Chapter 7: Revelation

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"Maki-chan...? Nico-chan...?" Kotori's voice pierced the silence, shattering the romantic atmosphere that was set a while ago. The sound of Kotori's voice filling the music room caused the two love birds to jerk apart, breaking the kiss that they shared...

-Earlier on at the Idol Research Club when Nico and Maki left-

"What just happened?" Honoka questioned, tilting her head to one side quizzically. Witnessing Maki's sudden outburst and Nico frantically chasing after the first year had left the 7 μ's members completely baffled.

"Maki left suddenly and Nico chased after her, nyaa~" Rin 'retold' the story to the rest of the μ's members though that was not the explanation they were looking for.

"If its Nico and Maki...things might be aggravated. They can't be left alone together, they bicker all the time." Umi admitted as she contemplated the possible outcomes of Nico and Maki being together. The result had always been a squabble.

"Yosh! Let's go after them too." Honoka declared, her hand forming into a fist to exhibit her determination.

"Let's go." Kotori chirped, in support of Honoka as always as she darted out of the Idol Research Club room before anyone could respond, successfully taking the first place.

"That was fast." Umi commented, following after Honoka and Kotori though slightly astonished at the quick change of events.

-At the music room-

"Maki-chan...? Nico-chan...?" Kotori's voice pierced the silence, shattering the romantic atmosphere that was set a while ago. The sound of Kotori's voice filling the music room caused the two love birds to jerk apart, preventing them from being locked into a passionate kiss. Kotori and Umi stood at the entrance of the room as the four μ's members gazed at each other, exchanging shock glances at each other.

"There they are!" Honoka's voice reverberated through the corridor and shortly after, Honoka, along with Hanayo and Rin arrived at the scene. Three new pairs of eyes found their way to Nico and Maki as the two lovebirds shifted uncomfortably at their spots, trying to grasp the sudden change of events. Nico shifted and hid behind Maki, the tall build of the first year successfully shielding her from the scrutinity of the five pairs of eyes.

"What's going on?" Nozomi inquired as she arrived at the music room along with Eli.

"T-T-They... They..." Kotori's voice was barely audible as she rose her hand shakily to point at the two μ's members standing inside the music room. Kotori, Umi, Maki and Nico were blushing furiously as they awkwardly stared at one another with Nico peeking out from behind Maki.

"Let's head back to the Idol Reasearch Club room first." Eli proposed, sensing the uneasy atmosphere between the four μ's members.

-Back at the Idol Reasearch Club room-

Nico and Maki sat together, averting the gaze of the seven pairs of eyes that were fixated on them. A tense atmosphere seized the room as neither of them exchanged sentences. Time continued to tick by as each of them froze at their spots. One minute, two minutes, four minutes, eight minutes...

"Mou! I've had enough of this awkward silence! Nico-chan and I are dating all right." Maki admitted as she slammed her palms on the surface of the table and stood up abruptly, her face exploding with redness.

"Eeeh?!" Everyone except Nozomi shrieked in utter disbelief as they switched their gazes from Maki to the petite third year. They stared at the sable haired with wide eyes, searching for conformation of Maki's sudden and forthright confession. Nico glanced at the seven μ's members and nodded slowly in response, her face as flushed as Maki's.

"Well, they've confessed now, let's leave the two lovebirds alone, shall we?" Nozomi said with a chuckle as a slight glint of amusement twinkled in her eyes.

"You knew?" Eli turned to look quizzically at Nozomi and so did everyone else.

"My cards told me." Nozomi held a card in between her middle and pointer finger as she flashed it for the members to see, "Besides, it so obvious even without my cards having to tell me." Honoka, Rin and Hanayo stared at the card in awe as their mouth formed an 'o' and in a matter of seconds, they each returned to their original tasks, paying no heed to Nico and Maki any longer.

"Ne, Nico-chan..." Maki stared down at her hands that were placed on her lap as she twiddled her thumbs. The third year turned to face Maki in respond, propping her head up with an arm that was resting on the table and watching her expectantly.

"Would you...would you like to come to my house for a sleepover?" The scarlet haired managed to broach the subject with much difficulty as she tentatively rose her head to catch a glimpse of Nico. The sable haired was momentarily stunned by the first year's question, as she froze with her head still resting on her palm. Maki quirked an eyebrow at her senior when she failed to garner a response from the raven haired girl. When the third year regained her composure, she was tempted to tease her junior but decided against it in case the first year changed her mind, after all, it was very un-Maki like to be inviting someone over.

"Sure." The raven haired finally responded, causing Maki to heave a sigh of relief and plaster a shy grin across her face. Nico too, broke into a face-splittering grin as she assessed the fact the the stoic first year had just invited her for a sleepover.

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