Chapter 22

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"Drew, how long until we're out of these woods?" May asked.

"Soon," Drew answered, not really knowing himself.

"Estimate time, please?"

"Soon is and estimate time," Drew replied, hoping she would drop it. Yeah. Fat chance.

"In who's definition of soon?" May pressed. "Because you're a lot more patient than I am, so soon for you might not be considered soon of me."

Drew sighed. "Look. We're right here on the map," he informed her, holding out the slick, water proof piece of paper to her so she could examine it. "The exit it here. We're taking this route," he continued, running his index finger along it. "That's how long it should take. Happy?"

"Not really," May answered honestly.


May quietly looked at the trees around her. That's when something hit her - the trees were getting less and less dense.

"Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew! Dre-"

"What!?" Drew interrupted.

"Are we almost out of the woods yet?" She asked.

Drew's right eye twitched, but he controlled his annoyance. "Yes, we're almost out. Although," he continued before she could start celebrating, "once we get out of the woods, there's still a good bit of distance until we get to Goldenrod."

May frowned. "But I'm boooooooooored!!!!" She whined.

Drew rolled his eyes, used to his traveling partner's childish antics.

Honestly, they had been traveling together for so long that even most of the teasing was over with. Sure, they still made fun of each other, but not nearly as much. They pretty much understood most things about the other, what they liked and disliked, what they were sensitive about, and where they both needed physical or emotional support.

"I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!" May screamed, grabbing Drew's hand and pulling him along.

Drew let out a small help as he stumbled for a second before falling in pace with the racing girl.

"WE MADE IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

May stopped abruptly.

"Um... May?"


Drew twisted his wrist slightly to remind her.

"Sorry!!" May squealed, releasing her hand.

'Oh, there you go again. Refusing her hand. Seriously, you lovesick idiot?'

Oh. Look who's back.

'What's wrong with you?! She held your hand, and you made her let go?!'

Okay. First off, she only grabbed it to pull me along. Second, she didn't know what she was doing. It wasn't intentional.

'Then why did you let go of her hand?'

Because she's my friend, not my girlfriend.

'So you're admitting that you want her to be your girlfriend?'



I don't want to have her as my girlfriend.

'Seriously? You'll admit it to yourself, but when it comes to anyone else, even your inner voice, you go into extreme denial? Seriously?'

I've admitted it to Solidad.

', now I feel really special. Wait... That means that you just admitted it!!!!!!' you're slow.

'What was that, you idiotic, lovesick jerk!?!?!?'

*sigh* fine. I have a huge crush on her, but it's not love. Even if I did like her enough to be bordering on love, I'm way too young for that.

'No you're not!'

Inner voice thingy, I'm only thirteen. That's way too young for love.

'No it's not!'

I'm way too young for love.

'For marriage? Yeah, you're probably too young for marriage. Love? No siree, the boy's in love.'

Not love. Love is too strong.

'But isn't your love strong?'

Crush, yes. I have a huge crush on her, that has already been established. But it's nowhere close to love.

'He's in lo-ove! He's in lo-ove!'

...what did I just say?

"Drew! Look! You can see Goldenrod City from Here!!" May excitedly yelled to him.

"So you can," Drew confirmed.

May pouted. "Show a little enthusiasm, will you? Hey! Look at that little building all over there!!"

Without waiting for a reply, she ran towards the small building that still somehow managed to be in the country despite being so near the second largest city in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh.

"Hello!" May chirped to the elderly woman behind the counter.

The woman smiled. "Hello, Dear," she said kindly. "Have you come here to drop off your pokemon?"

May blinked. "What do you mean by that?"

"You see, this is a Pokemon daycare. You can leave your Pokemon here for any amount of time and they'll get a chance to socialize, play, make new friends, and gaining levels is not uncommon," she explained.

May grinned. "That's really cool! I might leave my Beautifly here for a little bit. What about you, Drew?" May turned around, looking for her chartreuse-haired friend's reaction to discover that he wasn't behind her like she thought. "Drew?"

May rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "I appear to have lost my traveling companion." She frowned. "Weird, he saw that I was running over here. He should have been right behind me..."

"Let's step outside to see if we can find him."


"BUT YOU HAVE TO BATTLE ME!!!!!!! I CHALLENGED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Um, no, I don't have to. I'm trying to keep up with my friend I'm not looking for a battle."

May giggled as Drew tried to shake a persistent picnicker who just wasn't taking Drew's refusal to a battle very well.

"Is that your friend?"

May nodded. "I want to see how this works out. Drew's probably too stubborn for his own good."


The picnicker swung his head until his eyes landed on May. Said girl sweatdropped nervously as his eyes formed hearts.

"Hey, who are y-"

"Alright, alright, fine. Will you lay off if I battle you?" Drew half asked, half growled.

Both boys got it - not lay off the pressure to battle, but to back off May.

But of course, May had no idea of the double meaning.

"You're on. Rattacate, we have to win this!"

"Absol! You're up!"

The large, orange-brown rat towered over the white and blue Absol, both with a determined look in their eye.

"Rattacate! Tackle!"

"Absol! Iron tail!"

The second before the tackle collided, Absol leapt above the rat creature landing a direct blow on it's back. The attack also served as a spring, sending Absol flying a good seven feet above the shocked Rattacate.

"Razor wind!"

With a powerful flick of his head, Absol sent out a volley of powerful air razors, causing them to rain down harshly on the poor Rattacte.

Oh, who am I kidding? Poor Rattitcate nothing. I just can't stand it's ugliness.

The picnicker watched with mouth open wide as his Rattacate lay on the ground with swirls in it's eyes.

A fire burned in his eye. "I WANT A REMATCH!!!!!!!!!!"


Sorry it took me so long! I do have a legit excuse, though.

- I was working on my one shot called Narcissus, and it's really long. Like, over 5k words long.

- I had to completely re organized my entire toy room (more like an art room now, but that's what it was when I was little) in to two different cabinets. And I didn't just move it - I took it out, organized all of it, and then found a way to make it fit in the new storage system. And trust me, I have quite a few art supplies.

- I got the first volume of the Fairy Tail manga. Enough said.

Funny story, actually. We were going to a bookstore and then out for dinner. Guess who I saw in the bookstore? Amphy and her little sister who I referred to as spider in my story 'hiya peeps'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And apparently, that bookstore has a fairly decent-sized manga section!

We found, like, fifteen volumes of Fairy tail, Attack on Titan, Death Note, and at least one and a half shelfs of Naruto, and a bunch others I didn't recognize. I was in awe.

Yeah. I happed you liked this chapter.

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