Chapter 10 - The Runaway Princess

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After Sylvia illuminated the path, we trailed it all the way out of the city. It stopped in the snow fields. "Shit, where'd she go?!" Rhythmus said. "Uh... Over there." Cobalt pointed into the distance, where icy mist was rising into the air. "We have to hurry." I said, as we all ran towards the cloud of ice. "Back off!" I heard Shiva shout, followed by a monster's screech. "You get some too!" I heard her shout again, followed by another monster's cry. We ran into the forest, and saw Shiva up ahead. "...?" Rhythmus raised an eyebrow. "She's gotten stronger." He mumbled. "Just by wiping out a few monsters?" I asked, as he nodded and walked towards her. "I don't need help, Rhythmus." Shiva huffed, crossing her arms. "Please, your mother is very worried." Rhythmus replied, grabbing her hand. "Let go." She said, as he let go of her hand. "Shiva I will drag you if I have to." He said. "Why should I go back? I hate that place." She said. "I'm aware that you despise being a princess, but it's not safe here." Rhythmus said. "You three can head back if you wish." He said, turning to us. "I'll handle this." He said, as we nodded, and headed back.

Rhythmus' POV:

"Shiva we have to go back." I spoke, as the princess glared at me. Her ice blue eyes piercing my soul. "Don't glare at me, it's not safe here." I said. "I don't care. I can take care of myself, see?" She scoffed, pointing to the dead monsters behind her. "..." I sighed, crossing my arms. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going back this time." She said. "Then I won't either." I stated, kneeling to face her. "Why the sudden change of heart?" She asked. "Because I had promised to stay by your side." I smiled. "So if you wish to stray, i will too." I said, as she smiled. "Thank you." She said, hugging me. I hugged her back.

Wisteria's POV:

"Heheh... That's some cute fluff." Sylvia silently giggled, watching Rhythmus and Shiva hug. "Mind your own business." Cobalt pushed her away with his finger, mushing her face. "OI!" She squeaked, then covered her mouth, realizing that she was kind of loud. "Hm..." I said, sitting on a boulder, looking up at the stars. "Aquarius, Cassiopeia, Aries, Cancer..." I mumbled, as I looked over the constellations. "Hey Wis?" Sylvia asked, sitting on my shoulder. "Yes?" I replied. "Connect the dots between these stars." Sylvia said, pointing. "What's that?" I asked, curious about what constellation she pointed out. "It's Rhea. She's one of the fairy gods." Sylvia said. "Hm... I've never heard of her, let alone her constellation." I said, staring at the stars again. "You're surprisingly interested in the stars, huh?" Sylvia laughed. "No, it's one of the things Eden worshipped. The Clan not only worshipped the earth, but the sky as well." I said. "Interesting." Sylvia said. "SHIVA!" All of a sudden, we heard a shout, and a loud roar.

"Shiva?" I said, hopping off of the Boulder, as the three of us ran to where Shiva and Rhythmus were. Rhythmus was holding Shiva, who's arm had a large gash, with a lot of blood. There was a loud dragon in front of us. "A DRAGON?!" Cobalt and Sylvia shouted. "I have no idea what it wants, or where it came from, but it's most definitely hostile!" Rhythmus shouted. "Rhythmus, Sylvia, Take shiva and get to safety!" I shouted. "Cobalt, we're gonna buy them some time!" I said. "O-okay!" He said, a bit confused. The dragon snarled, as Cobalt drew his sword. I created vines to hold the dragon back, but he burnt them to ashes. "Look out!" Cobalt said, as the dragon roared, creating a powerful force of wind. The wind knocked me and Cobalt into the rocky part of a hill, and everything went black.



Heya peeps! It's me, WaffleCake!

I've made this chapter a cliffhanger! MUHAHAHAHA!

Sorry for the lack of many pics in this chapter. I only had time to do one XD

So, I guess I'll see you all in the next chapter!!

Bye bye!~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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