Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


       I woke up with a pounding headache and when I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was lying on the couch in the living room instead of in the guest bedroom. Or should I say my bedroom? I technically lived here now.

       I sat up on the couch, rubbing my forehead. I didn't think I had ever gotten drunk before but I was pretty sure this was a hangover.

       Hunter soon walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, carrying a glass of water and a plate with a sandwich on it. "I see you're awake now," he said, sitting down beside me and handing me both the water and the sandwich. "Here, these should help with your hangover."

       I sighed and took both of them. "I knew that's what this headache was." I looked at the sandwich to see what it was. "Bacon?"

       "Yeah, trust me, I of all people should know what helps with a hangover," Hunter said. "So how are you feeling?"

       "Just great," I said sarcastically. "You know, apart from this nasty headache and my parents forgetting all about me. Did I... Do or say anything embarrassing when I was drunk?"

       "It depends what you count as embarrassing," Hunter said. "You did cry a lot. And you were reciting one of your songs but you skipped a few lines because it made you sad, all while standing on the coffee table. It was actually kind of cute."

       Hunter said that with a smile, which only made me scowl. "Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was hilarious."

       "Did I say hilarious?" Hunter asked. "Because I'm pretty sure I said cute, not hilarious. Oh, and I forgot. You also told me this huge secret of yours that you've been keeping for a long time."

       Oh no. Please don't tell me I drunkenly confessed my love to Hunter. I'd die of embarrassment and then be homeless because I couldn't keep living here and I wouldn't be able to go home.

       "Yeah, you told me something very shocking," Hunter continued. "Apparently, you're bisexual."

       "Wait, what?" I asked.

       "Yeah, you forgot that you told me months ago, so you were crying and calling yourself a horrible friend for not telling me," Hunter said.

       "I am a horrible friend," I mumbled before taking a bite out of the sandwich.

       "Cannon, you seriously shouldn't be saying that at all," Hunter said. "I'm going to tell you what I told you last night and I'm going to say even more now that you're not drunk out of your mind unable to remember anything. You are the best friend I could ever ask for. You are funny and smart and courageous and basically everything I want in a best friend."

       "Okay, but I'm actually none of those so... Are you drunk too?"

       Hunter chuckled. "No, I'm not. You really are all those things, Cannon. Like... It's very hard for you to not make any situation lighter by adding humour to it. Whenever I'm feeling down, you always try to make me feel better even if you're not feeling too good yourself."

       "That's because you deserve to be happy," I said.

       "Yeah, and so do you," Hunter said. "Cannon..." He gently rested his hand on my shoulder. "Just because you're parents are being extremely stupid, it doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy. You do. So much. You are the most amazing person I've ever met and I'm really glad you're my best friend."

       I looked over at Hunter, my heart beating out of my chest. Why did I have to fall for this amazing person? I loved him so much but I knew we were never going to happen.

       And it killed me inside. He was the love of my life but... I wasn't his.

      I had to look away from him so I wasn't completely sucked up under his love spell. 

       If I wasn't already all the way under.

       "Are you going to be okay?" Hunter asked me.

       "Yeah," I said softly. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks. For the sandwich and for putting up with my drunk self. Which apparently seems like a mess."

       "Oh, yeah, totally," Hunter said. "You really weren't afraid of your emotions when you're drunk. All you did was cry and cry and cry and..."

       "Alright, I get it," I said, rubbing my forehead. "How long does it take for this headache to go away?"

       "It always depends on the person," Hunter said. "But luckily for you, I know exactly what helps them go away faster so eat the sandwich, drink the water, and I'll even go get some painkillers for you."

       "Thanks," I said. "You really are amazing."

       "I know," Hunter said before getting up from the couch and walking out of the living room to get me some painkillers.

       Why couldn't I fall for someone who wasn't my best friend? Why did I even have to fall for someone? My life would be a lot easier if my heart wasn't taken by anyone at all.

       When Hunter came back to hand my the painkillers, I felt like glaring at him for being so wonderful.

       As you could see, I was a very complex person.

       "Cannon," Hunter said as I took the painkillers. "You have to promise me that if you ever feel upset, you just talk to me, okay? I know what drinking can lead to. I know what can happen if you turn to alcohol every single time something goes wrong. I don't want it happening to you too."

       "It won't," I said. "It was just a one time thing. It's just... All the emotions of what I've been feeling because of my parents just hit me. I already know you'll be here for me whenever I need it. Which I really hate."

       Hunter furrowed his eyebrows. "What is that supposed to mean?"

       "You've helped me through everything," I said. "Every time my life turns upside down, you're here."

       "Yeah, and you're here for me," Hunter said. "Through my drinking, my disease, everything. You need to stop putting yourself down, okay? You are an amazing person and I would really appreciate it if you stop beating yourself up."

       "No promises," I muttered.


i love canter so much and they make me so happy <3

and i'm so tired and hungry but i'm also too lazy to do anything ahahahaha. it doesn't help that i was out of my hotel room all day and i kept wanting to go back but i wAsN't AlLoWeD tO

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