Ice Cream

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this is just a fun chapter, it's
not really important in any way

The bell rings above us as we walk in the ice cream shop. Ah... it's so fresh in here, and it smells amazing. Yu and Katsuki appear to feel the same way—when I look at them, they're also taking a deep breath in.

I lead the way, heading to where we order our ice cream. I smile at the person behind the counter. "Can I have a small lemon ice cream?" My hands grip the railing with excitement.

Yu orders a mint, and Katsuki a vanilla. The person behind the counter repeats our orders and we confirm. I watch as someone else scoops ice cream into cones. We pay and get our cold treats.

We find a nice spot outside and sit down. Yu eyes Katsuki's large ice cream. "Wow Bakugo, the large is humongous!"

"Yeah, didn't expect the 'large' to be colossal," he responds, looking his ice cream and cone up and down.

"Anyways," Yu shifts her gaze to me. "Lemon ice cream is an interesting choice. Can I try it?"

"Only if you let me try yours!"

Katsuki watches in disgust as we taste each other's ice cream. "That's gross. You licked something that the other licked."

I shrug. "We're not sick or anything, so there's no problem... have you never shared food with someone?"

"I- I HAVE!" He defends himself.

Yu laughs. "Oh really? When?"

He stutters, "W-well.. Today!" In the blink of an eye, he bends over the table and bit off half of my cone, ice cream and all. Did he just bite into ice cream? Are his teeth invincible or something?

I'm too in shock of how his teeth aren't frozen to realize half of my delicious treat I looked so forward to was gone. Yu gasped. "Oooh she's not gonna like that."

It finally clicks that the boy across the table just stole half of my ice cream with his mouth. I stand up, pushing my chair back with my legs in the process. My hands slam on the table. "DID YOU JUST STEAL MY ICE CREAM?"

He swallows the rest of the, no, my ice cream in his mouth. "Yeah, is there a problem?" He smiled like nothing is wrong with the crime he just committed.

I zoom around to behind his chair and pull it out behind him, and he falls to the ground. He immediately gets back up. When he turns around, his eyes might as well be on fire. "OH NOW YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT." He clenches his fists and gets up close to me.

There's not much either of us can do now. We can't battle in front of people, outside an ice cream shop. Speaking of people, a few eyes have turned to our direction.

His hand snakes to my back. I feel a small boom on my back. He backs up and sits back down.

Yu's PoV

I hope they don't fight. Oh, well here they go. They wouldn't actually do anything battle-y in public, though, right? I get out my phone and start recording, just in case.

Bakugo gets really close to Miri, and I'm tempted to yell, 'Kiss!', but it doesn't look they're very in love with each other at the moment... at all. Bakugo brings his hand to Miri's back.
Oooh things are heating up

Then I see a tiny explosion come from his hand... and it dries her hair. He sits down, but she looks confused. Poor girl probably doesn't realize she's going to have to get a haircut very soon.

Miri's PoV

I eye him suspiciously and sit down, too. It looks like he's trying to contain a laugh. "What did you do?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "Nothing."

Yu taps my shoulder and shows something playing on her phone. There's me and Katsuki glaring at each other. Then his hand goes to my back, nothing new. I gasp once the next part plays. The boom was an explosion.

And... my hair...

My hand instinctively grabs my hair and brings it up to where I can see it. It's damaged beyond repair. I look up at him and smile. "Say, Katsuki," I start. "Why did you think killing my hair was a good idea?"

"You pulled out my chair, so—" he's cut off by yours truly.

"And if you were so hungry for my ice cream, why don't you just take it all!" I chuck the rest of my ice cream and cone at him. It hits his face and splatters.

His gaze turns deadly, but it goes back to neutral in seconds. "I'm nice. I'll let you and your irresponsible actions pass this time."

My fists clench. Yu looks from him to me eagerly. I make eye contact with Yu and stand up again. "Yu, lets go to my dorm and chop off the hair he ruined."

She jumped up. "Yeahhhhh lets go!"

yo I dunno what this chapter was either but I felt like adding it just because

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