Chapter: 6

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(A/N: Extra long [2500]  just bc I couldn't upload last Sunday)       ❤️🖤

It was warm...a comfortable warm. The kind of warm you associate with a fond childhood memory, a warmth that fills one soul. Jimin didn't know why he was feeling this warmth, but he gladly wallowed around in it. No complaints from him, none at all.

He reached out for a memory that wisped by, grasping it in his hands and holding it close. The memory burned bright, a film unraveling in front of his eyes. Enveloping him in an overwhelming sense of nostalgia.


A quaint wooden cabin stood in the middle of a vast field, the meadow stretching as far as the eye could see. A faint outline of mountains painted the horizon line, meeting the vast blue skies halfway. Rays of bright light glazed the land in a soothing heat, mingling happily with the midsummer breeze.

He knew the cabin all too well, the clothing lines that strung from one pole to the next, the little vegetable garden that thrived in the warmth of the sun. The old wooden outhouse positioned in the back and, of course, the happy little family of two the quirky cabin housed.

He could practically hear the airy laughs of a joyful mother, accompanied with the innocent giggles of her carefree petite son.

He went to take a step forward, to fully submerge himself in the juvenile warmth of his childhood home. But before he could even take a step further, a gust of frostbitten wind raged by. Sweeping away all the warmth that burrowed its way into Jimin's soul, only leaving him with a hallow feeling in his soul. A sinking feeling found its way deep in his gut, the fear of what was coming next, constricting his lungs and chest.

The swaying tall grass that danced carefree just moments ago, was suddenly set ablaze, a ravaging fire burning though the grassland. His childhood house in flames, the precious garden his mother had poured so much of her heart and soul into, the same garden he had helped his mother plant and harvest annually. Was now trampled and crumpled, ravaged to the point that the vegetables and herbs cried for sweet release. The once blue cloudless sky, now caked in smoke. The moon going into hiding, away from the evil below, abandoning the child below crying for his mommy.

He was just a child, barely able to formulate proper sentences, a child who only saw the good in people. A child who had only experienced love, who hadn't seen any hate in his short life.

He was crying for his mommy to stay. He just wanted to hug his mommy. He just wanted to stay with his mommy.

The mother, on the other hand, was trying desperately to get the boy to run, to run far far away from this place. To get him out of the clutches of evil that clawed for him, that tried to drag him under. She tried to look strong for her son, but tears slipped past her iron grip, gliding down her otherwise flawless face.

"Jiminie, you need to go, you can't stay here, I can't let them have you," She pled to the crying boy.

"I-I can't l-leave you! I n-no want y-you to h-hurt!" He wept into her shoulder as the shouts around them grew, to be almost unbearable to his sensitive little ears.

"And I can't let them hurt you, I love you too much," She swiped away the tears that cascaded down his chubby face, sorrow filling her expression.

"I-I won't leave m-m-mommy," He was so stubborn.

"Yes, you will. You must." She fixed the straps of the worn messenger bag that laid on his tiny shoulders. The bag contained spell books she couldn't let burn, certain irreplaceable possessions tucked away safely. Food and water that, she knew, wouldn't last the boy long. She was scared, no-


"Promise me," He said, looking up at her with an evident pout on his lips. "Promise me you will come back to me," It had to have been one of the only coherent sentences he had ever spoke, and pride burst through the woman's chest. He stuck out his short, stubby pinky finger towards her. She knew this was the only way to get him to leave, but she also knew she could never fulfill his promise.

"I promise," She smiled, in hopes it would really sell it. She intertwined her smallest finger with his, meeting his green gaze with her own. Looking as hope sparked in his eyes, and guilt spread through hers.

He wrapped his arms around his bag, squeezing the life out of it. His worn pink toy bunny tucked into the crook of his elbow, its head slumped forward.

"I love you my little cricket," Her voice cracked as the nickname slid from her tongue. A new hot wave of fresh tears already streaming down her face. She held the little boys face with shaky hands, pressing one final kiss to his forehead. Sealing their goodbye.

