Filled Again

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warning: timelines are gonna be hecka screwed up

Miri's PoV

I wake up, and stare into space. What time is it? I glance to my right, at my alarm clock. I mutter a swear under my breath. "A whole minute before my alarm goes off," I say aloud to no one in particular,

Naturally, I try to fall back asleep, but time flies and the annoying beeping sound I awaken to every day arrives yet again. I turn it off, rolling out of bed. Yet another day of... nothing, really. It's just school, school, school.

I feel an aching in my heart. Am I dying. I hope not. I stand up to begin my morning routine. I am about to walk to my bathroom, but a sparkle of pink interrupts me. I'm hallucinating oh no.

But then, the sparkle gets bigger and bigger, and I see the shape of a small body forming. "..huh." I close my eyes and rub them to make sure I'm not dreaming. When I open them, a young girl is standing before me.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I jump back. I point my finger at her. "WHO ARE YOU? WHY IS THERE A KID IN MY ROOM?"

She's wearing a sparkly pink dress. She has short dark brown hair, with uneven bangs, two locks that curl around her face, and big brown eyes. A tiny nose, and her mouth hosting a tiny frown as if she's trying to hold in something.

Without thinking, I say something under my breath. "Chieko." I furrow my brows. Who's Chieko? And how did that name come from my mouth?

Her eyes sparkle at the mention of the name I said. It must be her name! "Is your name Chieko?" I ask, trying to keep calm because, well, random kid in my room.

With a small smile, she responds gleefully, "Yes! I am Chieko! And you are Miri!" She claps her hand rapidly. The next part she says quietly, but I manage to catch it. "And you're fourteen again...?"

I reach out to place a hand on her shoulder, but I pass right through her. Confused, I wave my hand through her body, and it goes right through, as if she is merely a projection.

"Miri..." I flinch when she says my name. Still smiling, she continues. "I know you don't remember me, but when it's time, you will!"

I nod. "Ok. You seem kinda magical, what with your sparkle appearance and non-tangible-ness, so I'll believe you." Shrugging, I add, "I'm gonna keep you."

A couple years later

Bakugo's PoV

I tap my pencil impatiently. Midnight goes on about some boring history shit. I don't want to be here.

"Bakugo!" I hear her call out.

I snap my head up, growling. "WHAT DO YOU WANT."

She groans. "I would send you out, but this lesson is important. So quit distracting the class with your pencil, Bakugo."

Clenching my hand so hard that I almost break my pencil, I mutter, "Fine."


I manage to make it out of school without getting into any major trouble today. It's not like I'm not annoyed by all these damn extras and teachers on a daily bases, it's just that today, I feel more pissed off than usual. As everyone leaves the school, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I spin around. "THE HELL DO YOU W—" I find myself at a loss of words for a split second, but I don't continue my sentence. I look down at the loner girl of Class 1A, Yu Kaguya. No one's ever heard her voice, so it's so surprise she's got no friends.

She opens her mouth to speak, falters, then gives up completely.

What does she want?

"Spit it out, you damn owl," I grumble. "I have places to be."

She flinches. "I-I thought of... uhm..." She bites her lip, looking away. So that's what she sounds like, huh? She sounds familiar, for some reason. She stutters through what she says next. "This name came to my mind, a-and I also th-thought, for some reason, i-it would make sense to... you!"

I raise an eyebrow. Some random name comes to her mind and she thinks I'm gonna know it? Not only is she a weird loner, she's also insane. Nevertheless, I decide to humor her a bit longer. "Sure. What's the name?"

Her face brightens, and she answers with confidence. "Miri."


Miri's PoV

I jolt backwards. What was that? I earn a few stares from the classroom. Forget them, what the heck is up with me? It's like all of a sudden, every sense in my body went crazy for a fraction of a moment.


Bakugo's PoV


I almost fall backwards. I feel my heart rate increase rapidly, and I'm filled with foreign emotions. I shake my head. "Don't know anyo—"

"I KNEW IT!" Kaguya squeals. Any trace of her timid self from before is long gone. "It sounds familiar, doesn't it? That's so weird, though, because I've never met someone with that name in my whole life! And I don't think you have either! So why does this name spark—"

"Shut up," I say, and she closes her mouth immediately. "Shut the hell UP! I don't know anyone named Miri..." There's a pang in my heart when I say the name. "I don't know..."


