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Miri's PoV

Honestly, I really was expecting Aizawa to just continue on with lessons as if nothing happened. But instead, he actually summed up everything that had happened these past few years and acknowledged my team and I. When he's finished talking, I raise my hand. With permission from him to speak I say,

"Can I tell the class something?"

He shrugs. "Go ahead."

I stand up and look at everyone. "Hey guys... I've got this not-so-secret that I am willing to share." I make eye contact with Izuku and smile. Wow, he sure brings back memories of when I first came here. "I'm... not from this world. I'm from a place with no quirks—yes, a pretty boring place, but hey! That was my life before I came here."

Some people who were twiddling their thumbs look up, hooked already from what I've said.

"Where I'm from, this whole world—and all of you—are from a manga, called My Hero Academia! Really weird how you guys went from characters on a page to my best friends. Anyways, I-"

"WHO'S THE MAIN CHARACTER?" Mina calls out, and that sparks the attention of everyone.

I glance at Aizawa and he shakes his head. I sigh. "That's not important... plus, if I said that, conflict may arise." A few groans come my way. It was expected, but I know I did the right thing. "Right, ahem. So I wished myself here! I was, like, really bored—"

"Nah this idiot got herself grounded." Katsuki cuts in.

My face burns. I regret telling him the whole story.

"YEAH. Whatever. Point is, I ended up in a foreign land, and with three quirks! Also, I have to thank Izuku for taking me in when I was all alone."

He earns a few claps, but it's silent after that.

"Moving on!" I clear my throat. "When the storyline took a turn for the worse, which wasn't supposed to happen, I formed a team with my friends, and yeah... that's it. Also, I'm leaving today."

A few gasps here and there. Yu, Kirishima and Michiko seem confused, Zenith looks conflicted, and Katsuki is glaring daggers at me. Hey, looks like the class actually appreciates me.

Izuku stutters. "B-but Miri, why?"

"Well, it's my home. A few years ago, I decided to stay here, but now it's gotten clearer and clearer to me that I've got to go home. You know, and live my real life." I give him a small smile. "If it's possible, I could try to come back, but no promises!"

No promises because these Wishing Gods or whatever are probably sick of me bouncing back and forth.

Also, after Caitlin left, I finally figured out the consequence of when you leave a world.

After everyone settles down, Aizawa gives more instructions of what will be going on for the next month so they can fix everything that happened, and deal with all the villains that we captured. Sure, we defeated "all" of them, but we actually didn't. There are still those lurking, waiting. If not that, there will still be many people who have strong negative feeling and will become villains—it really never ends.

But that's not my problem to deal with.


The bell rings, and everyone runs out of class. We were all instructed to go straight to the dorms for safety. There were grumbles and murmurs, but we all obey. Once we're all in the Heights Alliance, everyone breaks off into their friend groups.

Michiko and Zenith got permission to come with us, so they hang around with me. Yu immediately runs off to the girls, Katsuki and Kirishima making their way to their friends as well. I feel stuck in place.

"Don't you have friends, Miri?" Zenith asks, gesturing to the class.

My shoulders sag. "Looks like my only actual friends were the ones I spent five years with. Never got around to hanging out with anyone else much."

Zenith and Michiko glance at me, then at each other.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry. I won't third-wheel you two." I make my way over to Yu, hoping I'll feel in place with her friends.

Almost as soon as I begin my greeting, I hear someone call out, "Whoa Miri! I didn't even notice you cut your hair—you look super hot!" Kaminari's voice. No surprise there.

I turn around and sweetly smile. "Oh, haha, thanks! I just got sick of my long hair, so I chopped it." I don't even look "super hot" because my hair is a bunch of uneven locks from homemade haircuts, but hey, I appreciate the compliment.

"YOU CAN'T GO AROUND CALLING GIRLS HOT, DUMBASS." Aaaaand there it is. He hits the back of Kaminari's head ("Ouch"), and points his index finger at me. "MIRI WHY ARE YOU LETTING RANDOM GUYS HIT ON YOU."

I exaggerate when I roll my eyes. "He's not a random guy, he's our classmate. And he was just complimenting me—not "hitting" on me."