"I l-love you too m-mommy," He rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his mother, not yet ready to let go.

The shouts were escalating quickly, soon to haunt the boy every time he closed his eyes. He didn't understand them back then, but now he heard their message loud and clear...every night.

Burn the witch.

Pitchforks waved in the darkness, torches thrown left and right. Illuminating the dark, before spreading its toxic touch to anywhere that would succumb to its burn. Trying to forever erase the witch's existence, but sadly, only burning this tragic night into the reminiscence of the land.

She pulled away from her baby, knowing he wasn't going to let go on his own. She reached behind her neck, unclasping the pendent that hung low on her neck. With shaking hands, she clasped the sapphire stone around her son's neck, along with a silver necklace adorning a ring that was suspended in its grasp. The ring needed no explanation, it was her source of power, her wedding ring.

She pointed at the sapphire stone,

"Don't ever take this off, and don't ever listen to the feline grace of the night, he's bad news," She spoke in a grave tone, trying to drill her cryptic message into the boy's head. Her last and only warning.

"Promise me you won't ever, ever give this to him. Promise me you won't listen to him," The boy didn't understand what she meant, he as just cold and scared. He didn't know why his mommy looked at him with such a crucial expression, but he promised her any way.

"I promise," She smiled, shooing him away.

"Now run my child, and don't look back. RUN!" The little boy went sprinting off into the tall grass. Never looking back, even when the yelling got to an all-time high, when the fire roared louder.

Even when he heard feminine shrieking poisoning the cold night air.

He just ran, running deep into the forest. Trying his best to not stumble over his own chubby legs, and although he was clumsy, he never fell once that night.


Jimin watched as the film grew dim, the ache in his chest burning. Tears he thought left him long ago, finding their way back down his cheeks. One thought echoing though his mind, the same thought that has been haunting him for years.

She broke her promise.


Cat P.O.V

The cat couldn't sleep.

Why couldn't the cat sleep? You may ask.

Well, it was because of none other than the emerald-eyed witch.

He had been whimpering in his sleep, tossing and turning so much he had pushed a grumpy cat off the bed. The cat had not been very happy, in fact said feline was pissed. Because now he was sleeping on the floor, like some sort of animal, and he was no such thing.

On the outside, yes, he was a midnight coated cat. And yes, he had the anatomy of such a feline, and he may or may not like to mess with yarn balls. But that was beside the point! Mentally he was a powerful being, a rare lifeform, an occult, and not to mention handsome. At least according to almost everyone he ran into, talked to, tricked, manipulated, killed, etc.

The point being, he was tired of being in this cursed feline body. He wanted his old form back, he wanted his full powers returned. He wanted revenge on all those who wronged him, including the witch who had cursed him to walk the earth a cat.





Talk about rude.

He didn't mean to do what he did...well actually he did. But he didn't expect what happened to happen. Ya know?

But now, he was forced to seek out the only witch that could help him, the witch with the sapphire stone. His sapphire stone, his stone that had been unrightfully taken away from him. Leaving him with almost zero magic, he had to store up so much magic over these past 20 something years. And all just to control and imprison this stupid witch. The witch that just wouldn't. stop. WHIMPERING!

If he were in his true form, he would throw a pillow at the other occults stupid face, and smother him. But all he could do was bang his head against the floorboards, an unenthusiastic meow accompanying each thud.

Then, the whimpering got louder, a chorus of whining now joining the symphony of noise. His frail looking body started to shake, the whole hut shaking with him. This got the felines attention.

He cautiously got up, looking around the inside of the trembling hut. Pots, bottles, herbs, books, miscellaneous knickknacks, everything quivering and seemingly waiting to tumble out of place, to come crashing to the floor.

