Chapter 7:

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(A/N: Sorry for missing TWO uploads, I've been bombarded with homework and projects galore. And to top it all off, I've got a terrible cold. I can't breathe, my throat hurts, and I sound like a 70 year old smoker who smokes 20 packs a day/a prepubescent's great👍🏻)

P.O.V Jin

It smelled of old parchment and the midnight oil. The insistent flipping of pages filled the otherwise silent night. The said room was lit only by a single candle, the burning wick illuminating the exasperated mien of a certain priest. The haunting image of black and red wings burned permanently onto his eyelids. Sleep alluded him, but the pull of curiosity and fear kept him awake. The fear of the unknown, the fear of all the possibilities of what could happen, what this could mean.

So, until then, he kept flipping.


Jin didn't know how long he had been down there, in the archives. In the church "library" that conveniently no one knew about. All for good reason of course, after all, ignorance is bliss.

The walls and floor were made of old grey stone, an ancient rug thrown haphazardly on the floor in a sad attempt to make the room seem more inviting. The lack of comfortable furniture and fireplace only further extending its cold appeal. The room was large, yet bare save the dozens of old wooden bookshelves that twisted and turned like some sort of musty timber maze. Dust danced through the room, as shadows danced on the walls from the longstanding encased candle.

Jin sat in one of the two uncomfortable arm chairs posed in the middle of the archive. Feet folded beneath him to warm his cold toes, a blanket draped over his shoulders to fight off the evident cold of the church basement.

He flipped through book after book, read page after page, searched through dozens of letters and documents. Nonetheless, nothing on the "topic" he was looking for. There were plenty of magic related (illegal) documents that talked about the basics of magic, all the way to complex rituals and summonings. Just nothing on tattooed runes...absolutely nothing

It didn't seem like a very common practice, maybe even a lost one, considering no one has written anything about it anywhere. Jin was starting to run out of patience, he had spent the whole night and probably even the entire day trying to find out something about Jungkook's condition. Yet, nothing.

He was about to resort to violence, and start throwing random books in frustration. When a sudden rush of cold wind swept through the room, whipping around the bookcases and wrapping around Jin's body. It only lasted a few more seconds before subsiding, although the familiar feeling of being watched fell upon him in the form of a heavy gaze.

He bored holes into the page he was reading, too frightened to look up, frozen in place by those wandering eyes. Sadly, being the curious priest he was, he had to do something.

He slowly closed the book in his hands, setting it down carefully on the stack of discard books to the right of him. Jin took off his reading glasses, glancing up as he scanned his surroundings. Only to find that he couldn't see into the dark abyss around him with the pitiful candle he had, Jin couldn't even see more than 5 feet in front of him. Only the looming figures of dozens of old bookcases, and long abandoned torch sconces jutting out from the walls.

It was like this for a while, the ever-looming heavy gaze of some unknown creature, and Jin sitting still, not knowing what to do next. He was in the middle of debating whether he should call out to the stalker, or make a run for the spiral staircase on the far side of the archive. When there was a sudden thud, then another, then another. Each one increasing in volume, the thuds closing in around him. Until a book dancing on his edge of his field of vision fell off the shelf, seemingly on its own. It was quiet, until a book off the top of Jin's discard pile was slammed against the small coffee table on front of him.

He, very professionally, jumped. Choking on a scream, that seemed to be stuck in the middle of his throat. He was on his feet, ready to bolt to the staircase, when the candle blew out. Plunging the room into a murky darkness. Almost instantly he lost his bearings, not knowing in the staircase was to the left, behind him, or even right in front of him.  Jin even made the mistake of turning in a circle, bumping into multiple things in the process.

After several attempts to find his way, and failing, he eventually plummets. The loud beating of his heart filling his ears as he crashes to the floor, wincing and blinking away tears as a sharp pain shot up his side.

The sudden sound of footsteps resounded through the archive, Jin curling into himself. Going into a fetal position in a futile attempt to feel protected. Although, just as soon as the footsteps started, they stopped.

A low hazy light buzzed in the otherwise dark space, momentary breaking Jin out of his trance. He cracked open an eye, peering over his limbs...only to see book emitting a dim blue light. He gaped at the glowing book, not trusting what his eyes were seeing. Just then, another book did the same, except this book was a few feet away from the first.

More and more books lit up, all of them forming an uneven path into the dark abyss. Disappearing behind bookshelves, although Jin could still vaguely see the popping up of lights going deeper and deeper into the maze of shelves.

On shaky legs, he slowly pushed himself up, and stared at the path laid out before him.  Acting on impulse, he started to walk the path of books. Carefully peering past shelve corners before continuing. Eventually, the path led to a dead end, and on the wall adjacent to the bookshelves flanking both his sides, was an oval mirror.

He couldn't see his reflection very well, he looked more like a silhouette. Jin turned in a full circle, wondering what to do next. When there was yet another thud to his right. He flinched and ran into the bookshelf to his left, only to see a lone (non-glowing) book on the floor. Its cover unlike anything Jin had seen. It was far from the usual minimalistic books of the church.

