Transported Back

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Miri's PoV

I walk backwards silently and slowly. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. The train is moving so that should cover up my stepping but at least a bit. I wince when I hear him speak.

"If you didn't want me to know you were here, you shouldn't have been stomping around like that." He says aloud. "Miri."

I let out a sigh and sit in the seat next to his. Looking at him directly in the eye, I ask, "So how was your internship?"

He doesn't answer, but instead asks me, "How was yours?"

I tell him about all of the training Michiko and I did together. About how we became close friends, and all the things we have in common. I get excited and start rambling but cut myself short. "And I assume you're still not going to tell me about yours, so I won't ask."

He nods, and stares at the window. "Well, I'm stuck with this stupid hair style."

The rest of the ride is silent. The only sounds are the very silent noises and whirs from the train moving.

Eventually growing bored, I stand up and frolic up and down the aisle, looking at every seat, for no reason.

I notice the poles. They're probably there for if the train is too crowded for everyone to sit. I wrap my hand around one and fall backwards, hanging on to the pole so I don't fall. I swing around like that for some time until it gets old. I let go and fall backwards, expecting to bruise myself once I land on the ground but instead I feel a pair of hands around my sides.

Katsuki chuckles behind me.

"What are you laughing about?" I ask him, crossing my arms.

"Are you trying to hurt yourself? Or did you just expect me to catch you?" He says between chortles.

I groan. "Just... let me up please."

He drags me to sit beside him. The silence that follows lulls me to sleep, and my head falls back on the seat. At some point, I feel a hand wrap around my waist and pull me, but I'm too tired to fight back, and so I fall asleep resting against someone.

I'm woken up by the train stopping. For a moment, I forget where I am. I remember that I'm on a train back to UA. Right! I've got to get off now. I begin to stand up, but something heavy is weighing me down. What?

What's this... human on me

I turn my head and get a face full of spiky yet soft hair. Oh hey that's Katsuki's hair. That's... OH

I knock on the side of his face, since that's the only place my free hand can reach. "Hey, you. Wake up."

He doesn't budge, so I summon all of my strength and jump up out of his embrace. That seems to startle him awake. "Miri?" He shakes his head and rubs his eyes.

I glance at his arm, the same arm the was holding me for however long we were asleep. My thoughts are cut off when I hear a, "Last call for the UA stop!"

I hightail it out of that train, and Katsuki follows.

"Are we for real having class?" Katsuki asks as we step off of the train. Some of our classmates and students from 1B are crowded outside of the school, too.

Unexpectedly, something tugs at my feet. I try to shake it off, but it only gets stronger. The next thing I know, I'm being pulled away. I look behind me and I see a swirling portal of blue and green.

Hooooold up. This better not be what I think it is.

"Katsuki!" I yell, reaching for his arm.

"Miri! What's going on!?" He turns to me and tries to pull me back to him.

"Help!" I say again. "I think...that I'm being taken back to my world..." I let go of him, but he still pulls.

"What- No!" He shouts, pulling harder.

I'm at a loss of words. I shake Katsuki's grip off and look at the swirls of blue, green and now black, too.

I'm floating in a tunnel of bright colors. I'm moving forward at full speed. I look back, desperately trying to go back but it's no use. And since this magical portal thing wants to torture me more, it shows me Katsuki yelling and threatening for me to come back. Then it shows all my memories of the world.

Meeting Izuku, All Might, Inko. Saving Yu, becoming best friends with her. The sports festival. Seeing Katsuki all chained up, with a medal hanging from his teeth. Making up my hero name. Katsuki training me.

The pool party, the secrets. The class, meeting everyone. Yu teasing me, and making the hearts all the time.

Getting kidnapped by the villains, and defeating the spiky purple blobs. Meeting Shooting Star, exchanging things we have in common.

Being trained and getting stronger. Katsuki's threats and rare compliments. How much he must have wanted to battle with me again.

Then I see Kirishima, always in a good mood. Cheering people on, and being a great friend to everyone all the time. Him and Yu admitting their feelings to each other in a spectacular way.

Then it flashes back to present Katsuki, and I see Yu. They walk in and see Katsuki yelling at now probably thin air. They ask him inaudible things but he just ignores them.

I turn forward, ready to leave the world. If only I had gotten my hands on the next manga, I would have been able to stay longer.

I am then thrown at front of the gate to my neighborhood. Walking in, I wonder how much time has passed here.

My neighborhood. It's where I grew up, so why does is feel so alien?

I run to my house, ready to tell my family everything that happened. When I knock on the door, my mother answers and says, "Sorry. Do I know you?"

"I-I I'm your..." I try to say, heartbroken.

I'm your daughter.

I then see my brother peeking out the door. "Oh! Hey Mom, she's my friend from school. I'll talk to her outside."

"Okay.." my mother replies.

My brother walks out, and closes the door behind him. "So... Miri, what brings you back?" He asks.

"Zenith... do you remember me? As your sister?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah, but for someone reason Mom and Dad don't. I called Ellie on the phone since she's in college, and she says she remembers you as her sister, too." He replies.

"So it's just our parents." I say, relieved that at least my siblings remembered who I am.

"Where have you been?!" It's been about a year since you disappeared." He complains.

"I made a wish. You know that show, My Hero Academia. The one I really liked?" I start.

"Yeah, that was all you talked about..." he mumbles.

"Well point is, I wished to be in that world and POOF I was there. I was there at the end of Izuku's middle school, all the way to the end of internships." I explain.

"Oh..." he says. "That's crazy, but I'll need some proof that you didn't just run away after being grounded for a month."

I do remember being grounded! That's why I made that wish!

"Umm, let's go for a walk. Out of the neighborhood." I suggest.

Zenith tells our mom that we're going for a walk. She just lets us go. I don't remember her letting us walk out like that. Was I the reason for her strictness?

"The funny thing was... I even looked like an anime character. Now I look boring again." I say, looking at me arms, feet, and legs.

We reach the gate, only to be rained on. By people. Four people. Holy sh-

Yu's PoV

Eijiro and I walk to the entry of UA, where everyone seems to be waiting. What stands out is Bakugo screaming at the top of his lungs, "COME BACK YOU IDIOT YOU CAN'T JUST VANISH LIKE THAT!" nothing.

I carefully approach him. "Bakugo? Are you talking to someone?"

He pays me no attention. Maybe Miri can calm him down. Where is she, anyways? I call out her name, and Bakugo points a finger at me.


I furrow my eyebrows. "Gone? Where did she go?"

He lowers his voice but still says with anger, "Back to her world."

My eyebrows shoot up.
My thoughts turns into words. "What... did you say."


Eijiro hears Bakugo's outburst and runs to our side. "What's going on?" He looks at me. "Yu? Why are you crying?"

"Miri is-" I can't finish my sentence, so Eijiro simply hugs and shushes me.

"Don't cry now. I don't know what's going on, but... let's go somewhere, the three of us, and see what we can do."

He takes my hand and we walk away from the school. He signals for Bakugo to come with us, and surprisingly, he obeys.


We stop when we reach a nearby park. We sit down on the benches there, and Eijiro looks from me to Bakugo, probably waiting for an explanation. There's no choice but to tell him about Miri. I collect myself and sum up to him about how my best friend wished her here. And how now she's been taken back.

"Well then let's just wish to her world," Eijiro suggests.

I sigh. If only it were as simple as that.


And what a surprise. What. A. Surprise. Because not even a moment later, we're falling down on two people.

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