Chapter 2

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I stood on the back of the boat, (the stern in official speak) waving goodby to mom and Max.

I ran my hand over the four Pokeballs that contained my Blazikin, Beautifly, Glaceon, (who I had recently evolved when I went to visit Ash, Brock, and Dawn) and Skitty.

The rest I had left at home. Drew had taken all of his pokemon with him.

(Roselia, Masqurain, Absol, Flygon, and Butterfree for those of you who didn't know.)

I stayed there until they were just little specks on the horizon.

"Hey May? Unless you feel like sleeping on the deck, I suggest we check in."

I turned to my new traveling partner. "Good idea." I said, thoroughly agreeing with him.

"It's 'cause I'm smart like that, unlike some other people."

"WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He laughed, letting he know that he was just messing with me. "So... Uh... Are we going to get separate rooms, or..."

"Uh... As long as it has two beds, we might as well since we're going to be traveling together."


He unlocked the door to room 203. There was a small joined kitchen and family room area, and one bed room with twin beds.

"I call dibs on the one next to the window!" I yelled, stretching out on said bed.

He just rolled his eyes and dumped his black backpack on the other bed.

"Huh? When did you get the backpack?"

He shrugged. "I've always had it. I just don't always carry it around with me.

He was still holding on to his old outfit of the purple jacket, black shirt, and (ugly) turquoise pants.

All was peaceful and quiet before...

"Hey, Drew? Can we go find something to eat? I'm hungry."

He pulled himself off the plush bed. "Fine..."


He watched, one eyebrow raised, as I attacked my plate of noodles. "Slow down, May. You're going to choke."

I grinned. "Nope!"

Still keeping one eye on me, he stated on his own plate.

-a few minutes later-

I finished as Drew set down his fork. "You're finished?" I asked him. He nodded.

"You've barely touched your food!"

"I don't eat a lot."

I shrugged. "Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Why not?"

I burst out laughing and he face palmed as he realized what he said.


I threw my PJs on after drying off from the shower. The top was orange with A Torchic on it, and the bottoms were orange and yellow flames.

"Your turn." I told Drew as I troweled off my hair.

"Thanks for taking all the hot water..."


A little less than ten minutes later, Drew appeared with grey PJ pants.

"Put a shirt on!!" I squeaked, looking the other way.

"You like?" He asked. I could practically hear the smirk in his sentence.


"There. Sorry. I thought I had grabbed it when I stepped into the shower..."

I could tell from the tone in his voice that he actually had forgotten it, and was not just walking around without a shirt for the sake of it.

Drew was ever so slightly more defined that around a year ago when I had accidentally walked in on him when he was only wearing swim trunks, but it was kind of expected.

He was both a growing boy and a traveler which kept him really thin, but at the same time helped give him muscles that came from walking almost every day and just plan living in the wilderness.

I thumbed through the set of movies that I had found next to the TV that was on the wall opposite of both of our beds.

"Uh... The Princess Bride?"

(I love that movie)

He shook his head. "Waaaaaaaay too much romance for me."

(Me: Says Mr. Rose. Drew: *blushes*)

"The Parent Trap?"

"Sure. That one was good. I've seen it once."

I popped the movie in and turned out all of the lights except for the lamp that was resting on the small bedside table separating our beds.

I lay on top of my bed, while he snuggled under the covers of his.


*yawn* "I think I'm going to go to sleep. You?"


I glanced over at my rival to find that he had already beaten me to it. He was sleeping soundly, usually smirk-tightened face was soft and - dare I say - really cute.

I small smile appeared on his lips as his chest evenly rose and fell.

"Night, Drew." I said before turning out the light and drifting off to dreamland myself.


Okay... So this chapter wasn't very eventful, but they've gotten though the first day.

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