07 :: need an explanation

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"kook! you should be at your school now. what happened?" jungkook's mom asked when she saw her son storming in the house.

"i am feeling sick, mom. i will just rest for today." jungkook excused himself and ran upstairs to his room. being sure to lock his room he pulled out the typewriter from his cupboard and placed it on the bed. he took a deep breath and grabbed his piggy bank.

"i don't deserve you, taehyungie..." the raven head chanted and opened the bank swiveling around it's axis. with shaky hand he pulled out the paper and now settled on his bed. fat tears started rolling down his cheeks as he realized once he tears it, there is no going back. taehyung will probably never even talk to him again.

"but i cannot forcibly keep you to myself right? i can't force you to love me." jungkook swallowed the big lump in his throat and shut his eyes close helping the next batch of tears to escape that instant. he didn't think anything more and tore the piece of paper into pieces.

"goodbye my love." jungkook bit his lips so that he doesn't make much sobbing sound as he didn't want his mother to hear him and worry.

"hope you always stay happy." jungkook wiped the tears away and his jaw went firm as he stared at the white ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing to do. a small smile tugged on his lips as he thought how happy bogum must be now to get taehyung back, "bogum deserves him jungkook. not you."

"and thank you typewriter. for you, i got a chance to live my dream, even if it was for a day." jungkook let out the longest sigh he could manage and buried his face in his soft pillow. he cried until he drifted off to sleep.

jungkook was now wide awake staring at his very interesting white ceiling. he moved to his side and smiled when he saw the purple typewriter. he was grateful that he could at least be with kim taehyung even it was for a single day.

"fuck! it hurts." the raven head dramatically blurted out and finally pulled himself to his feet and got off the bed. he opened the door and now walked to his computer. he powered on the device and decided to just chat with his online friends.

"are you having cybersex?" someone asked and jungkook panicked hearing that familiar deep voice again. he gulped and swiveled around to see kim taehyung standing at his door with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown decorating his face.

"no, just messaging! you. here?" jungkook quickly asked and taehyung huffed and puffed his cheeks with air.

"i am here to demand an answer." taehyung informed, now walking in and settling at the edge of jungkook's bed. the brunette was looking so pissed and this made jungkook so scared.

"just explain what the hell happened!" taehyung half yelled and jungkook took a deep breath not knowing how to explain the whole mess.


sorry! short chapter :(

hope you are liking this book!

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