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Miri's PoV

"Let's just get this over with. Defeat all the villains. Bring everyone out of hiding," I say as Katsuki drives through town. It had been about a year since Chieko's death. Every time I think about her, I relive the scene of me not being able to save her, and her little innocent body crumbling away. Thanks to Katsuki, I at least don't have to deal with the weight of thinking I'm a murderer.

Now, there are only a handful of villains left, and they're all in one city. Defeating them, though, doesn't bring me the joy it used to. Heck, why am I even here? I just wanted to meet some cool anime characters then waddle on back home.

Fighting all those villains have gotten fatal, leaving scars on my body, but making me physically stronger than Katsuki or Michiko ever could have.

The van comes to a screeching halt. In front of us is a villain. He just stands there, smiling. I look out the windows, and I notice that we're being zipped in a giant bag. Katsuki notices, too, so he runs into the villain, knocking him out. The bag disappears. He drives back home in silence. That's how lots of our "attacks" go. Just one swift move and we're done.


Changing into pajamas the moment we get home, I kick my bed hard out of frustration and sadness, tightening my fists at the pain.

The pain...? The underneath of my bed should be empty.

I fall to the ground in a hurry. I look under my bed, and there's a small metal box. Grabbing it, I swiftly pull it out and open in. Out flutters a piece of paper.

Dear Miri,

I now the vilins are getting stronger. So you need my help too! I am sorry if I get hurt if I try to help you. But we can sukseed if I help my friends!

But if your reading this....... I think I know what hapened. Oopsies! Thank you for everything, and tell everyone I looooooove them so much! I'm sorry, but don't be sad, that's no good and you cannot fite the right way.

Love, Chieko Sasaki

"Ch-Chieko?" I cover my mouth, wondering how long the note was there. Seconds later after reading and re-reading the note many times, gentle tears begin to soak the note. "I love you Chieko. Please come back to me..." I whisper, hugging the note tightly.

Don't be sad, huh?

mega time skip

The last one... is right in front of us. How do we know she's the last?—Zenith's handy dandy quirk, of course.

The one that can mean life for Japan, or death. Even though she is out numbered, I doubt she cares. But all six of us have something worth fighting for.

She looks at us, grinning sadistic like. Then she jumps on the the wall and sticks to it. She moves very quickly that it seems like she teleported. The next the thing I know is seeing her blur make its way to me, then she's holding me up by my neck.

I struggle to breathe. So this is what it's like being suffocated. Still, the only thing on my mind is Chieko. Strangely enough, I feel myself smiling.

"Get your hands off her Zoomy Spider Lady!" Katsuki yells, blasting her.

She drops me and dodges.

"Someone needs to hold her down." I state with a cheery voice.

They all look at me in wonder. Did I do something? All I said was a simple statement.

"Someone needs to hold her down," I repeat.

Yu flies up, and holds the lady by her talons before she can retaliate. The lady punches Yu, and Yu drops her. Almost immediately, Kirishima runs up to her, and tries to hit her with his hardened arm, but she catches it and flips him. She doesn't seemed to be hurt at all besides the bloody hand that touched Kirishima's arm.

Michiko slips on bracelets from her costume and gets up close, shooting small star shaped bubbles at the villains, but she rams into her, making her fly backwards. Zenith catches Michiko right before she crashed into the ground.

Katsuki cracks his knuckes, a sinister smile spreading across his face. He charges at her.

She tries to kick him, but he catches her legs and trips her. Then he sends many quick explosions at her, until she snaps back into reality, and punches him hard on the head, knocking him out.

Guess it's my turn.

Surprising myself and her, I calmly walk up to her with no plan, whatsoever, in mind. When I'm face to face with her, I'm met with confusion. "I know you," I say, but it comes out sounding more like a question.

"You don't! No one in this world does!" She shrieks, backing into a corner. But then she slaps her hands over her mouth. "I mean, no one does!"

I study her face. Of course, it looks different than it does in the real world, but there's no denying that she's a friend, from a long time ago. "Caitlin?"

"You know me..." she mutters. "Who are you?"

"It's me, Caitlin! Miri!" I say, excited to see my lost friend. I calm myself down, though. Still a villain I'm talking to.

"You came here too? By a wish?" She asks.

"Yes!" I nod my head. "But why'd you become a villain?"

