46 :: damn it i love you

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[ last chapter <333 ]

jungkook was walking to his locker and like the day after he made his first wish, he saw kim taehyung standing in front of him locker with his back pressed on it. a small smile crept on the corner of his lips the moment he noticed the curly, black haired male.

"hey tae." jungkook greeted in a low tone and saw how happy taehyung looked. maybe because of bogum.

"hey kookoo." taehyung said and immediately pulled the other in a tight bone crashing hug as soon as he came closer, "be a little selfish baby."


jungkook couldn't process what the other said and closed his eyes when he felt the other's lips on the crook of his neck, kissing the area.

"what are you doing?" jungkook pushed the other ignoring the urge to keep going making taehyung sigh.

"you don't want me then fine, i will go back to bogum. shouldn't have broken up with him for you." taehyung said in a teasing tone and still jungkook was being the dumb one.

"what do you mean?" jungkook asked when taehyung turned around while biting his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out.

"it's fine and moreover you are happy with jimin right?" taehyung said and took steps ahead pretending to be mad while he was dying inside.

"tell me what did you mean by you broke up with bubblegum?" taehyung quickly turned around and started laughing at the bubblegum issue.

"bubblegum...." taehyung said in between his giggles but jungkook was so confused and curious at the moment.

"hey tell meeee!" jungkook wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist and pulled him close making him stop laughing and now they had an intense eyes contact.

"you love me?" taehyung whispered while jungkook nodded as he couldn't lie anymore. he loved kim taehyung.

"i am ready to go to hell if you take me." jungkook whispered back resting their foreheads together.

"i thought i loved bogummie but guess i didn't. it was just infatuation. i love someone else." taehyung said and jungkook knew what that means.

but he wanted to hear it from taehyung's mouth.

"who? whom do you love?"

"are you this dense?" taehyung laughed pulling away and shyly smiled thinking jungkook might have gotten the hint but was oblivious to the fact that jungkook was just messing with him. after all he waited for so long for this.

"tell me. i don't know."

"damn it, it's you idiot. i love you." taehyung confessed and as soon as his words got completed, he was pulled in a hug. jungkook hugged him with all his force making him giggle and hug back.

"come on." jungkook pulled away from the hug and grabbed taehyung's wrist. he was taking him somewhere and taehyung of course didn't mind.

he saw bogum standing in front and gave him a small smile which was returned by a bigger one but deep down, he knows how much he loves taehyung.

and he wants taehyung to be happy. even it's not with him.

bogum wasn't the bad guy, he was the bestest boyfriend taehyung ever got.

jungkook smiled at the other as they ended up in the rooftop.

"why did you bring me here?" taehyung asked and jungkook smiled, the most genuine and widest that he could manage.

"to throw you from here for making me wait this long." jungkook joked before pulling the other close.

"now kiss me you idiot." taehyung booped their noses together and smiled, while jungkook took the other's words seriously and didn't waste any more time to press their lips together.

finally, jeon jungkook got to kiss kim taehyung, his dream boy.

the kiss was short and sweet, both savouring the moment and didn't want to rush.

the kiss was short lived but it felt like forever. they pulled away only to connect their lips once again.

this time it was a little longer and passionate with taehyung grabbing jungkook's hair and jungkook massaging the other's hips.

they pulled away only when there was a shortage of breath.

"so we are boyfriends now." jungkook whispered panting and again rested their foreheads together.

"i guess we are koo." taehyung said and that was the moment,

when jungkook's wishes came true.


i suck at endings lmao

but did you like reading this book???

i hope you did. i will miss you :'(((

and moreover i was thinking of giving it a sad ending where jungkook wishes for forgetting taehyung but then thought that i shouldn't break my babies' hearts !!

and probably will publish an epilogue tomorrow. stay tuned !

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