Chapter 24

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Last time in the tunnels beneath Goldenrod City...

May looked around nervously. "Drew? I don't feel safe."

"You'll be fine he," assured.

"But what if-"

"Calm down, Airhead. We have our pokemon with us."

Click. Click. Click.

"If you two would kindly hand over that egg..."

May and Drew spun around, breath quick. May gasped. She recognized that logo.

"Team Rocket..."


There was dead silence as May and Drew froze, save for more footsteps. Two grunts appeared behind the first and three more behind May and Drew.

The first took a couple steps forward. "Hey, kid," he grunted. "Hand over the Dratini egg, and we'll let you go."

Drew was torn. He wanted to protect that not even hatched baby Dratini, but if he didn't, he would be putting himself and May at risk. They were hopelessly outnumbered as more had come to trap them, so he wasn't certain that their pokemon could get them out. Sure they were much stronger than those mindless minions, but each of their pokemon would have to hold off two or three at a time if all of the grunts attacked at once.

May, however, answered for him.

"WHY WOULD I GIVE YOU THIS POOR, INNOCENT EGG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

If it hadn't been a serious situation, Drew might have burst out laughing.

The first grunt glared at the furious brunet. "Look, kid. We're taking the egg from you. You don't have a choice." He sighed upon seeing that May wasn't giving in anytime soon. "Fine. I don't like doing this to kids, but you're not really giving me any choice. Grab them."

May shrieked all nine of the other grunts closed in on them and the Dratini egg was snatched from her arms. She felt herself being lifted from the ground as more grunts held back her arms and legs which otherwise would have been furiously flailing about.

Drew growled under his breath as he could only watch May being carried away by several grunts and three more approached him.

"Hey, look," one of them sneered. "It's a little shorty. Too bad, I like it when they actually try to resist."

Using as much strength as he could find, he kicked the nearer one in the shin and elbowed the other in the chest. He jerked his body back and forth as they seized him.

The last thing he remembered before passing out was a pressure point on his neck being hit.


He was already tied and gagged in the back of a warehouse by the time he came to. May lay beside him in the same situation. Although for some reason, both of there hands had been tied in the front instead of their backs. Using his bound hands to push the small piece of fabric, he shoved the gag off his face.

He could already feel that the Pokèballs had been taken from his pockets, so that option was out of the window. In addition, that would add an extra thing that they would need to do before they escaped.

I mean, assuming that they could escape.

By this point, May had also removed her gag and started feeling her bag.

"My Pokeballs are gone," she whispered.


He shifted positions so that his backpack which hadn't been removed from his back was facing her. "In the small bottom left pocket, there should be a pocket knife, assuming that they haven't taken it away."

"Found it," May announced after a minute of looking through the pocket. She held it awkwardly clasped between her two bound hands, but it would still work.

"Turn towards me," she ordered.

"Just try not to slice off my hand."

After a few minutes of cutting, the ropes on Drew's hands had been untied. And a couple minutes later, so had May's.

They pressed their bodies against a huge box in the maze that appeared to be a storage area. Drew peaked his head around the container before running to another box to hide. They repeated that process silently, changing their course every once and a while to avoid various grunts.

"There they are," Drew whispered. "In the corner. Look."

Sure enough, May saw all ten of their Pokeballs sloppily tossed in a corner.

"Resourceful to have escaped already, huh?" May and Drew turned to find a red head standing sassily with one hand one hand on her hip. "You aren't out of the woods yet."

"Who are you?" Drew demanded.

The woman clicked her tongue. "Impatient, are we? Don't get a big head just because you slipped past those mindless, idiotic beings. They're far below me on this caste system."

"Doesn't matter, now who the heck are you?" He snapped.

"Ooh, the sassy-rude type?" She purred. "Me like. And for your information, I'm Arianna."

"What do you want with that poor Dratini egg?!" May wailed.

"I don't want a Dratini." Arianna scrunched her nose as if she was disgusted. "I want a big strong Dragonite. I would pickpocket one from over near Blackthorn City, but I want a Dragon to rival Lance's."

"Lance!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" May all but screamed. "As in, the best dragon master in the world!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Yes," Ariana's red lips slipped into a smirk. "The dragon master himself will crumble before me."

"No," May argued. "The likes of you could never come close to someone like Lance."

"Think what you like," Arianna said lazily with a bored yawn. "Everyone knows that that Daycare Lady's Dragonair and it's mate are crazy strong, and a good bit of that strength transfers over to their kids."

"That is- you're- you're just despicable!!!!!"

"Look, kid. I've been bored lately, so I'll offer you a little bet. One of you will battle me one on one, and if you lose, you have to stay here all tame and stuff and not try to escape. But, if you win, you have a choice: I'll let you go, or the other one will battle me one on one as well. If the second person loses, then you two must stay here, but if the second person wins, then I'll let you go and you can take the Dratini egg."

May and Drew glanced at each other.



Like it? Too confusing? Too long to update?

Well, for starters I had drama camp this week, so that took up a lot of time.

And guess what? My school's art teacher is going to give me private lessons next week! She's sweet and really nice, and I love her to death. She asked my mom if she could have me be her guinea pig for some art projects that she might try for her art students when school starts again, so I'm going to do those, and guess what?

Apparently she first got into drawing around my age by drawing manga! She's going to give me some pointers on my weak spots like hands and feet.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya!

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