The cover and spine were decorated in complex swirls of silver, looping through and around each other. Holding a variety of different gems in their metal grasps. Hints of gold peeked through the sliver, ingrained in the leather of the book.

Jin ran his fingers over the spine of the book, slowly turning it in his grasp. He noted the yellow, aged, parchment that peeked beneath the sliver bindings. He also noticed the little square block of metal keeping it closed, a lock.  Jin looked for a key hole, but was only met with its smooth surface and slight oval dip on the front of the lock.

He didn't understand what he was supposed to do with some locked book, seemed pretty useless to him.

Just as that thought crossed his mind, the temperature dropped. An uneasy chill sweeping through the room, that same unwavering gaze amplifying tenfold. A heavy presence could be felt behind Jin, tall, intimidating, and definitely not human.

And just like the first time he encountered this being, he froze in place. Unable to move, unable to breathe. The cold moved closer, Jin's swallow breaths becoming opaquer as it stepped closer. So close, in fact, that its breath could be seen in Jin's peripheral vison. Its ice cold, rigid, chest pressed against his back.

A pale hand slowly slid down Jin's arm, practically glowing in the dark abyss. Jin watched in fearful awe as the pale hand traced the veins on his hand, the hand much larger than his own. Large enough to strangle a whole being with just one grasp effortlessly, so whitish the moon pales in comparison.

Jin looked up, gazing into the mirror to his left. His heart stopping, his eyes glued to the mirror.

A pair of bright silver eyes stared right back at him, who knows how long they were staring at him, maybe even waiting for him to look back and meet his gaze.

He couldn't see much due to the lack of light, but he could make out the general figure. He was tall, muscular, and looked like he could just step on Jin and crush him with no effort whatsoever. However, none of that really caught Jin's attention, nope. What caught his attention were the glowing eyes staring right into his soul, eyes that seemed to light up the room like how the moon lights up the night sky. The dark, not seeming all that dark after all.

He removed his icy hand from where it was resting on Jin's own. Jin watched in a trance as he brought his hand to his mouth, revealing a pair of sharp canines. The occult pressed his finger down on his own fang, pricking a vein. As he removed his finger, he made a show of dragging his clean fingers across Jin's clothed arm. Once he reached the lock, he gently pressed his bloodied digit down on the oval divot in said lock.

A beat of silence passed, before a soft click resounded through the archive. However, neither made a move, both just standing. Then, the taller began to step away, ready to leave a confused priest once again. Sadly, said priest didn't like that idea as much.

Jin turned around, grabbing the others bicep trying to ground the other. Unfortunately, the occult just kept walking, dragging a struggling human in tow.

"Can you just stop for two seconds- "

The other just growled as he continued through the library, obviously annoyed by the not-so-sudden peak in interest.

"Please, I just want to ask you one question- "

Apparently, the occult didn't have much patience, because he spun around seized Jin's wrist and wrenched it off himself. Mumbling incoherently, he started to stomp off again.

Jin rubbed his wrist when a dull ache started to manifest. He knew he couldn't follow this thing through the dark, it was clearly the occults territory. So, he went for the next best thing.

"HEY! Silver eyed stalker dude! I wanted to ask you one damn question! Or are you seriously going to leave again," The stomping ceased to a slight shuffle, but it still wasn't enough to get him to stop. Jin just huffed.

"Why won't you listen to me- "

His rant was interrupted by a cold hand sliding over his mouth. An almost crushing grip on his jaw, as the occult yanked him back. The cold growing almost unbearable, a complete contrast to the hot breath tickling his nape.

"You don't want to know me,"

He whispered against the shell of Jin's ear, sharp canines dragging across his ear.

Jin shivered as he struggled in the others grip. Ultimately, he gave up. Instead, settling for a muffled question.

"W-Why not?"

The other let go of Jin, instead moving his hand to the back of his head. The occults fingers wove themselves into Jin's hair, yanking back violently, exposing his neck. To prove his point, he lowered himself till his bared fangs were pressed against the pale flesh of Jin's Adams apple. Slowly, he dug his canines into his neck. Listening very closely to the erratic pumping of blood, the almost nonexistent expanding of his lungs. He continued to press slowly into the flesh, stopping before he could draw blood.

Instead, he pulled back slightly. opting for a slow kiss to the two circular indents on his neck.

Jin's neck suddenly burned, the subzero room seemingly increasing in temperature. His whole face flaring up, as he got the abrupt urge to cover his face.

The grip in his hair loosened, the taller resting his head in the crook of Jin's neck. A smirk adorning his pale features, as he spoke his next few words.

"That answer your question?"

(A/N: So many unanswered questions...did that answer any of yours?)
I have no voice, but I still screamed through the whole thing, words can't do this masterpiece a justice! And yes, I have been listening to it on repeat since the second I got that notification.
Okay...I'm good...for now. Until next time.

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