Don't Make Me Fall

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Miri's PoV

"Chieko..." My cries had turned into mumbles as I repeated her name over and over again. "It was those villains from the USJ Incident. It was the stupid purple warp gate that took her!" I point a shaky finger at where the portal was.

I look behind me and see everyone just as despondent as me.

"We- we'll get her back!" Yu is the first one to say anything, but her unsure voice doesn't match her words.

"We should just go back home," Michiko suggests. "Zenith can track her, so tomorrow we can make a plan to save her."

That's right... Zenith's quirk... wait a second.


When we get home, my first thought is to hide away in my room and be sad, but I know that won't solve anything. I'd rather be sad with someone.

Bakugo's PoV

Yu and Michiko had disappeared into the kitchen as soon as we got back, and Zenith and Eijiro looked like they were about to spend some time together as well. Miri went straight upstairs, to her room probably. So here I am, sitting on the couch, going over in my head what happened.

We managed to defeat ninety nine villains and lose a girl. Chieko Sasaki. She is kind of annoying and asks too many questions, but I can't deny that I'm worried, and that the house is silent without her. She's so small—they could kill her with a flick.

I shouldn't be thinking thoughts like these.

I try to distract myself, with no avail. Luckily, my distraction soon comes bounding down the stairs. I hear her flying footsteps from the moment she places a foot on the steps. I know she's going to skip the last three steps, and my assumption is proved correct when her steps cut off short. I hear her land almost silently on the ground after her great leap.

More footsteps. She's barefoot, which surprises me. She doesn't like to show her feet, as weird as that sounds. At last she appears around the corner, peeking her head into the living room. Her eyes land on me, and she sighs. She's sad. Of course she is. We're all sad, but... she is closer to Chieko than any of us. They have, sort of, an older-and-younger-sister type of relationship.

"Hey Katsuki," she says with a monotonous voice. Huh. I thought she would have sounded more downcast.

I lift a hand in greeting. "Miri. Hi." She doesn't say anything after that, so I add, "I thought you'd want to be alone or something."

She visibly freezes. "No... if anything, I want to be with people right now."

My eyes eyebrows raise a bit. "Well, I'm h-here, if you want to, uh—" I cut myself short.


She giggles. Whoa, Miri giggled? She usually just snorts or laughs normally. She makes her way over to me and sits down about a foot away from me. It's awkward, though, because she's sitting on the edge of the couch with her back straight, while I'm  splayed across it, using a pillow for support. Her eyes wander around, looking at the room. I also know what that means—she does it when she doesn't know what to say. Then she purses her lips and looks away. I know what this is, too, even though she's never done it before.

I sit up. "Look at me."

"Why?" She doesn't turn around in the slightest.

"I said, look at me."

"I don't want to, Katsuki." Her voice is shaking.

Using my name in a simple phrase? That's definitely out of the ordinary. I gently grab her jaw and twist her face so I can see her. Just as I thought.

She rubs at her eyes. "I think a lash got in my eye or something..."

What a lie. It's now or never. I grab her waist and pull her to rest on me. I feel her tense up, so I cover my actions with words. "You're all sad and shit, so I have to comfort you or whatever... 'cause that's what friends do, right?"

She makes sort of a hm sound before turning to her side and hugging my arm. I try my best to stay relaxed. After a while of staying like that, she murmurs softly, "Jeez... don't make me fall for you."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"  I mumble, but she is already fast asleep. "You can't just say something like that then doze off.."
I feel my eyelids start to droop, and so I enter dreamland, too.

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