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Miri's PoV

"Okay, students. On the board you can see that Todoroki got the most heroes to want him, followed by Bakugo and Tokoyami. The results are more unbalanced than last year. So pick one of the hero companies, or if none wanted you, here's a packet. Choose one." Aizawa orders us.

Well...about 1,000 heroes wanted me. But which one will help me with all of my quirks?

Let's see...

And then I spot one. A hero with a bubble quirk. They doesn't seem to be very popular, so I don't think anyone I know will choose him or her.

I guess it makes sense school is short today, so we can get to work on our internships.
Lets see who this hero is.

I read closer. The hero is female, and her hero name... The Bubble Hero, Shooting Star. Her name doesn't seem to be related to her quirk.

"Who'd you choose?" I ask Yu.

"Some hero called Sweet Tweet! Her quirk allows her to transform partially into a bird, like mine lets me do that but an owl!" She happily replies. "How about you?"

"Her hero name is Shooting Star, and her quirk is Bubble. I don't know why I chose her, but I have a good feeling about this." I reply.

"Good luck, Miri!" She encloses me in a tight hug. "See you in a couple days!" She waves and leaves, hand-in-hand with Kirishima.

I take a train to where my destination is. I get off of the train at my stop and look around a bit confused. How do I get there? I see a random person and ask them for directions. "Sorry to disturb you, but can you point me out to this place?" I show them the paper.

"Ah, so you're training to become a hero?" He says, smiling creepily.

Stranger danger! What do I do!?

"Yes," I smile politely. "Do you know where it is?" I try to seem clueless, but inside I'm crying, begging myself to stay alive.

He's just one guy, I can take him, right?

"Good. A clueless weak one!" He throws off his coat, revealing light purple skin, with a dinosaur-like head, and spikes down his back. He also has sharp claws. His spikes extend and go back to normal size quickly. He then redirects them to me, and it cuts a part of my hand.

"Help!" I yell. But everyone just backs away. "I'm not a pro hero, help!!" But they just watch me with pitied looks. "Fine. I'll deal with you myself."

I knock him down with an explosion, and with the little time I have, I pull out my phone and go to one of my group chats with Katsuki, Yu, and Kirishima.

Vilaon attancing me hepl

I also send them my location with what little time I have.

He strolls right back out of the smoke. I freeze his feet to the ground, but he uses his spikes to break the ice. He starts mercilessly stabbing me with his spikes, and I jump up and down aiming explosions at his face and spikes. I get in close and snap on of his spikes, the half still connected to his body just falls off.

So maybe if I did that to all his spikes.

So after jumping in and out, flying around, and snapping spikes, I manage to break all of his spike weapons.

"Yes! I did it!" I yell and I pump my fist in the air. The people who were watching cheer with me, by then I stop and mutter, "Yes, cheer. What help you were. Just watching me die. Gee, thanks. Couldn't have done it without you."

But my relief doesn't last for long. Out of the smoke, I see black figures walk up to me, and once they're close enough, I can see that there are now around ten villains surrounding me.

Is this punishment for being sarcastic

Since obviously the crowd doesn't mind seeing an innocent student die, they sit back and watch as I try to fight back. The villains stab me and give me so many scratches that I'm worn out, and my clothes are stained with blood. They knock me out, and everything fades from view.


I open my eyes, but it takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once I do, I come to a conclusion that the darkness was prettier. It also smells like garbage in here. I try to stand up, but my arms and feet are tied up in a position to where I can't move much.

"Fellas, she's awake." I hear a voice from one corner.

"Finally. Let's tell her the news." Another one says.

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