The Battles - Part II

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Miri's PoV

"I temporarily claim this table!" I sit down at a random table, plopping my lunch on it as well.

Yu, Kirishima, and Katsuki all sit there with me. "Well, now everyone knows this table is yours," Kirishima says, sitting across from me. "Congrats."

Yu sits next to me, and Bakugo, not having much of a choice, sits across Yu, next to Kirishima.

"Bakugo you're going next, right?" Yu asks.

"Yeah, and I'm not holding back just 'cuz it's a girl." He mutters.

I silently pray for Uraraka. I know she's strong and skilled with her quirk, but to have Katsuki go full-out on her...


"Okay, students, lunch is over!" A teacher says. "Head back to the stadium now!"

Once we get back to the bleachers, Present Mic starts announcing the two opponents. "He's got quite the explosive personality! Not a very likable attitude! Katsuki Bakugo!"

"She's the Zero Gravity girl, and the one I'm personally rooting for, Ochaco Uraraka!" They both walk in.


Uraraka charges at Katsuki, trying to touch him, but she gets blown away by his quirk. And as she keeps coming, he keeps sending off explosions. Then there's so much smoke, the audience can barely see!
Uraraka takes off her jacket, and leaves it levitating, letting Katsuki believe for a moment that the floating jacket is her. He wildly blasts at he jacket, and Uraraka runs behind him, and tries to touch him, but Katsuki's reflexes are so fast, he turns and jumps away in time.

"Hey!" A hero from the audience stands up. "Why are you beating up that innocent girl!" A bunch of other audience member start giving Katsuki their worst.

"Who said that? Are you a pro hero? I don't think you're worth it." Aizawa says, in a microphone. (He's been with Present Mic the whole time.) "Look up."

"Thank you..." I hear Uraraka say to Katsuki. "For not letting your guard down." Or maybe I just saw her mouth moving and knew what she was saying.

There are a bunch of shadows on the ground. Everyone looks up to see a lot of floating rocks, and that's when Uraraka lets them fall. But then Katsuki aims his arm out, and aims a large explosion at all the rocks, destroying them all.

Uraraka tries running at Katsuki again, but then collapses. Katsuki pauses, as if confused. She weakly tries to get up, but fails.

"Are you able to move?" Midnight asks. 

She barely shakes her head.

"Uraraka cannot move! Bakugo moves on to the next round!" Midnight says.

Katsuki comes back to the bleachers.

"Why'd you go hard on her"
"You beat up a frail girl!"
Some guys say to Katsuki.

"I wouldn't call her frail." He responds to all of them.

He comes and sits down with us.

"You did well." I tell him.

"Really? You're not upset that I beat up a frail " he makes the finger quotes, "girl?"

"No. This is the sports festival, you gave it your all. You don't hold back because someone's a girl." I try to comfort him.

"Thanks." He mumbles.
"What was that? I can't hear you." I lie.
"Thanks!" He says a bit louder.
"Satisfied at last." I laugh.

"Next up Denki Kaminari versus Ibara Shiozaki!" Present Mic says.


I think I hear Kaminari ask Ibara on date "after he wins." He goes all out electricity mode, but it backfires. Ibara traps him in her vines, and he goes into his dumb mode.

"Kaminari is immobilized! Shiozaki moves on to the next round!" states Midnight.

"Oh I'm next! Gotta hurry!" Kirishima stands up and starts to leave.

"Good luck!" We tell him as he hurries away.

"Here we have two boys with very similar quirks! Eijiro Kirishima and Tetsutetsu Tetsutesu!"


Because their quirks are so similar, their match seems to drag on, and on, and...on...and, yeah you get it. So instead I turn to Yu, "Do you get smaller when you fully transform?"

"Yeah! I forgot to tell you. I guess since owls are small, I shrink a bit, too." Yu answers.

Tsuyu speaks up, "I'm the second shortest in this class. It's most likely because of my quirk, too."
That makes sense.

Then after going back to watching the never-ending match, they both collapse at the same time.

