07 | good or bad

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[EDITED ON 28. 07. 2019]
The edited part has a ***

"I'll see you in three months."

The sentence echoed through her mind followed by flashes of images that faded from her mind so quickly that it was impossible for her to grasp onto any of them. She caught lots of white, people in lab coats and blurred faces.

The images stopped coming in flashes and suddenly, she was lying on a bed, much like one a person would find at a hospital. Her hands gripped onto the white sheets under her to keep them from shaking. She was scared but she was trying extremely hard to not show it.

She was in a white room. The walls, the ceiling and even the tiled floors were white. Beds lined the walls with machines of all sorts next to them. One particular thing caught her eye and stuck to her mind. It was a mask hanging over the bed with wires coming out of it, making it look very menacing. Her hands gripped the sheets tighter as she waited.

People in lab coats bustled around the room busily, not even sparing her a glance. They all seemed busy with their own thing and it seemed, at times, as though they couldn't even see her.

The doors on the far right wall burst open and two teenagers walked in. One was a boy and the other was a girl with dark raven black hair. They both earned looks of surprise from the doctors which they promptly ignored as they walked over to them. Anne squinted her eyes, trying to see them better, but for whatever reason, their faces were blurred and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see them.

The girl smiled down at her. "I can't believe you're doing this."

"I asked the Chancellor whether she was joking when she told us what was going on," the boy added. "Let's just say he wasn't amused."

"How did you guys get in here?" Anne asked.

"She proved that she's really good at convincing people to do things they don't actually want to do," the boy answered with a laugh.

Anne rolled her eyes at the boy who received a not so gentle elbow in the ribs from the girl beside him. "I'm gonna miss you guys."

The smiles on their faces dropped immediately as though they were only hit by the reality of the situation just then. The girl pushed her dark hair away from her face.

"I'm so sorry, Anne," she mumbled.

***"You shouldn't be," Anne said. "I agreed to this. No one's forcing me to do anything. And besides, I'll hear from you soon."

"But you won't even know its me," the boy said, ducking his head and pushing his bottom lip out in a pout.

They stayed silent since Anne didn't know what to say to reassure him because he was right. ***

"I'll see you in three months," the boy said after a second of silence.

Anne nodded. "You better look excited or I'll kick your butt."

"No doubt about that," he laughed before leaning forward to pull her into a hug. He pulled away a few seconds later and the girl took his place.

"Please be careful," she mumbled.

"I can't make any promises," Anne replied softly.

"I know."

A doctor walked over to them at that moment, telling her friends that the procedure was going to begin soon and asked them to leave immediately. The two of them gave her one last hug and walked away, glancing behind them at her once before the doors closed behind them.

Anne lied back down on the bed and closed her eyes as the doctor injected a sedative into her arm. She could feel its effects almost immediately and as her eyes closed, only one sentence went through her mind.

"I'll see you in three months."


Anne pushed a piece of bacon around her still full plate. She was pretty tired since she hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. Weird dreams plagued every second of her sleep causing her to wake up every few minutes.

The last dream she had with the boy and the girl was stuck in her mind. It seemed a little too real to be a dream. Too detailed for something her mind could just conjure up randomly. What if it was a memory that had somehow come to her through her dreams. Who was the boy and girl? Were they friends that had been wiped from her mind? And what did she mean by saying she had agreed to whatever was going on? It was all so confusing.

"Let's play a game," Lincoln said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Anne let out a sigh. She would think about her dream later. She had been ignoring Lincoln for the past fifteen minutes and was starting to feel bad about it. "What game?"

Lincoln looked excited that she hadn't said no directly. He had noticed that she was in an off mood since she woke up that morning and was attempting to get at least one small smile from her. "I'll say two things and you choose one from them. But you have to do it really fast. No thinking."

Anne frowned, but nodded. The game for some reason seemed familiar, like she had played it before. Maybe she had but she would never know thanks to her memories being gone. "Okay."

Lincoln clapped his hands together, getting ready. He looked around the Glade for inspiration, eyes squinting as he thought about what to ask first. First would be an easy question to get things started. He finally looked up, a smile on his face.

"Red or yellow?"

"Red," she answered immediately.

"Green or blue?"


"Maze or Glade."

"Glade, you idiot," she didn't say it in a rude or angry way. In fact, there was a smile on her lips as she answered his last question.

"No, no no," Lincoln said, giving her a pointed look. "Around here we say slinthead. Not idiot."

Anne tried not to laugh, but it proved to be a rather difficult task. "That sounds ridiculous."

"And yet we still use it," Lincoln shrugged.

"You guys are crazy."

"I know," Lincoln whispered slowly and dramatically. "But don't let them know you realised it."

Their conversation was interrupted when a very determined looking Alby walked over to the table near them. Newt sat alone at the table, his eyes only lifting from his plate of untouched food when Alby spoke.

"I ain't leavin' til you talk to me, Newt," Alby started.

"This isn't gonna be pretty," Lincoln whispered to her. Anne tried not to look over at the table, but unfortunately it was all happening in front of her. She noticed that almost everyone in the Kitchens were doing exactly the opposite of what she was attempting to do. They were peering over each others shoulders, trying to see what was going on.

"I just wanna make sure you're alright, you know that," Alby was practically begging by then.

"I don't need you to do that," Newt mumbled, turning his gaze back to the waffles on his plate.

