Pool Time... yay

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Miri's PoV

The girls weren't able to reserve any nearby pools, which deeply upset them. Luckily Yaoyorozu suggested that we could use the pool at her house. Well, luckily for those who actually wanted to go.

For some reason, Yu wanted so badly to go swimsuit shopping with Ashido, and so who was I to stop her?

Now here I am swimsuit shopping with Jiro instead.

We push aside all of the two-piece suits without a second thought. Unfortunately, most of the store is filled with the two-piece swimming suits, so us two are forced to shop in a corner of the store, where the one pieces live.

Jiro finds one she likes—a black and purple one with the sides exposed and tied together with strings. I turn a blind eye to the padded chest area. As she goes to try it on, I continue my search for the suit of my dreams. I didn't exactly get to bring many of my belongings to this world when I was suddenly transported, and that includes pool clothes.

One catches my eye. It's a simple two-colored choice. The top half is translucent and back-less, with a part that wraps around the chest, a soft shade of white. The bottom is just grey. As I'm putting it on, my phone rings. It's from Yu, so of course I pick it up.

"Yu? I'm trying on my suit right now, are you still shopping?" I place my phone on a bench so I can change while talking to her.

"MIRI!" She completely ignores my question. "I SWEAR- YOU'D BETTER NOT BE GETTING A ONE-PIECE!"

I lower the volume of the call because I'm sure everyone in the store could hear her, despite her not even being on speaker. I think for a moment before answering. I don't exactly feel like arguing with her right now, so I hope she'll forgive me for this later...

"Of course, Yu," I nervously laugh, checking myself out in the mirror. "I'm getting this cute two-piece swimsuit, you'll love it!"

I can hear as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Phew. I'm so proud of you! The guys will be in awe once they see you!" She hangs up, and I laugh it off.

Jiro and I leave the changing rooms at the same time and go to pay for the suits we bought. As we walk out with each of us holding a bag, she says to me, "I know that you didn't get a two piece. Why'd you say that to Yu?"

"Well, if I told her I didn't want a two piece, she spend an hour trying to convince me. It really would be a waste of time." I explain, waving my hand around as I speak.

She nods, then holds up the index finger of her free hand. "You seem awfully calm, even though Yu implied that the guys in our class will be there too."

I blinked, not entirely comprehending what she just said. Then it struck me, and her words over our phone call ran through my head.

"The guys will be in awe once they see you!"

First my peaceful weekend was ruined, but hey, bonding with the girls? Not that bad. But being in a swimming suit with male classmates who are also half naked? I was raised better than this.

I drag my free hand down my face. "But they said it would be the girls of Class 1A," I groan.

Jiro chuckles. "Well, now I'm sure you're ten times gladder you got a one-piece."

"But now Yu is ten times more likely to kill me."


All of the girls meet at the gate of Yaoyorozu's estate. I blink a few times, just to make sure I'm not imagining things. The gate itself is more impressive than my real house! It seems the others are in awe, too. We ring a bell-looking thing with a speaker and hear Yaoyorozu's voice come out of it.

"Hurry in! I'm so glad you all are here early!"

The gates swing open and we begin our trek to the house. No, the huge freaking mansion.

Once we arrive at her large and looming front doors, she lets us in. "Welcome!" Yaoyorozu claps her hands in excitement. She then goes on to assign us each to a bathroom where we can change.
How many bathrooms does she-

I slip on my new swimming suit and sling the matching light dress on top of it. It looks like I was one of the first to be done because I can't hear any other of the girls talking. Now time to find the host.

Oh, dear. This place is so huge, where do I even start to look for her? After wandering around for a bit, I give up and just call her and- oh wait, I don't have her phone number. Back to wandering.

My sandals click on the wooden floor as I awkwardly explore the never-ending halls. At last, I find another bathroom. One of the girls must be in there! I raise my hand to knock on the door, but it opens before my knuckle can make contact.

And there, standing before me, is Sero.
So they really are here, huh.

I back up a few steps and wave my hand. "Hi... Sero."

He puts his hands on his waist. "Miyake?"

He innocently stands there, clueless of how astonishing he looks—what with his hair doing its little spiky things, his thin arms each bent and resting on the sides of small waist. His mouth bearing a small frown, he looks confused.
d-damn it. I never realized how cute he is.

I slide my hand behind my head, trying to casually laugh and say "What a big place, huh?", but it comes out sounding like a snort.

"Right, ok. Yaoyorozu said you girls were running late, but I guess not," he says.

We were running late, but then we all started sprinting to get here on time.

I clear my throat. "Wanna, uhm, try to find Yaoyorozu or someone else... or something."

He shrugs. "I came with Kaminari, so if you want to look for him with me, you're welcome to."

I nod my head, but don't say a word. I follow him down one of the hallways in silence. How awkward. I can't even spark a conversation between myself and a fellow classmate. I talk to a certain owl and explosive too much.

I hear a distant voice, and Sero turns to me with a questioning expression on his face. "You heard that, right?"

"Yeah." I place my finger on the side of my face, in a thinking position. "It kinda sounded like Tsu's voice."

We hear it again.

"Kaminari, we've been aimlessly walking through these halls for a minute now. You should just call Sero."

"But what fun would that be? C'mon let's— see! There he is!"

Kaminari spots us as he turns a corner. He runs to Sero, with Tsu following close behind him. "There you are, Sero! I was looking for you with Tsu."

Sero greets his friend. "Same here! I was with Miyake, though."

I try not to wince when he says the last sentence in a downer tone. The four of us then become one big group getting lost in Yaoyorozu's huge place. At last, we find the staircase, where some of our classmates are hanging out at the bottom.

Soon enough, everyone figures out the labyrinth of a home and groups together at the set of stairs we are at. I spot Yu, and out of instinct, I begin walking to her. I stop myself midway, though, and rethink my choice. She's already talking to Uraraka, so maybe I should take a hint and try befriending the others?

I scan the crowd of people around me, and decided on going back to Tsu. Or... maybe not. What if she doesn't like me because I also have her quirk? I shake my head and push away the negative thoughts.

I approach her. "Hi, Tsu!"

She looks up at me. "Ribbit. Oh, hey, Miri."

Unfortunately, our conversation goes on no longer, because Yaoyorozu, at the top of the stairs, catches everyone's attention with a loud,

"Pool time!"




I know I said I was editing, but I'm also adding in new chapters/replacing. This chapter, I wrote from scratch to replace the Class 1A get-together I had here before.

miri, out! -+x

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