Chapter 21

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"This is you're fault you know," Drew panted.

"I know, I know! But how was I supposed to know that that wasn't a rock?" May returned, just as out of breath.

Behind them, a whole hoard of Beedrill chased them, upset that one of their Metapod had accidently been stepped on. Meanwhile, our protagonists simply ran for their life, both throughly terrified of being stung and the Beedrill's poison.

May let out a small screech as her foot caught on a small root. Heart racing and adrenaline levels high, Drew grabbed her wrist and started to pull her up.

"Oh no..." May bent back down as her shoe laces had gotten tangled as she tripped. Drew looked frantically from a struggling May to the fast approaching Beedrill.

His jaw tightened as he stepped between the predator and it's prey. "So this is how you want to play this?"

His had brushed his jacket back with his hand to reveal minimized Pokèballs on a black belt on his waist. Holding it out directly in front him, he lightly tapped it once with his index finger, enlarging it.

The determined glint in his eye was present like usual when co-ordinating, accompanied by a protective look as he pressed the small white button once again while tossing it in an offensive position.

Behind him, May watched wide eyed as Drew moved to shield her from the oncoming attack

Drew's dark green eyes narrowed in concentration as a large dragon with diamond shaped wings formed from the red light produced from the Pokeball.

"Flygon! Flamethrower!" He commanded as the green creature's chest heaved as his head tilted back before letting forth a steam of scorching ruby flames.

No sooner had the attack taken down the Beedrill when a second wave rose over the burned, fainted figures of their hoard.

"There's too many to fight!" May warned.

Drew grimaced. He really, really, reeeeeeeeeeally didn't want to, and probably wouldn't if May wasn't with him, but for both of their safties, he'd need to suck it up.

"Climb in Flygon," he commanded. "Now!!!!!" He encouraged, seeing his friend's hesitance.


"I'll be on right behind you."

May rushed passed him, scrambling up Flygon's tail and all the way to his neck. She felt Drew come up right behind her.

"Rise above to trees, Flygon," Drew instructed. "They can't fly as high as you can."

Flygon easily climbed into the sky, not even seeming to notice the over 200lbs on his back.

(I'm going to say that Drew's around 120 pounds and May's 105 pounds.)

May marveled in wonder as she saw the world from an arial eye view, loving how the wind swept through her hair. She watched as the Beedrill struggled in the stronger air currents before flying back down to the forest.

She stretched up and raised one hand to sweep through a low flying cloud wile she laughed happily.

"It's beautiful, isn't it Drew?" She turned around to face her friend who, unlike herself, was holding onto Flygon for dear life, every muscle in his body tense.

"Drew, the Beedrill couldn't go this high. We're safe," she told him, that being her first assumption.

She bit her lip. He was sheet pale and he wasn't responding. That couldn't be good...

"Drew... Are you scared of hights? ...Drew?" She touched his hand to discover that it was ice cold. "Drew, please respond. You're really scaring me here..."

She glanced back at her shaking friend in worry. Forget scared, he was downright terrified.

She considered holding on to him so he wouldn't fall, but found it unnecessary seeing how tightly he was clinging onto Flygon.

"Flygon get to the ground as smoothly and quickly as you can," she whispered. Flygon nodded as if he seemed to know why as well.


May slid off Flygon's back bringing Drew with her. She put one of his arms across her shoulders and wrapper one of her arms around him and carried/dragged him to a near by rock.

"Drew. Can you here me?" She asked sternly.

"Yeah... I'm here," he said faintly "I'm..."

"Oh, Arceus," May muttered as he trailed off, voice getting quieter. "Drew!"

Pulling out her water, she splashed some over his head. His eyes snapped open.

"I'm here," he said firmly and plainly.

Scowling, May reached up and bopped the back of his head.

"Ow..." He complained. "What was that for?"

"For giving me a heart attack," she growled before wrapping her arm around him in comfort. "How about we just set up camp for the night," she suggested.

"We could get in another two hours of walking," he told her. "We shouldn't stop yet."

May glared at him. "You had a panic attack and nearly fainted on me. You just need to rest for a little bit and not move around about too much yet." She stood up. "Be honest: do you feel good enough to be hiking for two hours?"

He sighed. "No."

"There's your answer," she said reaching into his bag and unrolling sleeping bag. "Go lay down."

"I'm not a baby," he argued.

"Would you prefer to lay on that rock or your sleeping bag?" She told him, not taking no for an answer.

Drew closed his eyes. "Thanks."


Okay, so Drew had a panic attack from flying too high on Flygon to escape from a bunch of Beedrill. Poor guy, I made him seriously terrified of heights. At least he has May there...

Okay, bad Beedrill.

See ya!

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