Part 5.1

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Illyrian Space Vessel 242
Transmission from Captain Tyrius of Vane (Command Order, Second Class)

This is Captain Tyrius of the Illyrian Space Vessel 242. We require urgent assistance. We are moored in space, at the intersection of the Veridian and Rhymian corridors. Our engines have failed. Life support is holding, but that will be of no consequence soon. Even in this dark silence, we hear her coming. She calls out to us in our nightmares.

We are a crew of 400 - three hundred biological organisms of the Illyrian race, and one hundred androids of the guard and military orders. All 400 face imminent death. The metallic capsules of our android brethren will not spare them the fate that awaits the rest of us. Mother knows no race. Mother knows no love. Mother knows no pity.

She moves towards us as I speak. She refers to us as her children, and we know we are marked for destruction.

We cannot flee. We cannot defend ourselves. Our illyrite-powered cloak is offline.

I repeat, we require urgent assistance...


Excerpt from The Curiosities of Space, 3rd Edition

Every Illyrian child knows the story of Mother. If you are bad, she comes for you. She turns you into nothing. Your parents will not remember that you ever existed.

Yet Mother is more than simply a story. Some version of the children's tale does exist, and it does so with malice.

Information on Mother is difficult to come by, as most who have seen her do not live to tell others of it. The few accounts that exist are listed below in chronological order. Dating is in illyrite years. (For those not acquainted with our planet's customs, an illyrite year is the time it takes one kurtoq of illyrite to form in Illyria's mantle).

Illyrite Year 7346 (Post Synthesis)

Vernian satellite imagery shows a spectre travelling southwest along the Tailgate Passage. The spectre is described as both "a shifting darkness" and "a starry void". Vernian authorities abandon investigations, citing damaged footage and conflicting accounts.

Illyrite Year 7365

A similar spectre is picked up by a Veridian drone circling Aquarius 5. It is described as "writhing blackness with disappearing eyes". It is possible that the "eyes" refer to the same phenomenon responsible for the "starry void" described by the Vernians. Veridian authorities downplay the event.

Illyrite Year 7555

A shooting star is seen in the skies of Galacia Prime. Witness accounts vary greatly. Some describe a shifting centre with a purple tail, others a mirage of stars that appeared and disappeared along the skyline. The first mention of butterflies is found here, but upon questioning witnesses could not explain why they associated the meteor with these particular creatures.

Illyrite Year 7556

Galacia 5 is struck by a meteor. A cacophony of natural disasters follows. Witnesses describe hordes of black butterflies descending from the heavens, along with a darkness they claim moved and devoured everything. Galacia 5 is rendered uninhabitable before the phenomenon can be properly studied. Rumours of planets vanishing entirely begin to circulate.

Illyrite Year 7559

This is the first, and only, close-range account of Mother. The night of a sudden meteor shower on Sarsarus Prime, a farmer and his friend claim to have seen a cluster of falling stars take the shape of a woman. Black butterflies were sewn over her eyes, and her hair - a galactic blaze of lilac and green - crawled with the beasts. She had skin like aged rock, and her skirts were "singing waterfalls". Her torso, as the farmer described it, was "sometimes the sky, and sometimes the forests, and sometimes the stars". It is unknown what is meant by this.

The woman was entranced by a field of pale green flowers with their petals turning in the breeze. The butterflies receded from her face, leaving her eyes a bright, mesmerising blue. The creatures also faded from her hair. She tended to the flowers with such gentleness that the witnesses could not help but smile. All the while, she whisper-sang "Phaedra, Phaedra". (There are records of a planet named Phaedra. It ceased to exist in illyrite year 7200).

If she were not so mournful, she would have been beautiful. She did not respond to the men, her gaze meant only for the flowers.

The farmer's friend, seeking to comfort the woman, spoke words to the effect of "You are very good with the flowers".

The woman only smiled to herself, so he continued: "It is as if they are your children, and you their mother."

This was the wrong thing to say.

The waterfalls of the woman's skirts froze and cracked. Her skin crumbled. Black butterflies clawed their way back into her eyes.

She stood, her once serene face now contorted with apocalyptic rage. Her body was collapsing with all the fury of a hurricane, its roar of destruction no less than deafening. The stench of decay sickened the air for miles.

"My chidren," she hissed, "killed me."

The farmer and his friend ran.

The farmer is among the survivors of Sarsarus's destruction.

His friend was not so lucky.


It is unknown why Mother targets some planets and bypasses others. Too little is known about this being to speculate on its motives.

Many scholars would argue that the listed events are unrelated. It would not be unreasonable to conclude that a true meteor was responsible for the dismantling of Galacia 5, and that the rumours of planets vanishing are simply that. However, it is this author's humble belief that a great destroyer of worlds is upon us. The cosmos only knows what would happen if she found Illyria.


Illyrian Space Vessel 242
Final transmission from Captain Tyrius of Vane (Command Order, Second Class)

This is Captain Tyrius of the Illyrian Space Vessel 242.

Our situation is dire.

Holes have appeared in the hull, their edges tinged with rot. The stench of decay hangs heavy in the air. An unholy singing echoes among the stars. Mother is almost upon us.

If anyone can hear us, please respond.

It has been an honour to captain this noble ship. We have explored, and we have discovered. We are in awe of this universe and the many treasures it holds. If our journey should end now, we will meet our maker with sadness, but also pride. We have fulfilled our calling. There is no pursuit more noble than discovery.

The stench has become unbearable. My first officer thinks he can see her now. She is so close.

If anyone hears this, please respond.

This is an emergency transmission from Illyrian Space Vessel 242. We are trapped at the intersection of the Veridian and Rhymian corridors.

If this message reaches you, please send urgent assistance.

Our next transmission will be in 12 illyrite minutes.

If you do not hear from us again, you may assume that we have fallen prey to the entity known as Mother Phaedra.


Author's Note

If this chapter has raised some questions about a certain snow-capped dictatorship where the citizens swear by an afterlife called Illyria, head over to the short story Broken Snowflakes (1,828 words). You can find it on this profile. You just may find some answers there ;)

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