Chapter 1

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I don't own Pokemon.

"May, I'm sorry, but I have to say no."

May's heart sank. She had left traveling with Ash and Brock to travel on her own.

She wanted to not rely on others as much and to find her own style.

The four rivals were going to head to Johto and enter contests there, but she had just hit a major blocker.

Norman didn't think that it was safe enough for her to travel on her own.

"But Dad, I've been traveling for two years now! Why say no now!"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, obviously frustrated.

"May... You've never traveled all by yourself before."

"That has nothing to do with it. Max will get his first pokemon in a few months, and you would have no trouble letting him off on his own. It's my personality, isn't it?"

"Yes!!" He was obviously losing his temper.

"I'm afraid that you're going to trip and hurt your ankle and no one would be there to take care of you! Your pokemon could faint and you run into a group of Beedrill! May, you're trusting, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm afraid someone is going to take advantage of you! Harley's going to make another apology and cheat you out of a victory! May, it's just not safe!!"


"I was fine with you traveling with Ash and Brock because they had traveling experience, and Brock could take care of the three of you and protect you guys! I don't want you out there by yourself!"

She said nothing, but ran up into her room and slammed the door as loudly as she could in a small act of defiance.

Around five minutes later, She heard a knock on the door. "Go away..." She muttered miserably.

"May?" Called her mother's voice. "Can I come in?"

She unlocked the door, and Caroline sat down beside her. "You really want to go to Johto, don't you?"

"Don't remind me..."

"Isn't it because your rivals are going there?" She smiled cheekily. "And Drew?"


She laughed. "I'm right aren't I?"

"N-no! Why in the name of Kalos would I like him?!?! He's arrogant, and rude, and taunting, and strangely supportive in his own way."

"I never said you liked him."

"No, I... Uh... Maybe just a tiny bit?"

She looked at May before laughing to herself.

"What's so funny?"

"That was the exact thing I said when I first admitted I liked your father."

"What are you suggesting?"

"No, I'm not suggesting anything. Nothing at all."


"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow morning before trying your father again. We're not going to make any progress tonight."

"Thanks. Love you, Mom. "


Drew took a deep breath. "It's not that big of a deal. If she says yes, then great. If she says no... *sigh* I'll be shattered."

People never pegged Drew as one to talk to himself. And he wasn't exactly. Roselia was out...

'Drew, chill. Even if she says no, that doesn't mean that she hates you. It might just mean that she's afraid that you'll just tease her the whole time.'

"Thanks for the encouragement. I... I know that I've been kind of a jerk to her, but I think I've been being a little nicer towards her, and I think we were kind of becoming... Friends."

He put his hands to his head. "I don't think I can do this..."

Roselia sighed. 'Great. If you can't even ask her to travel with her, then I don't want to know how long it's going to take you to ask her out, or how long it will take you to propose.'

"Wha- Roselia, I don't-"

'Drew, just... Just stop lying. Just stop. We both know that you like her as more than an acquaintance, rival, or even friend.'

He let his bangs cover his face.

'Drew, I know you're blushing, so stop trying to hide it.'

Drew fought the red off his face. "A-alright. I think I'm ready."

He was about to open the door before Roselia stopped him.


'It's seven AM. Not everyone's as early of a riser as you are.'

"Oh right... I knew that..."



Okay. If May answers the door, good. If her mom opens the door, try not to suffocate from the hug. If Max opens the door, hope he doesn't shout that May's boyfriend is here or something like that. If her dad opens the door... Run.

Drew mentally ran over his mental directions of pre-planed actions to take depending on who opened the door.

~ding dong~

A moment later, a bandana-less May appeared.

"Drew? Why are you here?"

May's mom came barreling in from the other room. What was her name again? Didn't it start with a C?

"Hi Drew! Nice to see you again! How you doing! Oh my, you little people grow up sooo fast, I don't even know what to do! I..."

Caroline just kept rambling on while May and Drew just stood there awkwardly.

"Uh... May? I actually came to ask you a question."


"Do... Do you want to travel with me in Johto?"

She grinned, and his heart soared. Good sign. "Sure! I'd love too!"

Drew quickly smirked, suppressing the adrenalin that was coursing though his body. "Of course. No girl could resist traveling with me."

"Trust me. You don't want to make me regret this, or else I may have to ask if I could use something of my friend Misty's. Besides, we're going to have to convince dad to let me go to Johto."

"Let me see what I can do, dear."


"Caroline, no. I won't have her traveling with a boy."

"Norman, she's been traveling with boys for two years."

"But one was her brother, one was five years older than her, and none of them were her rival. I don't want him taking advantage of her. Besides, from what I've heard he teases her a lot."

"He may be her rival, but he's also her friend. Just because they're rivals doesn't mean that they hate each other. Besides, he's an honest boy, and despite the teasing, I don't think he would do a thing to hurt her. He has actually stopped several of Harley's plots that allowed her to get the ribbon."


"If it weren't for him, May wouldn't have gotten into the grand festival. He looks out for her, Norman. He cares about her."

"That's one of the things that scare me. One of the reasons I didn't have a problem with Ash is because he was so dense in the ways of romance. I think this Drew boy likes her. And I don't like that."


"My decision is final. She is not going to Johto with him, or by herself."


Caroline walked back to where May and Drew were catching up on what they had done over the contest break.

"Sorry, but... There is no convincing him."

Both kid's face fell.

"Drew, when are you leaving for Johto?"

"I'm taking the boat leaving in around four hours."

"Feel free to hang around here until you need to go."

"Thank you."


"I'm leaving for the gym! Bye!"

The door closed, and for a few seconds there was silence.

"Finally. He's gone. May, you might want to go pack."

May, Drew, and Max (who had joined them in playing Monopoly) looked at her with a weird expression.

"Um... Why?"

"May, I think you should go to Johto. Norman won't be back until around seven. You guys would be half way to Johto by then."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive."

May's face lit up. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I don't have very long to paaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!"

She ran upstairs top speed.

What have I gotten myself into? Drew wondered, shaking his head.


First chapter: done!

I'm excited for this one.

Go Johto!!!!!!!!!!!

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