Chapter 9: Stoic or not?

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"Are we really going to sleep on separate beds...?" The scarlet haired asked from her position on her bed. She gazed at her senior who was sitting on another bed, four feets away as she waited expectantly for a reply. The third year nodded her head in answer, her facial expression remaining impassive, giving nothing away.

"That defeats the purpose of a sleepover you know..." The crimson haired said, almost a whine as she continued to regard her senior intently, a frown gradually forming on her features.

"I told you...we can't sleep together unless we both like each other. This works both ways." The raven haired gave Maki a smile as she laid down in her bed to sleep, deciding to ignore the junior. The first year remained fixated on her spot, staring at the figure of Nico's back. After a few moments of deep contemplation, the scarlet haired scooted off her bed and climbed onto Nico's bed, startling the third year. The raven haired sat up, turning to face Maki who was currently sitting next to her bed side, their faces only a few inches apart.

"Maki-chan wha-" Nico was about to shoo Maki off her bed when she was cut off by the crimson haired who planted a soft kiss on her right cheek before pulling back slowly.

"Nico-chan...I like you..." Maki admitted in a quiet voice, a slight blush on her cheek as she averted the senior's gaze, seemingly abashed by her own actions. The sable haired stared wide eyed at the first year, processing the words before she finally gave a squeal of delight at Maki's sudden confession, throwing her arms and wrapping them around the first year. Nico fell back onto the bed with the scarlet haired trapped to her chest as they both laid on the bed, locked in a tight embrace. Nico fought the urge to tease her junior as she giggled, burying her face at the first year's chest. Maki wrapped her arms around the petite senior, ignoring the third year's sinister chuckle as the both of them soon fell into a deep sleep.

-The next morning-

The sun seeped in through the shades, the offensive light ruining the peaceful moment. "Nico-chan, its morning, time to wake up." The scarlet haired held the third year in her arms as she looked down to survey Nico's sleeping face. The third year gave a slight groaned, moving slightly to adjust herself into a better position before falling back to sleep once more. The first year tittered at the sight, she never knew Nico was such a sleepy head.

"You're bad with mornings?" The crimson haired murmured, running her fingers lightly over Nico's arms, in attempt to wake her. The third year nodded her head slowly as she continued to hide her face, hugging tightly onto Maki. The first year's broad shoulders had provided shade as it successfully blocked Nico from the sunshine.

"Nico...wake up, we have school. We can't afford to be late." The scarlet haired persuaded as she shifted away from Nico, causing the morning light to shine onto Nico's face. A frown formed on the third year's face as she was denied from hiding behind the crimson haired.

"Let me sleep a little longer..." The raven haired whined as she shifted closer to the first year in attempt to bury her face once more when Maki stopped her.

"We'll be late if you sleep any longer." the first year said as she cupped Nico's chin and bent downwards to plant a soft, chaste kiss on the third year's lips. The sable haired smiled against Maki's lips, reluctantly forcing her eyes open, after all, the usually distant Maki had intitated a kiss in attempt to wake her.

The raven haired cringed slightly as the sunlight came into contact with her eyes thought she successfully caught a glimpse of Maki. The scarlet haired pulled back, giving Nico a shy smile as she blushed pink, releasing Nico and sitting up. Before the third year could close her eyes and drift back to sleep again, she was yanked up from the bed and forced to sit up. "No more sleeping." The first year said sternly, returning back to her usual aloof self.

"Yes... Yes..." The raven haired replied, nodding her head groggily as Maki shifted off the bed to get dressed. The raven haired continued to remained sitted on the bed as she slouched lazily, her eyes shutting once more.

"Nico-chan." The first year took both hands of the senior's in both of hers and tugged at it, making the raven head stand. The sable haired opened her eyes reluctantly and tilted her head up to regard the first year. The third year's eyes remained hooded as she took the chance to lean on Maki who was already dressed. The third year clung onto Maki, letting her eyes droop shut yet again.

"You need me to help you get dressed?" The scarlet haired asked the third year jokingly as she pulled away from the third year, holding Nico at arms length and making her stand on her own once more. The sable haired gave a chuckle at the suggestion, her eyes fluttering open to gaze at Maki before shaking her head. The upperclassmen gave a yawn as she rubbed her eyes before heading off to get changed in an excruciatingly slow pace. Maki sighed once more and shook her head lightly before smiling silently to herself. Who would have known Nico had such a side to her.

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