Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


       Cannon and I had been playing video games and watching movies all day, but we stopped when Cannon ended up falling asleep in the middle of the current movie we were watching. For once after these past few days, he actually looked peaceful.

       I hated it. Not that he was peaceful, but because this was the only time he was. I just wanted him to be happy and peaceful all the time. He was struggling way too much and I hated seeing it.

       I paused the movie so the sound wouldn't wake him up, though I doubt it would considering he always had a hard time sleeping at night. He was probably exhausted.

       I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and shortly after, my parents walked in with my mom carrying my baby sister Ivy. "Hunter, we have to head out for a bit," Dad said. "We are, hopefully, going to try to talk some sense into our stupid best friends."

       "Good luck with that," I said. As much as I wanted it to happen, I doubted it. Last time Cameron and Jess planned on getting a divorce, nobody was able to talk them out of it.

       But there was no shame in trying.

       After Mom and Dad left with Ivy to go talk to Cannon's parents, I made myself a sandwich to eat since I was bored. I could always work on one of my songs but ever since I told Kevin I didn't want to sing the song I was given, I felt like I couldn't write anything.

       I was at a writer's block and I hated it. I wanted songs I could be proud of, not songs that were only being produced because they would do well.

       So I spent most of my time in the kitchen because I didn't know what else I could do.

       I thought Cannon was going to be asleep for a while but he wasn't. He soon stumbled into the kitchen and as soon as he did, I sighed. You have got to be kidding me.

       "Hey, so I found this bottle under your bed," Cannon said, his words slurring a bit. "And I wanted to try some but the funny thing is that it tastes sooooo weird. Do you actually like the taste of it?"

       "We're not going to talk about that right now," I said, walking over to him and taking the bottle out of his hands. "Why did you go to my room after waking up?"

       "I thought you were there," Cannon said before frowning. "You left me alone in the home movie place thingy. I didn't want to be alone."

       "Sorry," I said, heading over to the fridge to grab the water jug so I could get him a glass of cold water. I was hoping he would stay in the kitchen but he didn't. By the time I poured the glass of water, he was no longer in the kitchen.

       I sighed, walking out of the kitchen with the glass in my hand. At least it didn't take me long to find him. He was in the living room, standing on the coffee table.

       "Cannon, what are you doing?" I asked.

       "I was about to recite one of my songs?" Cannon asked. "Want to hear it?"

       "Not until you get off the table," I said. "I have some water for you. It will help."

       "Help with what?" Cannon asked. "Reciting? I don't need the help. Hear, listen to this."

       "Cannon, seriously, get off the table," I said, but he ignored me as he started doing a dramatic recital of one of his songs.

        "All I want is to make you smile even when you're feeling down. I promise when you need me, I'll be there."

       "Those aren't the lyrics, Cannon," I said.


       "You missed two lines. Those aren't the proper lyrics."

       "Oh, I had to skip them because it makes me sad," Cannon said and moments later, tears starting pooling in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Hunter. I'm such a horrible best friend. I don't deserve you."

       "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Never mind, forget that." I placed the glass of water down before holding my hand out towards him. "Come on, I'll help you get down."

       Cannon placed his hand in mine and stepped off the table, but he almost lost his balance and stumbled a bit. He would have toppled over, but I quickly wrapped my other arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me so he wouldn't fall.

       And for some reason, I ended up getting lost in his eyes. His bright, sky blue eyes...

       Wait, what was I doing?

       I cleared my throat and released my grasp around him before reaching for the glass of water and handing it towards him.

       His eyes started watering even more as he took the glass. "You're so amazing and I don't deserve you."

       "Don't be ridiculous, Cannon," I said, leading him to the couch to sit down since he was swaying a bit staying on his feet, and I sat down beside him. "If anything, I don't deserve you."

       Cannon scowled. "Don't put yourself down like that. You are amazing and kind and sweet and loving and I'm so horrible for keeping a huge secret from you."

       "It doesn't matter if you're keeping a secret," I said. "If it's yours to tell, you're not obligated to tell me."

       Cannon now looked like he was about to burst into tears. "See?! You're too nice. I'm really sorry I never told you my big secret. Hunter... I'm bisexual."

       I sighed. This was going to take a lot of effort taking care of drunk Cannon.

       "I know, Cannon," I said.

       "You... You what? Is it that obvious?" Cannon asked.

       "Uh, yeah, because you told me a while ago," I said. 

       "Ohhhhh. That makes sense. Did I tell you the other thing?"

       "What other thing?" I asked.

       "Nothing," Cannon muttered. "Am I still a horrible friend?"

       "No, of course not," I said, scooting closer to him on the couch. "You are the best friend I could ever ask for. Would a hug make you feel better?"

       Cannon nodded, so I pulled my drunk best friend into a hug and for some very odd reason, my heart started beating a lot faster. What was going on?



sorry canter makes me fangirl too much i love them 

so here's a gif because im canter and cake af:

i need more gifs of them 

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