Chapter 8: Sleepover

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"Come on in, my parents are not around." Maki stated in her usual stoic mood as she held the door to her house open, signaling for Nico to enter. The raven haired took a step in tentatively, her mouth hanging slightly ajar as she gaped at Maki's palatial and swanky house. The third year's eyes glided over the furniture that sat in the living room as she stood rooted to her spot, overwhelmed by the opulent and luxurious home of the first year.

"W-Where am I suppose to put my things?" Nico managed to find her voice, quickly regaining her composure when she noticed the first year staring at her expectantly. The crimson haired led her senior to her room, montioning for her to deposit her belongings there. Nico stood at the doorway, gazing quizzically at the junior who stood beside her, the first year mirroring her gaze.

"Aren't we suppose to sleep on separate beds? There's only one bed here..." The raven haired inquired, tilting her head to one side to emphasize her confusion. The first year folded her arms as she too, cocked her head to one side, in deep contemplation of what the sable haired had just said.

"Why do we have to sleep on separate beds?" The crimson haired replied with yet another question as a confused look fell over her features.

"You have not admitted that you like me we're not 'official' enough to be sleeping on the same bed." Nico quipped, a smirk forming on her face as the first year blushed pink. The scarlet haired led Nico to another room without another word as she beckoned the third year to enter. The room had two separate beds this time and Nico entered, seemingly satisfied.

"Which bed would you be taking? The left one or the right one?" The upperclassmen inquired as she began organizing her belongings.

"Does it really matter?" Maki quirked an eyebrow at her senior, not understanding why the raven haired was in such a mood for questions today.

"Not really, I guess..." The third year looked up from her belongings to regard her junior. Nico abandoned her half-organised belongings as she took swift steps forward, advancing towards the first year who was standing at the doorway. Denying the first year of a chance to comprehend what she was doing, Nico caught the scarlet haired into a tight embrace without warning. The sable haired rested her head onto her junior's shoulder, relishing in the comfort of the silk cloth of Maki's shirt. The crimson haired proceeded to reciprocate the embrace welcomingly though slightly astonished.

"Shall I teach you how to cook?" Nico inquired after a moment of silence, a smile creeping across her face at the thought of Maki in an apron.

"Eh?!" The first year exclaimed, taken by suprise at Nico's sudden suggestion as she pulled back to have a look at third year's face to see if she was serious. The upperclassmen beamed at her junior, taking Maki's hand in hers and heading off in the direction of the kitchen, not giving Maki a chance to respond.

-At the kitchen-

"Here, put this on." Nico held an apron up to Maki as a gleeful smirk spread across her face. The first year was about to retort but decided to drop the idea as she reckoned she could wear it for Nico's sake, though with much reluctance.

"Its my first time wearing an apron..." The red head admitted, turning away from Nico to hide her embarassment. The third year grinned from ear to ear as she inspected the stoic first year who was currently wearing a cobalt-coloured apron.

"I can tell," The third year replied, a sinister aura radiating off her as she shifted closer to the first year, "Let's start with peeling the carrots." The scarlet haired pursed her lips in her slight pout as she picked up a carrot and a peeler slowly, as if it was her first time ever touching one. The raven haired placed her left hand on Maki's left and her right hand on Maki's right, successfully pressing herself closer to the first year's back. The scarlet haired remained silent though she continued to blushed at the proximity of her senior and the feeling of Nico's front on her back.

The third year rested her chin on her junior's shoulder, guiding the first year with her skilled hands and helping her peel a strip off the carrot. "Now you try." The upperclassmen released the scarlet haired as she pulled back to watch the first year cook for the first time in her life.

-After dinner-

The two sat on the couch in the living room with Nico lying on Maki's shoulder. The crimson haired held the remte control in her hand, occasionally switching channels in search for something to watch. The raven haired gave a silent yawn, rubbing her eyes before focusing her attention back on the television.

"If you're tired we can shower and head to bed. We still have school tomorrow you know." Maki said when she noticed her senior's yawn. The third year glanced up at Maki, giving her a smile before nodding in agreement as the two left the living room. They retired back into their room where they took turns to shower before heading to sleep.

"Are we really going to sleep on separate beds...?" The scarlet haired asked from her position on her bed. She gazed at her senior who was sitting on another bed, four feets away as she waited expectantly for a reply.

-To be continued-

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