Mina gasps and fans her face with her hands. "Miri- Bakugo- have you guys become a thing yet!?"

Yu snorts loudly. Like, extremely loud. As in, the whole room silences upon her snort. With everyone now staring at her, she says, "No way. Bakugo's too much of a wimp to confess, and Miri is dense as ever."

I felt that.

"OK OWL GIRL SINCE YOU'RE SUCH A SMARTASS, CONFESS WHAT?" Do I even have to put 'Katsuki screeched' here? We all full well know that was him.

"Your undying love, duh." She does the duh motion with her hands as she speaks.


And for some reason, I feel a pang in my heart. Yeah I think I like him.

I join the conversation (if you could even call it that). "If you cannot love someone as annoying as me, would you expect me to ever love someone as hotheaded as you?"

"Yes." Everyone's eyes go wide. "Wait no. DAMMIT I MEANT TO SAY NO."

He gets teased for a few minutes more, but things soon settle down. As everyone mingles amongst themselves, I feel down all of a sudden. I'm going to leave. A million thoughts run through my mind.

What if I can't come back
What if some of my best buddies here forget me?

I forgot to mention, but after we defeated Caitlin, I realized that when you leave a world, two people from that world forget you. Completely. As if you never existed. That's why my mother and father forgot who I was. Someone here probably forgot me and my team, too, but it doesn't seem like it was anyone close to us.

What if I forget everything?

That's my main worry. I've travelled back and forth a couple times now, so the repercussions may directly affect me this time around.

I clear my mind. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, right? So I might as well just enjoy the company of my friends here while I can.


I can't seem to tear my eyes away from the time. 6:58... 6:59... Earlier, I decided I was going to leave at 7:00 sharp. But now that it is quickly approaching, I don't know how I feel about leaving this life. Miri Miyake, Class 1A student in UA, aspiring hero. How could I have been such a fool? I was never meant to stay here in the first place.

Zenith taps my shoulder. "Don't be sad or anything... I'm going with you, too, so you won't be alone."

Don't be sad

If I forget everything, anyways, it's not as if I'll be able to feel sad. You can't miss what you don't remember.

Yu clutches my hand. "I-I'm sure we'll see you and Zenith again—I'm sure of it!"

Kirishima nods in agreement. "Yeah! It wouldn't be very manly to never meet with us again!"

Michiko and Katsuki stay silent.

I glance at my phone. 7:00.

Making my way out of the dorms, I look at everyone, making sure that I never forget how they all look off-screen. I take hold of Zenith's hand, and start my wishing process.

Hey, Wishi—

My thoughts are interrupted. Katsuki walks up to me and grabs both of my hands. He mumbles something to himself before looking me in the eye. I feel my face burn not only because, well, Katsuki, but also because our whole class is here.

"Miri Miyake," he starts.

Huh. I've never heard him say my last name, strange as that seems.

"I l—" he turns away, red dusting his cheeks. "I REALLY LIKE YOU OKAY."

He wraps his arms around me and traps me in a hug. It's aggressive, like everything else he does, but a warm gesture nonetheless. Grinning, I hug him back tight. "AND WHEN I SAY LIKE I DON'T MEAN THAT SHITTY FRIENDSHIP LIKE. I MEAN THAT I REALLY LIKE YOU— LIKE, YOU KNOW—"

I cut him off with my laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean because I..." I take a deep breath to mimic him. "...REALLY LIKE YOU, TOO, Katsuki Bakugo!"

He takes a step back, smiling from ear to ear, but he wipes that expression off. It was precious while it lasted. "I'm not gonna kiss you, even though I know you really want me to—"

"Get off your high horse."

"—fine. But I'm not gonna kiss you because we will meet again.. and- and then we will..." he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Now his face is unmistakably red.

"And then I will kiss you. Deal!" I laugh again.

He backs up to stand with the rest of our classmates, and Michiko joins them, too, after her chat with my brother. Taking in a deep breath, Zenith and I back up further once more, connect our hands, and call out together, "SEEYA!"

Seeya, not goodbye.

We meet again, Association of Wishing. If you could take my brother and I back to our world, that'd be gre-

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