Chapter 23

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"Come on. I was just getting warmed up! SO GIVE ME A REMATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The picnicker insisted.

May looked at him, silently begging him to stop. Drew was about to snap, and May really didn't want to have to deal with a crying little kid.

"Er... Excuse me boy," the daycare lady interrupted. "But do you even have a Pokemon in condition to fight?"

The picnicker's face went blank. "Now that you mention it, Raticate is my only pokemon." He glared at Drew. "Stay right here, I'm just going to run to the pokemon center so I can WHIP YOUR BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!"

To everyone's relief, the kid finally ran off.

"Yeah, I'm not staying here."

The daycare lady smiled. "Can I ask a favor of you two?" Motioning for our protagonists to follow, she walked back in the daycare center only to reappear moments latter with an egg in her hands.

"This is a Dratini egg, and it needs to be delivered to the Game Corner in Goldenrod City. The way it works is that you earn game coins by playing Voltorb switch, and once you've accumulated enough you can turn the coins in for a prize like this little Dratini," she explained.

"The baby pokemon is being used as... A prize?" Drew interupted, anger in his voice.

"Please don't think of it that way," the Daycare lady pleaded. "You see, the Dratini is one of my Dragonair's children. I'm too old and too busy to give them as much love and attention as they need, so I give them to the man who runs the Game corner to use as prizes so they can find trainers who can give them the love and attention they deserve."

She smiled sweetly.

"The man who runs it is an old friend of mine, and he watches the trainers as they play the games and talks to them. He only gives those who he finds kind to their pokemon the option to get a pokemon as a prize. The others he only lets get TMs and HMs. That's why it takes so many coins to get a pokemon - so he has enough time to get a good judge of their character. It's a win-win situation. He has prizes to entice trainers to play, and I know that my partner's babies are well loved and taken care of."

Drew nodded. "Sounds reasonable enough."

"Normally my grandson takes the eggs to him, but he's not here right now, so I'm asking if you could do it. "I'll let you both leave one pokemon here for free as thanks," she concluded.

May smiled. "We'd be happy to take the egg to it's new home, but you don't have to give us a reward as thanks. We're headed that way anyway, so it's no trouble at all," May spoke as Drew nodded in agreement.

"Nonsense!" The daycare lady exclaimed. "You mentioned that you might want to leave your Beautifly anyway, and it's the least I can do. I insist."

"If it's no trouble to you, then I would like to leave my Beautifly. Meeting so many other pokemon might be good for her," May answered thoughtfully.

"If you're going to leave Beautifly, I might as well leave Masqurain so Beautifly will have a familiar face. Besides, they did so well in the Cherrygrove contest that they deserve the rest."

"It's settled then. Here, let's trade numbers so I can call you two kids if something major happens."

Simultaneously tossing their Pokeballs, the two young trainers called out their butterfly pokemon.

"Be good, Masqurain," Drew told his second pokemon softly as he gently gave him a hug.

"B-Beautifly, I-I'm going to miss you," May whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

Drew waited a moment for the moment to be over before he gave the daycare lady Masqurain's pokeball, although not yet recalling him, May doing the same a moment later.

Not looking back for fear of caving and taking their pokemon back, the two travelers exited through the door with the egg safely in May's arms.

The daycare lady smiled as she watched them leave. "Your trainers like each other, don't they?"

Beautifly and Masqurain chirped in agreement.


Drew watched in amusement as May tenderly wrapped the egg up in a small pink blanket. "Hey, May? Keep in mind that you're going to have to give that egg up, so try not to get too attached to it," he warned. "And why are you doing all of that to an egg?"

"You wouldn't get it," May pouted, "because you're a boy."

Drew only rolled his eyes as she held the egg like a baby. "Again, why are you doing that to an egg?"

"Because," May answered, "babies can feel love and warmth even before they are born or hatched. Also, they can hear voices before they're born or hatched."

Drew laughed as his companion went on to talk soothingly to the egg as she sat by the fire, dinner eaten.

"Who's a good little egg?" May cooed as she played a kiss on the top of the egg.

Drew felt his jaw tense before resisting the urge to slap himself. Oh, come on, he thought. I am NOT getting jealous of an egg...


"Please, Drew. Please. Just ask for directions instead wandering aimlessly around the city!" May yelled, cursing Drew's pride for about the millionth time. It was more than obvious that he didn't know where the Game Corner was, but yet he refused to ask for directions.

"Hey, excuse me, mister!" May exclaimed, waving to an elderly man. "Do you know where we could find the Game Corner?"

"May, I can find it-"

The man smiled. "The Game Corner, eh? Well then, you're on the wrong side of the city."

May groaned as she looked at all of the busy traffic, noting that it would take an incredible amount of time to make it all of the way across town.

"There's a faster way," the man answered, reading her expression. "There's a tunnel beneath the city made for pedestrians like you two. I must warn you though. The tunnels aren't as well monitored by police, and although there's usually a good amount of people around, there still might be thiefs.

Drew thought for a moment. "If we don't hurry, then there might not be any rooms left at the pokemon center. We should be safe enough if we hurry."

The man nodded. "Just be careful."


May looked around nervously. "Drew? I don't feel safe."

"You'll be fine he assured."

"But what if-"

"Calm down, Airhead. We have our pokemon with us."

Click. Click. Click.

"If you two would kindly hand over that egg..."

May and Drew spun around, breath quick. May gasped. She recognized that logo.

"Team Rocket..."


Dun dun DUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, I just wanted to say that now that it,s summer I might not update quite as often. Usually I write on the way to school and during lunch and stuff, and mom usually keeps me fairly busy one way or another over the summer. However, I will try to update often enough, just not quite as frequently as I used to.

Also, I might put more of my writing energy into oneshots than multichaps. I don't know, I'm just in the oneshot mood.

Also, please read my oneshot 'Why?'

Please comment!

See ya!

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