17 | chuck

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[EDITED ON 28. 07. 2019]
I changed this chapter so that Anne doesn't go into the maze.

Chuck happened to be a tiny and chubby little boy who couldn't possibly be any older than thirteen. One look at the absolutely terrified boy and Anne hated the people who sent them there all over again. What kind of people would send such a young and innocent boy to a horrible place like the maze. Chuck deserved to live out in the world happily with his own family. He deserved to smile and laugh and have fun all day. He deserved to go to school and make friends. He didn't deserve the horror and hardwork they had to do to live in the Glade.

The poor boy spend half of his first day following Nick around like a lost puppy. His chocolate brown eyes were wide as he stared everywhere, taking everything in.

Anne sat at the tower, watching Nick give the kid the tour of the Glade. Since they weren't so busy, she had taken a small break to get out of the stuffy Homestead. Anne watched as Chuck jumped everytime Nick said a word. Nick hadn't been feeling very well that day. Clint had even told her that he had a pretty high fever but had refused to rest for the day since it was Greenie day. So, instead of sleeping like he should be, he was miserable as he walked around the Glade, showing Chuck around.

The sound of a creak from behind caused Anne to look up from where Nick was pointing out the kitchen and behind her. Newt had his lips pressed into a thin line and stood frozen behind her.

"I thought I'd be able to scare ya," Newt shrugged, sitting down next to her. "Guess I was wrong."

"Yeah, I guess you were," Anne mumbled.

"Whatcha doin' up here all alone?" Newt asked.

"Just watching," Anne said. "And you know, I thought I'd get some peace and quiet up here but apparently, I was wrong because here you are."

"Oh, yeah?" Newt asked with a small laugh. "Well, I thought you were thinking about volunteering to babysit the kid. Chuck, was it?"

"If you hadn't noticed, I have a job," Anne replied with a roll of her eyes. "You however don't, so you qualify for it better than me."

And before he could say another word, Anne got up and called out Nick's name and waved him over.

"What's going on?" Nick called, eyes squinting as he walked towards the tower, with his eyes on her.

Anne grabbed a very surprised Newt's hand and pulled him towards the stairs. They climbed down slowly with Anne trying very hard to ignore the fact that they were up so high. By the time they reached the ground, Nick was already there with Chuck.

"Newt over here is going to take care of Chuck," Anne said, trying not to laugh at the ridiculous expression on Newt's face.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Nick exclaimed almost immediately. He clapped Newt on the back and pushed Chuck towards him before mumbling something about getting some sleep and rushing towards the Homestead.

Anne laughed and started to follow Nick only for Newt to grab her hand to stop her. "Yeah?"

"You're gonna have to help me," he said.

"Sorry," Anne shrugged, a rather evil smirk on her lips. "I have work."


Chuck was sent to work with the Medjacks on his third day and by then, news had spread around the Glade that the boy was absolutely hopeless at anything he had done so far. He had somehow almost chopped off Winston's arm on the first day and ruined a whole bunch of plants on his second day working in the Gardens with Zart. Both Keepers had said that there was now ay Chuck was going to join them at the end.

Clint was a bit nervous after hearing all the stories but was nice to Chuck anyway. He was nervous despite it being his third day in the Glade. Anne smiled as he walked in, eyes wide as he stared at her.

"Staring is rude," she said.

"You're a girl," Chuck mumbled like he was in a daze or something.

"Kid, you aren't the first one to notice," Lincoln called form the other side of the room.

Unfortunately, Chuck proved by the end of the day that he wasn't going to be a Medjack. He continuously made mistakes and wasn't focused on the task he was supposed to be doing. He tried hard but Chuck was just someone who liked to give up quickly.

Newt walked in a while after lunch to see how Chuck was doing. He turned up just in time to see Chuck throw up and Lincoln run out of the room like someone had set fire on him or something.

"I'm guessing it's not going well," Newt said as he watched along with Anne as two slippers worked on cleaning up the mess.

"Nope," Anne said as she sat down next to him in the corridor outside the room. "I hate to say this, but Chuck isn't cut out for this job either."

There was a few seconds of silence before Newt spoke again. "So, how are you doing?"

Anne gave him a questioning look.

"You know, you've been working very hard the past few days," Newt said slowly.

Anne shrugged, "I'm fine."

Newt hesitated for a second before taking her hand in his and giving it a squeeze. Anne smiled a thankful smile at him. There conversation was cut short when Chuck came up the stairs.

"I'm back," he said sotly, unable to meet Anne's eyes.

"Okay, let's go buddy," Anne said with a smile. She slipped her hand out of Newt's and clapped a hand on Chucks back, leading him into the second Medjacks room. They still had a lot of work to do.


That night, Chuck plopped down in the seat next to her at dinner time along with a very tired looking Newt. Anne felt just a little bad for practically throwing Chuck in his lap on the first day. She had done it to keep Newt busy, but it seemed like he got a bit too busy.

"How are you doing?" Anne asked, taking a small bite of her food.

Newt looked up at her. "If you cared, you wouldn't have done this to me."

"Don't be so dramatic," Anne said, reaching out to pat Chuck's curls. "Look how adorable he is."

Newt rolled his eyes at her, though there was a smile dancing on his lips. He had only taken one bite of his food when Chuck gulped down his entire glass of water and proceeded to stare with puppy dog eyes at Newt until he finally gave up and grabbed the glass to go and get more water. Chuck waited until he was out of earshot before speaking.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Anne almost choked on her food. She swallowed quickly before turning to Chuck.


Chuck frowned. "Well, do you like him then?"

"Yes, I like him," Anne said before adding, "everyone likes him."

Chuck rolled his eyes at her. "I mean, do you like like him?"


"Well, that's too bad because I think he like likes you."

"No, he doesn't," Anne said, making a face at Chuck. The boy just wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Anne sat down her fork, no longer hungry. She looked over at Chuck who was well, chucking down his food like there was no tomorrow. He looked much better now than he did while he was working.


Anne's attention was drawn away from Chuck when Alby walked over to her. Any sense of warmth or really any feeling other than dread washed out of her mind at that moment. The only thing she could remember when she saw Alby was that he wanted to send her out into the Maze. Yes, she had been curious about what was outside but she never had any intention of actually going out there one day. The thought scared her to the very core.

Right when Alby saw Anne, he turned away and left.

"What was that about?" Chuck asked.

"I don't know," Anne mumbled.

Anne spooned the rest of her food into Chuck's plate and got up to return her plate to the kithhen before going to bed. She needed to sleep. On her way to the kitchen, she passed Newt who was only just then returning with Chuck's water.

"You alright?" He asked as soon as he saw her, almost as though he sensed that she was in fact, not alright.

"I'm fine," Anne lied, shaking her head. "Just sleepy."

"Okay," Newt said, the frown not leaving his face as he watched her head towards the kitchen. "Good night."


This chapter is like a whole bunch of dialogue but a slightly happier chapter. I feel like I've made Anne sad enough already. She shouldn't always be upset and thinking about stuff right?

I actually updated on time because I'm in a pretty good mood after watching the mv for boy with luv. It was awesome! Enough fangirling, let's go to the questions.


What did you think about them holding hands?

What did you think about Chuck saying Newt likes her?

What do you think will happen out in the maze?

Are you excited for a while chapter dedicated just to Anne and Minho?

How much do you love Chuck?

Okay, that's it. Thank you! Bye!

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