40 :: you need to see this

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bogum and his friends flinched when taehyung shouted taking the attention of almost the whole cafeteria.

the blue haired male stole a brief glance at his boyfriend who just blinked at him before looking at his best friend shouting, "the hell taehyung!"

"you are picking up a fight for that loser? like seriously?" taegyo asked in disbelief while jungkook was now making his way to their table.

"oh here comes the loser. you know what taehyung, i think you should date this jeon jungkook instead of our friend cause all you care about is him." the boy shouted and grabbed his backpack before leaving the scene.

bogum sighed softly before running after his best friend leaving taehyung there with jungkook beside him.

"was that something about me?" jungkook asked sternly and taehyung was quite surprised at the other's tone.

he never talked to him like that.

"koo....." taehyung was cut off by the raven head who grabbed his shoulders and spoke, "you. don't. need. to. defend. me."

"koo...." taehyung was again interrupted by the other glaring at him, "you can't stop everyone. let them say whatever they want and please stop putting yourself in trouble for me. i beg you."

the day passed by when taehyung locked himself in the school bathroom and cried.


because of hurting bogum by shouting at his best friend or because of jungkook's outburst.

of course the second one.

currently taehyung was walking upstairs to jungkook's room as the group assignment was still due.

he didn't want to face the other right now but he had to. it was unavoidable at the moment as the deadline was nearing and they needed to finish it.

"heyyyy." someone held taehyung's hand from behind making the blue haired male stop in the middle of the stairs, "wait, taehyungie."

"hey soobinie." taehyung greeted that came out more like a whisper due to all that crying he did earlier.

"hyung is taking a shower now so i can show you that." soobin said and pulled taehyung with him.

a whole confused taehyung followed soobin and stopped when they were in jungkook's room, "hyung can paint too, did you know?"

"no..." taehyung denied cause he never knew that jungkook can paint.

"i once caught him painting you. you wanna see it?" soobin whispered looking at the bathroom door to see if his older brother gets out or not.

"don't tell hyung that i told you okay?" soobin smiles cutely and taehyung crouched down to pinch his cheeks.

"i won't tell him but you aren't supposed to tell me right?"

"yes but you should see it. cause he painted you really like it's real." soobin said and quickly pulled out a sketchbook from under the bed.

"these are only the sketches and there are more under...." soobin panicked when he heard the shower stop and ran out leaving taehyung with the paintings.

taehyung started skipping the pages of the sketchbook. all the sketches were of him and only him.

"what are you doing here and why did you touch my sketchbook?" jungkook asked with an angry tone.

"do you love me this much?"


double update uwu

i can't wait to finish this !

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