How is He Able...

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Miri's PoV

Here I am. Awake at five A.M. because my internal clock loves to do that to me every day. I recall laying against Katsuki.

Where'd he go?

Might as well wake everyone else up, so we can leave to find Chieko as soon as possible. It's still very dark, and none of the lights are on inside. I slowly walk up the wooden stairs, taking extra care to not fall and break a few bones. I decide to awaken Yu first. I tiptoe into her room and flip on her lights.

Almost immediately, I regret it. Yu rubs her eyes sleepily. "Eiji? Why are you—" she looks at me, and her face turns tomato red. I take note of her boyfriend beside her, still sound asleep. "M-m-miri! Good morning! What brings you h—" her bedsheet slides down as she sits up, exposing her bare chest.

I blush, averting my eyes. Still looking away, I exclaim "I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW YOU AND KIRISHIMA DID THE DO I WOULDN'T HAVE WALKED IN I'M SO—"


"SERIOUSLY YU OH MY GOD I'M JUST GONNA LEAVE NOW." I slip out, shutting the door behind me. I let out a great sigh before going to Zenith's room.

I barge in, flicking the light switch. "Ok wake up you little- aaaAAHHHHH!" I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating, but there it is. Zenith and Michiko cuddling? "ZENITH WHAT THE ACTUAL F—"

He looks up slowly. "Oh? Good morning, Miri," his arms stay wrapped around Michiko's sleeping body. They're both wearing clothes, at least.

At that moment, the wall bursts open, and Chieko flies in, her moment in air ending when she slams into the wall.

"Chieko!" I yell.

But then a purple circle appears in mid-air, and a girl skips out, grabbing Chieko. "Now, now. Don't try to escape, little Koko!"

In an instant, they're both gone.


"What was it about?" Kirishima asks, hanging dearly onto his arm rest as our reckless driver swerves. He is referring to my dream. You know, the one where I walked in on two embarrassing scenes, then let the villains get Chieko again when she was right in front of me.

"Believe me, you don't want to know."


We sneak into the doors of a place we had not thought yet to explore. A terrifying sight is shown to us—the villains beating and hurting her badly, but she doesn't speak, she only silently cries. I wonder what they've done to make her stay quiet like that.

Without a second thought, I dash to her, pulling my arm back to attack the villains. "Chieko!" I feel and hand grab my arm before I can get any further.

I hear Zenith whisper to me, "He is holding her up by the neck. If you attack, she will die."

It takes all of my willpower to not shake him off and charge again, but I am able to find it somewhere in me to stay put. Instead, I grit my teeth and clench my fists in hopes that the villains get the hint that they had better let our little member go.

"Oh, good. You're here. Now I can kill her in front of you!" Shigaraki joyfully says in a sadistic kind of tone.

He twists Chieko around so that she's facing us now. She reaches out a hand. "My friends..." she says weakly, but then smiles. "I'm sorry I ran from you." She takes in a deep breath.


I see a tear fall from her eye. "Don't worry! You can beat all the villains. My friends are so strong!" Her eyes flutter closed.


She giggles. "It's too late, but don't cry! You have your friends with you—and I'll still be with you in spirit, Miri! I love you all, Miri, Katuksi, Eijiji, Zenny, Yu and Michiko!"


Shigaraki places his last finger on her neck, and we see her crumble away. I try to run to her, but I can't move. Her neck turns to ashes, followed by the rest of her quickly disintegrating into nothing.

Yu's PoV

We're all in shock. However, Miri doesn't waste a second more. In a heartbeat, she's sprinting full speed at them, a sword of ice materializing in her hand, her other one pulled back. No way she's going to... "MIRI!" I call out. "DON'T DO IT!"

I extend my wings to fly to her, but she's already done what she meant to do. Her sword pierces Shigaraki's heart, an explosion going off directly to his gut at the same time. Blood and dust splatter everywhere.

Shigaraki... no, Miri!

Miri's whole body heaves up and down because of her hard breathing. Shigaraki is almost lifeless. Before he dies, he mutters, "Feels good, right? Murderer." His head then slowly turns, and his eyes lock onto mine. "So... you think you're some hero now, Yu?"

I feel a hand lightly grab my shoulder. "She has always been a hero—what you guys did to her only made her stronger." Eiji's words almost bring a tear to my eye.

"YEHA WHAT HE SAID!" I step away and point my extended arm at Eiji. Then I go up to Shigaraki and kneel right beside him, so that no one hears what I say. "You really sucked, you know. But thanks for everything." I shouldn't have said that.

He opens his mouth to talk again (at least I think—he has that hand on his face again), but it closes almost immediately. His eyes stare off into space, losing the life they once had.

Miri's PoV

After Shigaraki dies, his partners disappear into the portal, not waiting there a second longer. They take his body with them.

For a moment, I feel triumph, but... it dawns on me. Chieko's dead, and I killed someone. I stumble backwards, looking at my hands. The hands of a murderer. Not a hero, a villain. I killed someone, breaking my own rule to never take someone's life.


I glide up the stairs and head straight for my room, slamming the door behind me. I slide against the door down to the floor. With my head in my hands, my thoughts become clouded.

He killed Chieko. Chieko died. I killed him. He's dead. I took his life. Chieko...

But soon enough, I clear my head and come to a realization.

"I'm a murderer," I say aloud to myself.

"No you're ducking not." A voice outside my door says. Not just any voice, though.

I sigh. "So you're saying I'm not a murderer... even though I clearly killed that man?" If he's been listening to me, it's a good thing I didn't slip up and say anything questionable earlier.

"Just 'cause you killed him doesn't make you a killer." His tone sounds casual, like he has no doubts about what's coming out of his mouth.

I wrap my arm around my knees and bury my face. "Do you really want to talk to a murderer.."

"You're not a fucking murderer, did I not make that clear?" I can practically feel his eyes aggressively rolling through the door. "And even if you were, I'd still wanna talk to you."

Even if I... he'd want to talk to Murderer Miri? I try to hold it back, but it comes out anyways. A soft chuckle, but it's still loud enough for him to hear. He makes some comment about 'why the fuck I'm laughing,' but I'm too absorbed in my new thoughts.

Of all times, how is he able to make me smile at a time like this?

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