Kidnapped - Part II

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The lights flicker on, and it's still dim, but I can see. Five of the spike villains are in the room with me. One of them walks over to me and says, "So you're the girl with three quirks, huh? I heard you're real strong."

"Stop studying her, Akuyaku." One of them says.

"I'm your leader, and I told you to stop calling me that." He barks back. Then he looks back to me. "She doesn't look strong, though."

"Do you think she'll do?" The same guy asks.

"Of course she will! Once we tell her our story." He then informs me, "You're going to be villains with us. And I know you wanna disagree, but after hearing our tragic tale, you'll definitely agree with us."

"Fine. Tell your tale. We'll see." I say, having no interest of joining them.

"We were all were abandoned. By our parents. We were abused since we were born, and everyone hated us, too. They never even gave us a chance. Eventually we were left to the streets, and we met up. Once we did, we all decided to get revenge by committing crimes." He says, but his face says the exact opposite.

"Even if that were true, commiting crimes isn't the answer. Honestly, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable." I reply blankly, mentally rolling my eyes.

"Wha-!? No one has seen through our lies before, boss! What do we do now?" One of the purple villains asks, his spikes looking a bit shorter than the rest of them.

"We kill her." He sneers.

I try to have hope, and that maybe my friends will come, but with no such luck do they come to save the day.

"I recognize that face," one of them speaks up. "Hope. Your friends aren't going to come help you. They don't know where you are. Give up."

"Okay, kill me. But one of my friends wouldn't approve of what you're doing. Not very manly." I tsk.

"What isn't?" The leader demands.

"I mean, knocking out a high school girl, and murdering her while she is bound by ropes. Sounds like a wimp, a cheater. Someone who is too scared to take me on." I tease.

"We'll fight you outside! Free her!" Akuyaku (or "Boss") orders one of them to his right.

Plan succeeds! Hopefully there's Wifi outside so I can resend my location.

They lead me blindfolded outside and even once we're out there, they lead me far from where they were before.

"Let's go!" I say once I'm freed. They start arguing over who's going to fight. That Shooting Star lady is probably confused why I'm not there yet.

"Just me against the girl." Their boss says.

And then he charges at me.

This guy is way slower than Katsuki! I can dodge this easily.

I jump out of his way, and like a bull he can't turn when he's running like that. He extends one of his spikes to me, but it's faster than the other guy's spikes.

It reaches about 10 meters before he pulls it back.

So that's his max...

I boost myself into the air, a plan in mind. I need to get close to him, so once he shoots one of his spikes at me, before he can withdraw it, hold onto it, and while it's pulling me to him, I prepare myself for a big explosion.

He pushes me away, but fails as the blast blows him away. After remembering this is a villain, I decide to blast him like I did to Aoyoma.

I back up a nice distance from him, and bolt. It feels so good I almost get lost in the nice feel of wind and fresh air. But I'm brought back by one of the other guys yelling, "Man, look at that speed! All I can see is the dust she's kicking up!"

Once I'm in his attacking range, he tries to jab me, but I wave my hand in front of me in a circle movement with unbelievable speed. And since my speeds increases with every step, I'm right up to him in a second, delivering a colossal explosion right in his face.

He flies in the air about 20 feet and continues flying further and further away until he's out of view.

"Get her! All of you!" The one who annoyed Akuyaku yells.

And back to that basement I go... no tricking them this time. I'm dead for sure.

I do my best to hold them off, but there are too many. Where is my totally helpful audience to watch me die when I'm actually about to? They would surely enjoy this!

I start to tire, and my attacks get weaker. Then out of nowhere, a well aimed flurry of bubbles blow the villains away, and out of the smoke appears a lady.

"Shooting Star?" I ask. It's got to be her.

"Yes! And I brought your friends here, too!" She replies gesturing to the smoke.

"Umm..." I start.

"Oops! My bad! Guys, come on out!" She waves into the smoke.

Out come Katsuki, Yu, and Kirishima.

"You came!" I cheer, but it comes out quiet. Dragging myself to them, they see the pain I'm in and help me up.

"When we got your text, we hurried there, but you weren't there." Kirishima tells me.

"Yeah but the we saw Shooting Star walk by the train station, and we asked if she had seen you. And we found out she was looking for you too because you were late!" Yu adds.

"I got worried, and I heard explosions, then saw a spiky purple blob flying through the sky, so I went there and demanded him to tell me where you were, so we came." Shooting Star continues to the story.

"You beat him up real good," Katsuki says, amused.

"Thanks..." I say, absolutely exhausted, but grateful that they made it in time.

"She needs help," Katsuki points out the obvious, while also poking my head lightly.

"How are you?" Yu asks me. "Should we take you to the hospital? Did they hurt you bad? I'll hurt them back if they hurt you bad."

"No, don't do that. I'm fine. There are just a couple hundred pokes and scratches." I reply, waving my hand, like my wrist is nodding.

"Well, if there aren't any broken or fractured bones, I can take care of you!" Shooting Star offers.

"Yes, no hospital, please." I thank her.

"So, let me get this straight," Katsuki looks at me a bit annoyed and confused. "So when you can barely talk, you still make an effort to speak in full sentences?"

"I must say, you did very well. Once we get to my home, you must tell us the whole story, please!" Shooting Star begs.

She's got the personality of a high schooler.

"Sure!" I wink and give them all a thumbs up. "You guys should get back to your internships, though." I look back at friends."

"Okay, good luck!" Yu says.

"Bye, Miri!" Kirishima smiles.

"Don't get stronger than me!" Katsuki threatens.

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