43 :: who do i really love?

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jungkook was confused on why did taehyung just leave like that. he wanted to show the other that he is trying to move on so that he doesn't feel guilty about it but taehyung's behavior was just out of his understanding.

"what happened to him?" jimin asked tilting his head and smiled when jungkook nodded.

taehyung sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling. he didn't know what's going on in his mind.

bogum was his boyfriend for almost two years and he knows jungkook for only like some months.

but all he can think about was jungkook and only jungkook.

his eyes.

his smile.

his everything.

how he cares about him.

how much he loves him.

it was only jungkook, jungkook, jungkook and jeon jungkook!

"what did you do to me koo? i can't think of anything other than you." taehyung muttered under his breath and rested his head on the pillow now fully laying down.

he grabbed the blanket and pulled it up as the room was quite cold even it wasn't winter.

"who do i really love?" taehyung asked himself, loud and clear.

he knows both jungkook and bogum loves him but the question was whom did he love actually.

who was actually the one?

there is a fine line between liking and loving and he just needs to figure that out.

it was already the school party night. taehyung was in front of his mirror busy examining himself.

all these days, taehyung thought about his feelings a lot and he found himself thinking about jungkook more than he thought about bogum.

does that mean, taehyung liked jungkook more than bogum whom he claimed to love?

he weakly smiled at himself when he saw the perfect amount of makeup he put but the smile faded soon when he realized that he doesn't have a partner to go with tonight.

after that washroom incident where he pushed bogum away, they quite didn't talk to each other.

he really kinda hoped that jungkook would ask him to be his partner for tonight but he didn't, which shouldn't be shocking as jungkook already told him that he would ask jimin out.

but deep inside, he still hoped that jungkook would ask him.

taehyung smiled and decided that he would tell jungkook tonight about what he feels about him.

he knows even if jungkook is showing that he is moving on with jimin, he loves him and still wants him.

"i hope it isn't that late."

while on the other hand, jungkook walked with jimin but his eyes were searching for only one male.

but he wasn't still there.

he knitted his eyebrows when he saw bogum sitting with a plastic cup in his hand at a corner so taehyung must be around but he wasn't.

"what happened?" jimin asked seeing jungkook getting worried.

"nothing, nothing." jungkook shook his head no and smiled.

"oh there comes taehyung. he is looking so pretty!" jimin noticed the pretty boy walking in alone.


boring chap sorry!

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