19 | darkness comes

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The next two weeks passed in a blur of activities which Anne couldn't even remember, mainly because it was just that uneventful. Alby gave the day after Nick's death as a free day for everyone to grieve their own way.

Most of the Gladers spent the day lying around or walking aimlessly across the length of the Glade. Some went into he Deadheads to visit Nick's grave. Alby had requested the builders to build a glass box for Nick's body to be placed in so that "no one else would be stupid enough to try and escape through the box." His words, not anyone else's.

Alby was acting very weird, anyone could see that. Some of the boys even wondered whether Alby was actually fine as he claimed to be. On the third day after Nick's death, he announced Newt as his second in command after taking Nick's place as the leader of the Glade. Newt who had been standing next to Anne during the announcement went so pale that Anne thought he might faint.

Over the days, Newt proved that he was fit for the job. He along with Alby got the Glade running the way it used to in no time and it was almost as though Nick's death had never even occurred though there still was a somewhat gloomy atmosphere hanging over them. Nick would never be forgotten but they did have to move on. They couldn't mourn his death forever.

Soon, the day when a new boy would come to the Glade had come. The boys were excited but wondering how things would go this time since Nick wasn't there. They all knew that Nick was the clam and gentle one while Laby was a bit on the rough side. The boy had issues when it came to controlling his temper and that only got worse after his friends death.

Around the time when the box would come, Alby could be seen pacing back and forth near the box, mumbling to himself. Since it was a very slow day, Anne wasn't as busy and was sitting on the lawn near the Homestead with Newt. She pulled on the grass as Newt talked, listening to every word he said while nodding her head.

This was something the two had been doing for the fast few weeks. They talked to each other more and more over the weeks and Newt found that he felt better when he talked to Anne. She was a good listener and made the weight on his shoulders feel a lot lighter. It was clear that they were much closer than they used to be.

"Why hasn't the bloody box come up yet?" Newt sighed, aquinting his eyes as he looked towards the box. This was normally around the time when the box would come up. Why it hadn't come up yet was causing all the boys to feel uneasy.

"Has it never been late before?" Anne asked.

"Nope," Newt said, sighing as he laid down on the grass, grabbing Anne's hand and pulling her down with him.

"Shouldn't you be trying to calm your friend down," Anne asked gesturing towards Alby. "If he walks like that any longer, he's going to dig himself a hole near the box."

Newt chuckled and turned his head towards her. "Just enjoy the moment won't you?"

Anne turned towards him as well only to flush pink and look away when she realised just how close the two of them were. After knowing him and hanging out with him for over three months, there was no denying the fact that she felt something towards him and that something made her heart beat a hundred times faster everytime he was close enough.

She also couldn't put her mind off the fact that Newt, despite being very busy, managed to make time for her every single day. He would show up whether it was only for an hour or just a minute and she knew that she enjoyed his presence and spent most of the day waiting for him to show up.

Newt opened his mouth to say something then, but was cut off when the loud alarm rang, signalling that the box was arriving. He shot up, eyes wide with excitement and stood up before reaching out a hand to pull Anne up as well.

He smiled towards Anne pulling at her hand slightly to guide her towards the box where most of the other Gladers were also headed. He made no progress though, because Anne stood rooted to the spot. A frown made it onto her face and a piercing headache caused her to wince.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked over the sound of the alarm, looking worried when he saw Anne suddenly go pale.

Anne turned towards Newt, frowning again when she stumbled as her vision blurred before her eyes. Newt grabbed her shoulders to steady her, asking her over and over what was wrong. Anne didn't reply and instead turned towards the box where more boys were gathering, unaware of what was happening with Anne.

A single tear fell from her eyes and the world went black.


Words can't describe how horrible of an author I am for not updating. My sorry's literally mean nothing anymore because I fell like I've apologised too much and haven't acted on my words as much as I should've. I'm trying to get chapter up weekly now though.

Just a hint. The books going to end pretty soon now.

Thanks for reading.


Who do you think is coming up in the box?

What's happening to Anne?

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