My First Kiss

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(12 and 13)


Two years have passed and everything is just great!!! Me, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Zane ended up having some classes together in school since were all the same age and grade. And Garroth and Laurance have almost all of their classes together.

I finally met Cadenza and she a really nice and fashionable girl. She is also part of our group. Vylad made friends his age and mostly hang out with them now but sometimes he hangs out with us. Zane has his own group of friends also but he doesn't really hangs out with us he only comes to bother us.

Oh and he still likes me. He won't admit it but everyone knows. One time I caught he putting a love letter in my locker. He got so red when he saw me his head would have exploded. Laurance still trys to hit on me. But I keep telling him that it's never going to happen but he doesn't give up that easily.

There this new kid Dante that moved to the neighborhood a year ago well he's not new anymore I guess. Dante is really cool he looks after me like an older would. Him, Garroth, and Laurance are 13 now and everyone else is 12. Except Vylad he's 11.

I feel like me and Garroth are the to closest friends in the group. Sometimes me and the girls would have sleepovers while him and the guys will have theirs. And sometimes the whole group would have one big sleepover together but the girls sleep upstairs and the boys downstairs (parents rules). But when me and Garroth have sleepovers with just me and him our parents are fine with us sleeping in the same room. As long as one is on the bed and the other in a sleeping bag.

Right know it's Friday February 14 and I'm in the last period of the day history and it's 5 minutes till the bell rings. I have this class with Kawaii~Chan and Cadenza. And no, no ones asked me to be their valentines except Laurance but I said no. And Zane tryed making his attempts put ended up chickening out. There's only one person who I really want to be valentines with!!!

"RING!,RING!,RING!" the bell went off taking me out of my thoughts. I packed my things and my phone buzzed.


Garroth:Hey meet me where the bikes are at!!! ;)

Aphmau:If you're going to take me home on your pegs! -_-

Garroth:Of course!!! O(∩_∩)O

Aphmau:Okay I'm coming!

End of text

I walked out of the classroom and started walking right.

"Ummm Aphmau the buses are to the left!" Said Cadenza.

"Yeah you coming Aphmau~Senpai!" Asked Kawaii~Chan.

"No Garroth just asked me to go home with him!" I said to them.

"Oh OK see you later!"said Cadenza

"Bye!" Kawaii~Chan said and they started walking down the hall.

"Yeah later!" I said and kept on walking.

When I got outside I saw Garroth standing next to his bike holding something behind his back.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey how was your day!" He asked.

"Boring!!! I mean I did get a lot of chocolates from the girls but that was the only good part about my day." I said.

"Well I'm about to make it ten times more interesting!!!" He said and got on one knee.

"You're not gonna propose to me are you? Because my answer is no!"I said laugh.

"Aphmau I love you laugh, your smile, your kindness, and personality.... " he said all serious.

"Oh my Irene help me!!!" I said dieding of laughter.

"Aphmau on this special day *cough* February 14 *cough* will you make me the happiest man on Earth and be my Valentines!!!" He said and took out a rose that he was hidding behind his back.

"YES!!!!!" I screamed out and hugged him.

He spined me around and kissed my cheek.I giggled.

"Lets go home now my Valentines!" He said and got on him bike.

I jumped on the back pegs and he started ridding.

"So what do you want to do this weekend?" He asked me while petalling.

"Well I don't know about the weekend but can you sleepover my house tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah sure!"He said and rode me to his house.

He parked his bike in the garage and we went inside to his room upstairs. He went in his closet to get his clothes and sleeping bag then went to the bathroom to get more things while I was getting his Xbox. The first time I went to his house he showed me his favorite game called Minecraft and I fell in love with it. So everytime we have sleepovers we would bring it to my house. We wouldn't have sleep overs at his house because of his brothers so we would just go to my place.

When we got everything we went across the street to my house we ran upstairs and Johnny followed us when we got to my room Garroth started to plug in the Xbox and I took his phone to text his parents that he that sleeping over at my house.

"So I got everything set up!"Garroth said.

"Garroth before we start to play I wanted to tell you thank you!" I said to him while petting Johnny.
"For what?" He asked confused.

"For everything..... not for just being my valentines but for being my best friend and always being there for me when I needed you because I always need you!"I said.

He rested him forehead on mine.

"By need me you mean need me to do your math homework for you right!" He said with a smirk.

I pushed him down on the floor and got on top of him and pinned both of his hands down with mine.


He laughed and manged to get out of my grip and pulled me down to him so I was laying on his chest.

"W-What are you doing!" I asked surprised.

"Well since I have to do you math homework for life you'll have to stay like this for life!"he said.

"Fine you don't have to do my math homework anymore!"I said annoyed.

"Alright cool!" He said.

"SO CAN YOU LET GO OF ME NOW!!!" I sceamed

"Nope!"he said popping the "p"

"Pleeeaaasssse!!!!!"I begged him.

"Fine but you'll have to kiss me first!" he said smirking.

"I HATE YOU!!"I said.

"No you love me!" He sang out the love.

I got up to face him. He pucked out his lips. Then I turned his face and kissed his cheek.

"HEY!"he winned.

"Well you didn't say where!"I said smiling.

For the rest of the day we played minecraft. Then we ate dinner and went back to keep playing. It was 11:30 and I was getting really tired. I can tell he was too.

"We should go to sleep now!" I said.

"Yeah let's go!" He got up and went to the bathroom to change into his pajamas. While I change into mine in my room. His pajamas were different shades of dark blue pants with squares but he never wore a shirt. Thats ok cause he had a six pack. I wore a pink long sleeve shirt with a purple heart in the middle and purple shorts.

He rolled out his sleeping bag next to my bed like he always did and I layed down on my bed. He went to turn off the lights. Then I felt his body lay next to mine and he wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing your suppose to sleep on your sleeping bag!!" I scrold him.

"Yeah but I still want to be with my valentines it's not 12:00 yet!" He said.

"Whatever but you better get off once it's 12:00!" I said.

He got on top of me like I was on him earlier. I tried wiggling out but he was too strung for me.

"I never got my valentines day kiss!" He said with a smirk.

Before I could say anything else his lips were already on mine. At first I was shocked but then I kissed him back. I wanted to stay like this forever. My first kiss!!! I thought. Then he broke it of and smirked.

"I knew you loved me!" He said.

I blushed.


Anyway guys this is the end of the With me since the beginning marathon :'(

I know I know it's I'll give you my shoulder to cry!!!

But anyway thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed
Shout outs:



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