"Newt, after what happened in the Maze, what you need is someone to talk to," Alby said, determined not to let it go this time. "I'm here if you need me and I know that you do. You need help no matter how much you keep-"

"What I need you to do, is leave me the hell alone!" Newt snapped, anger and irritation clear on his face. "I don't need you all to treat me like some charity case. I'm bloody sick of it. I need you to treat me like a bloody human being. Not like someone who's trying to get himself killed!"

Newt stood up in one fluid motion, anger radiating from his body. He knocked his chair over in his haste to get up and stormed out of the Kitchens, ignoring the eyes on his retreating back. She noticed the look of pain on his face as he walked. His leg must not be feeling well.

Alby picked up Newt's chair and sat down on it, placing his head in his hands.

"Any advice, Greenie?" He suddenly asked, causing her to jump. "He seems to like hangin' round with you."

Anne had no idea what he was talking about. Yeas, Newt did sit with her while they ate sometimes but she wouldn't say that exactly. She glanced over at Lincoln who shrugged.

"Maybe.. he just wants to be treated normally," Anne finally said, remembering what Newt had told her the other day.

"Greenie, you have no idea what he's been through," Alby said a little harshly.

That sentence hurt her. Yeah, she had only been in the Glade for a few weeks, but it sure seemed like she was getting along with Newt better than anyone else. And Alby was the one who asked for her advice in the first place. She got up from her seat, feeling a bit too upset to sit there anymore. With her appetite gone, not that she was hungry before anyway. She picked up her plate before walking off to Frypan's little window. She placed the half finished plate of food on the counter.

"Not hungry?" Frypan asked.

"Yeah," she nodded. "And Clint asked me to pick up Steve's lunch on my way?"

Frypans nodded and left to get Steve's food. The Runner was still not feeling well and since Clint was sure he had a concussion, had been asked to stay at the Homestead until he was completely fine.

Frypans walked back with a tray. It had a bowl of soup and a glass of orange juice. "No solid food right?"

Anne nodded and threw a small smile to Frypans before she headed back to the Homestead and up the stairs. Clint was sitting beside Steve's bed, a smile on his face as he spoke to the boy. She placed the tray on his bedside table and turned to Clint.

Anne paced back and forth for a few seconds, thoughts whirling around her mind like a hurricane. She could fix this, or at least she wanted to fix this. She had a feeling she understood what Newt was going through despite not having gone through something like that herself.

"Anne, you alright?" Clint asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, uh..." She started unsure what to say. "Do you mind if I go outside for a while. I have something I need to take care of."

Clint nodded. "Sure. You look like you could use some fresh air."

She smiled gratefully and quickly ran down the stairs, headed straight for the Deadheads. Curious eyes followed her as she ran across the Glade but she ignored them.

Anne thought it would be difficult to find Newt within the trees but came across him pretty quickly. He was sitting with his back against a tree, legs stretched out and eyes closed. He looked more at ease than she had ever seen him. The trees offered him isolation and that seemed like what he needed at the moment.

"Go away, Alby," he snapped suddenly, causing her to jump in surprise.

"It's not Alby," she said.

Newt opened his eyes and sat up straight. "Sorry."

"So," she said slowly, leaning her back against a tree, "it's okay if it's me, but if it were Alby, you would have kicked and screamed until he left?" She raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed.

He patted the spot next to him, much like she had done a few days ago. "Look, you see how they all look at me. You're... Different."

"Good different or bad different?" She asked as she sat down next to him, crossing her legs underneath her like it was some old habit of hers.

"Good," Newt said, "definitely good."

"Mind if I ask how?"

He paused, rubbing a hand over his lips. "You're new here and maybe that's part of the reason why you don't treat me like I'm gonna break if you raise your voice or something," Newt frowned as he tried to explain. "It's... Refreshing."

"So, you like hanging around with me because I don't know you as well as the others?"

"Sorry, that sounds horrible now that you say it," Newt laughed, a tired laugh. "I just need someone to understand what I'm going through."

"I get that," Anne said. "And I'm pretty sure Alby does understand. He's trying to help in his own way. So, give him another chance maybe?"

Newt didn't say anything for a while and just stared at the grass with a blank expression on his face. For a second, Anne wondered whether she had crossed some invisible line but shook that thought out of her mind. She and Newt were comfortable enough around each other for her to give this kind of advice. This was advice he needed to be given and since no one else seemed to be stepping, she had done it.

Newt looked up at her. "Okay."

For now, that was all she needed to hear.


In that first paragraph, I'm not talking about white people, I'm talking about the colour white. Just thought I'd say that because that's what came to my mind while I was editing. (I'm laughing now!)

So, I was watching scorch trials and when the part where they are finding stuff in the mall comes I'm just wondering how I'd survive. I'm allergic to dust. Meaning I'll sneeze to death if I wore those dusty clothes. It's so funny, though. I'll die from sneezing and not in the hands of cranks.

I happen to really like this chapter. A little bit of Anne and Newt was here and I'm actually starting to get into the plot now! That's all I have to say. No it isn't, I have questions!


Who do you think the girl and boy are?

What on earth is going on in that dream or memory!?

Why did Anne think the game sounded familiar?

Do you mind how Newt's being written? Cause I'm a bit iffy about it.

OK, that's it. Thanks for reading. Byee!!!

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