"Both boys collapsed at the same time! The winner will probably be decided over an arm wrestle contest!" Midnight shouts to the crowd. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are taken to Recovery Girl.

"There are only two more matches left for this round... Yaoyorozu versus Tokoyami, and Ida versus Hatsume, a student from a Support Course. We should go see Kirishima at Recovery Girl." I suggest.

Katsuki and Yu agree, so off we go to see Kirishima.

"Mmmwah!" We hear Recovery Girl healing our red-headed friend and his steel twin.

When we go up to Kirishima, I say, "They're going to have you guys compete in an arm wrestle contest to determine the winner."

"Cool!" He pumps his fist.

"Do you want us to stay here?" Yu asks.

"No! You guys go enjoy the tournament!" He answers.

"Well, ok then." She seems a bit disappointed, despite the friendly smile plastered on her face.

Katsuki was leaning on a corner with his arms crossed the whole time.

"Let's go. Good luck for your arm wrestle!" I wish him luck.

When we get back there, it seems Yaoyorozu's match is over, and she lost, and Ida's match is almost over.

"Thank you for letting me advertise my babies!" Hatsume waves to the crowd and steps out of bounds.

"Wha-!? Hatsume is out of bounds, so Ida moves on the the next round! That is the end of Round 1!" Midnight announces.

"Oh, but wait! Kirishima and Tetsutetsu need to have their arm wrestle!" Present Mic reminds everyone.

"Right you are!" Midnight corrects herself.

Then the next thing I know, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are arm wrestling. Their battle goes on forever, until Tetsutetsu's steel cracks a bit, and Kirishima slams his hand down hard. Kirishima wins!

"Good job, Eijiro!" Yu says. I can almost see hearts growing and shrinking in her eyes.

"Dang it! I should have eaten more iron this morning!" Tetsutetsu rants.

Tetsutetsu's face brightens up when Kirishima approaches him with a wide grin. "It was a good match," Kirishima holds out his hand to help Tetsutetsu who had somehow fallen.

"Foes that are now friends! What good sportsmanship!"

"And now! For round 2, first up is Midoriya versus Todoroki!" Midnight signifies everyone.

Izuku and Todoroki walk into the stadium.


Todoroki sends a lot of ice Izuku's way. Izuku flicks one finger, sending a lot of ice shards back to Todoroki. This continues until Izuku has used all of his fingers, and they're fractured.

"His fingers are all red and purple, it's a bit scary!" Yu comments.

So then when Todoroki sends ice yet again, everyone is probably thinking, this kid Midoriya, he's dead.
But then surprising everyone, he punches the ice with his broken hand. It turns a deeper shade of purple. Izuku then starts yelling things at Todoroki, and when he stops, a large blast of fire comes from Todoroki, and once it clears, we can see that his left side is ignited, on fire!

"Why is he helping the half and half guy beat him?" Katsuki wonders aloud.

"He's doing it to aid Todoroki in doing his best." I answer.

Izuku and Todoroki charge towards each other, preparing for a big hit, but then the cement hero, a hero made of cement, jumps in and tries to block out their powerful attacks by putting layers of cement between them.

"Midoriya is out of bounds, so Todoroki wins!"

Midnight cracks her whip. Izuku and Todoroki are taken to Recovery Girl for some much-needed treatment, as the battle was intense.

"Next up, Rock hard Kirishima against the Dark shadow Tokoyami!"

Wait...if they're going against each other, I know Ida is against Ibara...that leaves. Oh God, yes!

"Katsuki!" I vigorously shake his shoulder.

"What. Do. You. Want." He seems annoyed, and rightfully so.

"We're going against each other!" I cannot contain my excitement.

"And you're happy, why...?"

"Because, I want a challenge! The one with Aoyoma was too easy! And even though you'll end up beating me, it will definitely be enjoyable!" I smile.

"Oh. Whatever." He doesn't seem to care.

And so I pout. "Fine. Be like that."

The round between Kirishima and Tokoyami goes pretty fast. Sadly, Kirishima loses. Tokoyami's dark shadow trapped Kirishima, and he couldn't move.