"Didn't feel like the hero life would be my thing. Plus, if I got arrested or something, I could just leave this world."

"But... you're hurting people! Those fairy tales are made up characters, here you're hurting people I know!" I gesture to all my friends.


Caitlin bounds over to him. "Oh my god, Zenith! You're here too?"

When my friends all come to, it takes a while to convince them that we can't attack Caitlin, but I do manage to make her apologize. Shortly after, she disappears into the Wish portal with a wave of goodbye. For a last battle, that was kinda boring.

I sigh. At almost the same time, Katsuki and Kirishima ask, "Why are you sighing?"

"I mean... we just 'defeated' the last villain?"

Katsuki scoffs. "We've been walking around for hours, not a villain in sight, Miri."

"Are you okay?" Kirishima adds on.

Yu, Zenith and Michiko seem just as confused as me. But then I get it. "That's how it works!"


We're strolling through the streets, wondering how we will get everyone out of hiding. Zenith suddenly gasps and pushed his hands against his head, and his eyes are tightly shut. "AGH IT HURTS. MEGA HEADACHE SUPER HEADACHE!"

Michiko, who is already next to him, immediately asks, "WHAT DO YOU SEE, ZENITH? WHAT DO YOU SEE."


Michiko grabs his shoulders and shakes him, all the while repeating over and over again, "WHAT DO YOU SEE, ZENITH? TELL US WHAT YOU SEE."

"GREEN SO MUCH GREEN OH MY GO- wait a second." He removes his hand, but keeps his eyes shut. Grinning, he does his little quirk thing. A moment later, he's almost lost in a huge cloud of purple.

And we're lost in a sea of people. I create a slab of ice underneath my feet and make it taller, so I can see what's going on. What I do see surprises me. Tons of people. Everywhere. I think Zenith just teleported everyone in Japan here. And boy, is it crowded.

I cup my hands around my mouth and yell to my brother, "ZENITH I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THAT POWERFUL."


Where'd they come from?—and why couldn't he see them with his quirk before? It could be that someone in hiding had been able to hide their locations and let it off all at once, causing my brother a plus ultra headache.

I jump off my little stand to meet up with my team. Yu runs up to me, her hands clutched to her chest. "Is it really over now?"

"I... I think so."


We sort out the confusion with some of the pros and officers at UA. The adults—excluding Michiko—sit on one side of the long table, my team and I on the other. One pro who I do not know says, "What you kids did what very reckless."

I silently pray for our almost-thirty friend to not blow up, being grouped with the rest of us "kids." Katsuki slams a fist on the table. "WE SAVED YOU WEAK IDIOTS AND YOU STILL SCOLD US?"

I swiftly take his hand and put it back into his lap. Though I'm a bit pissed, too, I have to hold it in. "I'm sorry about that, sir. He's just upset because we spent more or less five years fighting villains by ourselves because you f— uhh, you all weren't there to assist us."

Five years around Katsuki really does something to a person.

Aizawa groaned. "I guess we'll have to make an exception for you kids because when no one was around to take charge, you guys saved us all."

It occurs to me that none of my team and I are kids anymore, anyways. We're all adults, and Michiko is thirty (don't tell her I said that, haha).

Kirishima politely smiles. "Thank you, Aizawa Sensei."

"Yeah, thanks!" Yu chimes.

We're then dismissed to go to our class (wow, class?). The moment we walk in, the room erupts with cheers. Ochaco jumps out of her desk. "You guys actually did it! That's crazy!"

Katsuki shoves to the front. "IT WAS ALL ME THEY COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ME."

Kaminari sniffles. "Bakubro... Kiribro... we missed you."

Katsuki scoffs, but Kaminari's statement sparks a mini reunion moment between the class. Yu and I bound over to our friends, catching up with them about what has happened, while Katsuki and Kirishima chat with their "bros." Michiko and Zenith stand awkwardly away from everyone else, speaking quietly to each other.

Jeez, Zenith. She's like a decade older than you.

But it's been clear to the team and I that my brother and the pro hero amongst us have something going on—we never got around to asking them, though. And while we're on the topic of relationships, I must say I am impressed that Yu and Kirishima are still together and lovey-dovey as ever. The dedication.

And Katsuki? It took me long enough to realize, but I think he likes me. Do I feel the same way? Eh, no point in stressing over it... But enough about that!

Next chapter let's go!

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