Part 5.2

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"It was a spaceship."

Maya frowns. "That can't be right. Are you sure?"

Ruby's lips form a grim line. "Project Omega is a spaceship. And not just any spaceship. It's made from fire quartz."

Maya weaves through a gaggle of costume-clad children. "I don't understand. Why would Big Boss be building a spaceship?"

"Don't you get it? Big Boss isn't a werewolf. He's the other Phaedrean."

Maya crashes into a sorceress with bat ears. "What? The government is most likely discussing space travel behind closed doors, and they've commissioned Atlantis Corp to make the first spaceship. This doesn't make Big Boss an alien."

Ruby shakes her head, frustrated. "Then why would Miranda send me there? The project wasn't a secret. That could only mean that she knew the spaceship meant something to me that it wouldn't to other people. That's why she's scared. She knows, or suspects, that the man she married isn't human."

"I can't believe this." Maya takes the steps two by two. "I'm sure there's a more reasonable explanation."

"Think about it. It explains why he's so interested in Lily. And it explains how Onyx knows him. He gave Lily's dad a shard of the Orb of Ariadne, Maya. Only a Phaedrean can unseal that orb."

A cold knowing wriggles its way up Maya's throat. Ruby is making sense, and that scares her.

"The spaceship. Do you think he's trying to go home?"

"There is no home," Ruby replies bluntly.

"He might not know that."

Ruby shakes her head. "Do you remember the disjointed memories Lily told us about? This other Phaedrean is responsible for Phaedra's destruction."

"How can one person destroy an entire planet? Is he that powerful?"

"I don't know, but Lily was convinced he's responsible. If Big Boss unsealed the Orb of Ariadne, he's been working with Scion. Whatever his game is, it's nothing good. He's powerful, he's dangerous, and he's been playing us this whole time."

Maya gulps.

And he has Addy.



Big Boss chooses Maya's galaxy room for their awkward conversation. Addy can see why. As soon as you step inside, you're engulfed by the black void of space. Planets, stars and asteroids, all shrunk to human scale, hang in the void. Steps of black velvet materialise under Addy's feet, appearing only where she's going and disappearing when no longer needed.

This room was built for private conversations. You could scream blue murder here and no one would hear you.

Big Boss takes a seat on the rings of a dust-coloured planet. Addy picks a patch of glowing silver stars. She places each foot on a star, silently in awe of the amount of magic Maya could afford.

"Let me be blunt with you, Adamantine," Big Boss says. "There is no sick relative. I have spoken to Lily's father. She has lied, and you have been helping her."

Addy hangs her head. "I didn't mean to lie. I'm so sorry, Mr Valence. Lily does have a good reason; she just didn't want to worry anyone. She's been very ill. We thought she'd get better, but...she isn't going to."

Big Boss appraises her. "Why should I take the word of an employee who admits to having deceived me?"

Addy wrings her hands. A spaceship whirs by.

"I must admit, I am deeply disappointed in you, Adamantine. This is out of character."

"I'm sorry," Addy whispers.

Big Boss steps onto a fire-speckled asteroid. The light from an overhanging nebula turns his body into one flickering shadow. For a moment he's not Addy's boss, but a yawning celestial nothingness, and Addy doesn't know what shape he will take.

The door flies open. In the rectangle of light is Maya, panting like she'd run all the way here. "Big Boss!" she shouts, then cringes. "I mean Mr Valence."

"Miss Cerberus," Big Boss says, surprised. He's no longer a crescent of unformed nothing, but Addy's boss again, with the same old spectacles and disapproving frown.

"Mr Valence, I was just looking for Addy," Maya continues. "I have speak to her about."

A flicker of annoyance passes over Big Boss's face. "Could it wait? We are in the middle of a very important conversation regarding Adamantine's employment with Witch Doctors Inc."

Addy's heart sinks.

"It's very urgent," Maya insists.

Big Boss opens his mouth to argue, but the door flies open again.

This time everyone stares with shock.

Heart-shaped hair, and black wings studded with amethysts. Dark magic as a butterfly, teetering on the edge of space.

It can't be, but it is.




Lily flashes a grin at them. There's something not quite right about it, but Addy can't say what.

"How courteous of you to finally join us, Miss Hartfeld," Big Boss says.

Addy rushes to speak over him. "What are you doing here, Lily? You were very ill, remember?"

Lily shrugs. "I'm better now. I'll be returning to work tomorrow morning."

Maya's mouth falls open. "But"

A satisfied smile takes over Big Boss's face. "I suppose your father informed you that the charade was up."

"I did speak to him," Lily admits. "But that's not why I'm back. The truth is a bit complicated, but I can provide a full explanation tomorrow. For now, you can be assured that I'm back for good."

Big Boss seems somewhat placated. "Well. We will certainly have a discussion about your deception. For now, you are welcome back."

Lily chuckles. "Nothing could keep me away."

Something in her voice makes tiny stars shoot down Addy's spine.

"Lily, can I talk to you?"

"I'll speak to you tomorrow, Addy. I have a few things to take care of tonight."

"It's past midnight." Maya frowns. "Shouldn't you rest if you have work tomorrow?"

Lily gives an elegant laugh. "What's that saying about there being no rest for the wicked?"

Big Boss follows her out the door. Maya and Addy watch until they disappear.

"That was strange," Maya says. "Lily was adamant about never using magic again."

Addy turns to her with hollow eyes.

"Maya," she says. "That's not Lily."

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