Hey maybe we should build a treehouse!

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I started to wake up as the sunlight shined on my face. I felt a body next to me.

I swear if its Garroth I'm going to push him on the floor!!! I thought.
When I looked it was only Johnny. Garroth was still asleep on his sleeping bag. I smiled thinking about the kiss that happened last night. I looked over to my digital clock on my desk and it read 9:27am. I got up picked out some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I was careful not to wake Garroth and Johnny. When I was done I went back in my room to find Garroth still sleeping and Johnny nudging him to wake up. I laughed to myself and went over to wake Garroth up.

"Hey wake up!" I said while gently pushing Garroth's arm

No response.

"Garroth come on wake up!" I said pushing him a little harder.

He moved a little and mumbled something.

"What did you say?" I asked while still pushing.

"I said I'm up!!!" He said while burying his face on the pillow.

I laughed.

"Well come on get up let's go do something today!" I said excited.

"Like what?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Well we can take your bike in the woods and ride it to our favorite spot!" I said.

He got up got his backpack with his clothes in it and went to the bathroom without saying a word.

I got up and open my laptop. I started checking through my messages and emails.

Ohh Bath and Body Works is having a 40% of sale today! I said to myself.

I played around in my computer some more until Garroth was done showering.

"Shall we go eat now your hiness!" He said while putting his towel to dry at the edge of my door.

"Alright let's go my jester!" I said walking past him and laughing.

We both went down stairs and into the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the island drinking coffee and reading something on her Ipad.

"Hey mom!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey guys!" She said and rudded Garroth's hair messing it up.

"Hey!" He complained and me and my mom laughed.

I filled up Johnny's food bowl with food and the other with water.

"So I'm going to go to the grocery store! Wanna come?" My mom asked us while getting the keys to her car.

"No thanks we have plans for today but if you need us to come we can go!" Garroth said while getting two bowls and putting cereal in them.

"No it's ok you guys don't have to come!" My mom said.

"Where's dad?" I asked while looking for Johnny.

"He's out with his friends from work. He said they're going to rent out some motorcycles and ride them around town. See you guys later!" She said and closed the door.

I was checking around the house for Johnny while Garroth pored milk in our cereals.

"Cool I didn't know your dad rode motorcycles!" Said Garroth.

"Oh yeah he used to have one but sold it when we moved!" I said checking under the couches.

Garroth chuckled.

"What!" I said looking up at him.

"He never came down stairs with us remember!" He said while laughing.

"Ugh! Should have told me that before!" I said running up stairs.

I found Johnny laying on his pink bean bag.

"You cat!" I said annoyed and picked him up and went down stairs.

I put him down so he can eat. Then a sat on the island next to Garroth and began to eat my cereal. When we finished I garbed a backpack and filled it with granola bars and got my Ipad while Garroth filled our water bottles.

"Ready!?" I asked.

"Water bottles,granola bars, I pad......our phones!" He said and ran upstairs to get them.

He came back down with with our phones in hand and stepped out side while I locked the door. We went across the street over to his house to get his bike.

"Let me said hi to my parents first!" He said and went inside.

I waited outside. Then I saw his bike and tryed to get it out but it was stuck to something. Then Zane came outside to throw out the garbage. He looked at me surprised and went to throw it out.

"What are you doing outside?" He asked.

"I'm waiting for Garroth!" I said

"Oh! What are you guys gonna do today?" He asked.

"We're going to ride his bike around!" I said.

"Do you want me to get it out for you?" He asked.

"Sure it's kinda stuck tho!" I said looking at it.

He went over and gave it a pull.

"Yeah it's really stuck in there. Hold on!" He said and went to the back of it and started untangling something off the back wheel.

"Okay now pull it!" He said and I pulled it out.

"Thanks!" I said and smiled.

"You're welcome!" He smiled back and blushed.

"So yo-" I began to say.

"LET'S GO!" Garroth said with a smile on his face but soon faited once he saw Zane.

"What are you doing here?" He asked him.

"Zane came out to throw out the garbage and then the helped me get your bike out!" I answered for him.

"Okay. Lets go Aphmau!" Garroth said glaring at Zane.

"Bye Zane!" I said while getting on Garroth's pegs.

"Bye Aphmau!" Zane waved goodbye and went inside.

Garroth started to ride us down the street.

"Please tell me you don't like him!" Garroth said.

"Garroth for the 100th time you can't control how I feel about others!" I teased.

"NO.... NO NO NO NO NO!!! APHMAU PLEASE DON'T TELL ME YOU LIKE HIM!!!" he yelled and entered the woods.

"Then I won't!" I teased.


"So then laurance?" I asked while smirking.

"HELL NO!!!" yelled Garroth.

I laughed.

"Then who can I like?" I asked.

"Me" I heard him whisper. I blushed.

"We're here!" He said and stopped the bike.

Our favorite spot was a little trial on a small cliff. At the bottom on the cliff was a couple more trees than a lake. The others in the group didn't know about this spot only me and Garroth. I found it about 6 months back. One day I was going there alone but I didn't know that Garroth was following me and that's how he knows about it. Ever since that we always called it our favorite spot.

We sat down on the trail and Garroth took a water bottle out and drank from it.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Maybe we can stay here for a while *he whispers make out!* And after we can do something with the group!" He says.

"Did you say make out!!!" I said while laughing.

"Maybe!" He smirked and drank more from his water.

I laughed harder.

"What you did kiss me last night!" He said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"W-What NO YOU KISSED ME!!!" I said still laughing.

"But you kissed back!" He smirked.

"So what was I suppose to do just stand there?" I asked.

"I don't know I honestly thought you we're going to kick me where the sun don't shine!" He chuckled.

"I would of but it was my first kiss!" I said and blushed.

" I know." He blushed.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me. We stayed their for a while looking up at the trees.

"Maybe we should build a treehouse!" I said.

"That will be so cool!" He said.

"Yeah let's plan out how it'll look!" I said getting the I pad.

"Wait you're serious!" He said surprised.

I looked at him with a serious face.

"Yeeees!" I said and started to draw.

Garroth moved to sit behind me and put his chin on my shoulder. I drew and tree and a house in the middle of it. Then I drew a latter going up the tree into the house and a tier tyed to a rope hanging fro the bottom of the house.

"Like that maybe!" I said.

"Ummm let's make it more interesting!" He said and took the iPad.

He took a picture of our favorite spot and sat back down. He started to draw a house with a balcony to the side.

"On the balcony instead on a tier we can have a zip line that leads to the lake so we can jump off and land in the water!" He said.

Than he drew a small bridge connecting to the trial.

"And instead of a latter we can have a bridge leading to the trial!" He says and gives me the iPad to have a closer look.

"Its perfect!" I say excited.

"Yeah I know!" He says and lays back.

I lays down next to him.

"The only thing is that the others have to help and then they'll now about our spot!" He says looking at me.

"Thanks okay we'll find another spot!" I say and smile.

"Well let's get going and tell the others!" He says.


Anyway guys thats all for today hope you all enjoyed!!%>_<%
And maybe I'll update again today!!!!




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