"It's fine, Eijiro. You did really good! You made it way further than me, at least." Yu says.

"You only lost because it was a bad match up." Katsuki said.

"We've got to go. We're next." I tell Katsuki.

"Yeah, yeah." He replies.

"Good luck, you two! And Miri, remember?" She says.

She's talking about the deal we made to let Katsuki win if either of us went against him. I don't want to ruin the storyline, so I told her that he has to win this competition.

"This is sure to be a great match! Explosion version that plus two! Who will win? I hope it's the girl..."

"You can't say that..." Aizawa mutters


I launch myself at Katsuki, and all the cheers seem to get quieter, so all I can hear is myself and my thoughts.

"Let's do this." I mutter to myself.

I send an eruption of explosions his way, and he runs right through.
He's tough.

He blasts me, and doesn't miss. It was then when I realized, Katsuki...he's never given his all on me!

"Katsuki, please go your hardest on me!" I beg him.

"You said it, not me!" He grins evilly.

He aims another explosion at me, this one faster and bigger. I dodge it quickly, but I can still feel its intense heat. I try to ice his feet to he ground, but I do it to him so much, he probably knew I was going to do it before I did! He blasts it without a second thought. Then I just shoot rapid-fire shots wildly, even though it's not the wisest thing to do. I'll tire quickly.

I send ice blocks shards, and full scale ice attacks at him with one hand, and with the other, I send powerful and quick surges of explosions. When I start to get a bit exhausted, my attacks get weaker.
I'll just dodge his attacks until I feel a bit better.

My logic makes no sense. He starts blowing explosion at me, with me running, and jumping side to side tying to dodge. My Frog quirk comes in handy once I realize I can jump high enough to dodge his attacks. However, that charade doesn't last  long, and I quickly tire.

I begin to move slower, and slower. Then I see a large explosion coming for me, and when it hits its target, my consciousness starts to fade, and I hear, "Miyake has been knocked out, Bakugo wins!" Then I faint completely.

"Mmmwah!" I hear Recovery Girl fixing me as I wake up. "Oh! You're awake! Well you're all good now! You just had some serious scratches, but the burns were not too bad."

"Oh...thank you, Recovery Girl." I thank her.

"You're the first person who thanked me today! Oh, I think your friends waiting outside. They came to check on you. Even the one you went against, Bakugo." I am informed.

"Thanks. Can I go now?" I pop out of bed, but then some scratches and burns start to sting. "Oww..."

"You can go, but take it easy!" She warns.

"Okay. Bye!" And I walk out the door.

On the other side of the door, my friends are waiting for me, just like Recovery Girl said.

"You were awesome!" Yu tells me.
"You almost beat him, but then he got you!" Kirishima adds.
"That" Katsuki says. I see bandaids on him, too.

"I dealt damage to you!?" I demand an answer.

"Yeah. You're actually a little bit strong. I'm n-" he says, but then I cut in.

"Thank you!" I say, exhilarated. "You gave me a great challenge and fight! Your strength is like..." I open my arms wide to show how big his power was, and then Yu pushes me into Katsuki. It looks like I'm hugging him.

"Ah!" I immediately pull away, and look to Katsuki. "Sorry, Yu accidentally pushed me." I brush my arms off for good measure.

"Awww Miri. There's nothing wrong with hugging your boyfriend!" She teases.

I glare at her.
"Future boyfriend?"
I glare harder.
"Secretly in love?"
I cross my arms.
I shrug. Are him and I even friends?

"You two are weird." Katsuki comments.

Kirstin's laughs and then says, "Guys...let's go watch the rest of the match, except for Bakugo, who should get ready for his next match."

Yu cuts short her eyebrow dancing and teasing movements to answer Kirishima, "Sounds good!"

"They're probably on round 3 by now." I guess.

"It was Ida versus Ibara, but I kno—" I remember Kirishima's presence "—have a feeling Ida won, so now the match ups will be... Ida against Todoroki, and you against Tokoyami." I look at Katsuki.

He cracks his knuckles. "I'm gonna beat the hell out of that bird."

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