The feline jumped onto the bed, examining the witch's troubled expression. Flinching when he heard a series of crashes behind him. He stuck his little paw out, slowly poking the occults cheek. Watching as the witch's nose scrunched, but other than that nothing.

Time for plan B.

He raised his paw, striking the witch' head. Everything stilled for a moment, until the shaking resumed, much more violent than before.




He looked at the bookshelf stationed above Jimin's head, where a few books stood shaking in their place. He jumped towards the window, digging his claws into the drapes that hung loosely from a pole above the window. He slowly climbed up the curtains, positioning himself precariously on the horizontal pole. He crouched down, aiming for the shaking books.

He pounced, targeting the wooden shelf. Sadly, he fell a little short. Only able to grab a singular spell book, before tumbling to the sleeping occult below. He let out a series of distressed yelps, gripping onto the book for dear life as he tumbled.

The book and distressed cat landed with an ugly thud...right on top of the troubled witch's head.

Jimin woke with a pained cry, pushing both the cat and book away to cradle his pained head. The cat let out a startled shriek as it, yet again, fell. Landing on his side, because lord knows he couldn't land on his feet to save his life.

Jimin let out a string of curses, glaring at nothing in particular. The feline, on the other hand, stood dazed, thankful for the halt in the noises. His plan might not have gone as, well, planned. But at least the witch was awake, and the hut stopped shaking. So, he'll count that as a win.


P.O.V Jimin

Jimin's head was thudding, pain showing no sign of stopping. He didn't even know why his head hurt, he just woke up due to an explosion of pain on the side of his head.

He glanced up at the bookshelf above his head, noticing a spell book missing. His gaze flitted over to the drunk looking cat that was swaying back and forth on the floor, his missing spell book lying right beside him.

"Did you do this?" He asked as he pointed to his head.

The cat looked up at Jimin, giving him this 'who else would' look. Ultimately answering his question.

"Why did you wake me up?" And Jimin was sure that if cats could laugh manically, that the feline in front of him would be doing so right now. The said cat was rolling around on the floor, head thrown back in a silent laughter. The cat seemed to easily make Jimin feel small, he was quite condescending.

"Fine, I guess I was aggravating you in some obvious manner," He looked around, taking note of the state of untidiness his hut was in. Glass shards scattered all over the floor, books spewed across the room, even his cauldron was over turned on the floor.


He must have had a nightmare, weird that he couldn't recall such a terrifying dream-

Jimin cried out in anguish, gripping his head. The said nightmare rushing back into his conscious, along with all the dreadful feelings that accompanied the dream.

He started to heave in breaths, his vision blurred. Tears burned as they escaped his eyes, his hands shook as he held them to his face. His body shuddered as a sob escaped his lips, continuous tears slipping down his face. Though as soon as that first sob left his lips, the dam broke, and he wept uncontrollably. An unbearable ache in his chest consuming his whole being, a horrid feeling of sorrow and loss burning trails into his soul.

The cat that was shocked by his sudden change of emotion, stared at the man in mild fright. He leapt up on the bed, trying to get a closer look at the other occult, trying to figure out what was wrong. Only to be grabbed by said man, and before he could protest, Jimin wrapped his arms around the cat. Practically cutting off his air supply, leaving the cat literally breathless, and speechless over the witch's loud sobs.

So, the grumpy cat let the man cuddle the life out of him, adding him to his list of people to get his revenge on.

Eventually, Jimin's sobs ceased, his breathing reverting back to its normal paced motions. The feline waited for the other to let go, but he didn't.

With great difficulty, the cat turned his head and looked up and behind him, only to be met with a snoozing witch. He fell asleep...AGAIN! But this time he had the cat trapped in his grasp, and this feline form didn't have the strength to break out of said iron clutch.

He meowed and yelped, even tried to bang his head against Jimin. Sadly, nothing worked, he was stuck.


Guess this is karma for landing on his face.

(A/N: I'll try not to upload so late, but no promises. I would also love to read your comments, so feel free to comment! Pls)

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