Miri's PoV

I feel it again, except this time it's a bit different. It feels like how my heart jumped with all the crushes I used to have, but a hundred times that! I can't stay in this classroom. "TEACHER I GOTTA PEE!" I yell and dash out.

Knowing my teacher will send someone after me, I leave the school. Running as far as I can, I halt when I see someone else. Their back is turned to me, but that leaves the back of their sweater for me to read.

It's some anime character sweater. I swear I'm so sick of this anime crap, what with all these weebs at my school using random Japanese in their sentences. As much as I don't want to, I read the name printed underneath the mad-looking character. "Katsuki Baku- WHOA!"


Bakugo's PoV

I grab the sides of my head with my hands. It just happened again, but this time far more stronger. I stare down at Kaguya once more. She grinning from ear to ear. How can she be so confident about something that she knows nothing about? I exaggeratedly sigh. "Fine. Maybe we do know someone named M—" I pause, wondering what will happen if I say the name again. "—someone with that name, but it looks like we just don't... remember."

Kaguya jumps up and down. "We gotta find her!"

Smirking, I hold up a finger. "I have an idea."


Miri's PoV

When I said Katsuki (and didn't even make it to the end of his name), it felt exactly how it felt during my second jolt in the classroom—but ten times stronger. I place a finger on my chin, an idea coming to mind.

The person with the 'Bakugo' sweater glances at me with a disgusted face and leaves. All the better for me plan. I run further away so my school won't find me. Once I find a decent enough spot, I cup my hands around my mouth..


Bakugo's PoV

Once we're far away from anyone, I turn to Kaguya. "Ok Owl, on three." She nods. "One, two..."


Miri's PoV

You've got this, I tell myself. I take a deep breath...





Miri's PoV

The world, from my point of view, begins to spin. Swirling around me until it's just a blend of green and blue, rotating so fast that I feel a headache begin to form. Luckily, the confusing swirls slow down, then stop completely. I'm now in a... I don't even know. All I can see it white, spreading out in every direction for as far as I can see. Does this have something to do with Chieko?

I walk forward, just to see what happens. Nothing. I chuckle to myself. "This is pretty neat."

I hear a confused grumble behind me. In an instant, I turn around, only to discover the owner of it. It's some spiky-haired guy in a school uniform. He's not much taller than me, but enough to where I have to look up a bit.

He squints his eyes at me. Then he opens his mouth, debates if he should say something or not, then continues in a monotone voice. "Where the fuck am I?"

I cover my mouth with my hands upon realizing who he is, the take them off so I can point at him. "You're that guy on the person's sweater! Kats... Bakuo... or something?"

His eyes widen. "Listen here, it's BAKU-FUCKIN-GO."

Quite some manners he's got there.

Then he tchs at me and asks, "You're Miri?"

I feel the beating in my heart again, but now it's somewhat softer. "Yeah. Katsuki Bakugo?"

He blinks, then gets real close to me, staring straight into my eyes. I glance away out of instinct. It is now that I realize that the off, emptiness sort of feeling that I first met a couple years ago, when that Chieko girl showed up, has vanished. Have I known this guy before?

I tear my eyes away from the random part of the white-ness I had forced myself to look at, and re-direct them to the person right in front of me (who seems to know nothing about personal space).

Something in me snaps. My whole life feels like a lie now. How could I have forgotten everything? I throw my arms around him and envelop him in a tight hug. "Katsuki!"

I feel his arms grasp me back, even tighter. His voice sounds strained when he says my name. "Miri."

We stay like that for a good minute. Savoring each other's presence, trapped in each other's hug. I feel my arms grow tired, and his hold on me grows weaker as well.

He looks down at me, his face gradually getting redder and redder. "Remember that thing you said... you'd do when you saw me again..."

I grin at him. "I said I'd kiss you, right?" He nods and looks away. I laugh and and gently pull his face to look at me. "Don't be shy, I'm not one to break a deal!"


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