. Thank you!" I hug her.

"You were nice. And I relate to you about a lot of things and that makes me glad. I'll miss you too, and I hope we meet again." After hugging me back for a while she pulls back a bit, and whispers in my ear, "Bakugo might not seem like he's the one for you, but give him a shot, yeah?"

A small smile quirks onto my mouth. "Fine, sure." I laugh along with her. "Bye, Michiko Muratagi!"

"Bye, Miri Miyake!" She says, and when I walk into the train, she reaches out her hand right as the doors close, separating us.

I walk down the aisle, noticing that it's deserted. For a second I think my vision gets blurry with tears, but when I gently touch my eyes, I discover there's nothing there.

What is that?

Walking closer to the seat, I can clearly see a blond head poking out of the top...

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