Chapter 20

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Drew squinted at the map of the Ilex Forest. The paths were small because of scaling due to the size of the forest, and a few of them were hard to tell apart, but even so he knew where they needed to go.

"Today on May's adventures, we find her and the Grasshead trekking through the Ilex forest. It's dense and beautiful, and really big and easy to get lost in-"

"-which is why the 'Grasshead' has the map," Drew commented, somewhat playing along.

"Have a mentioned in previous episodes the the Grasshead can be quite annoying sometimes?" May huffed into the camera.

Drew just rolled his eyes. "You do realize that you're talking to a rectangle of air?"

"And what happened to your sense of fun?" May asked.

"Hey! I do have a sense of fun!" He protested.

"Then I have yet to see it."

Drew scowled. Was May just saying that, or was he actually boring to be around?

They continued down the path, May playing May's adventures and Drew with his lips pressed into a frown, contemplating the question.


"Drew? Are you feeling alright?" May asked worried about her now slightly taller friend.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked absentmindedly.

She averted her gaze from the campfire to him. "You were just fine this morning, but you've been kinda quiet this afternoon."

"It's nothing."

"So you're admitting that here's something," May countered, determined to get to the bottom of her friend's discomfort.

Drew closed his eyes. "Am I boring to be around?"

May looked at him shocked. "Why would you think that?" Drew was one of her best friends, and she honestly doubted that there was ever a dull moment with him. Even though he didn't have the same upbeat personality as Ash, he sure made things interesting!

"What you said earlier about be not having a sense of fun... Did you mean that?"

May shook her head. "You're not boring Drew, believe me. I think that this region has been the craziest one yet, and that's really saying something with the things I've been through."

She gave him a hug, quickly retracting as she remembered his reluctance to contact with other people. "Sorry."

"No... It's fine," he said before hugging her back.

May smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. Not only did it just feel so... Good, it showed just how much closer they were becoming.

Just one thing bothered her - why Drew had gotten so upset by her comment. Some things he just took the teasing and replied with a sarcastic comment or a perfectly timed comeback, but other things...

It was like he was really sensitive about certain parts of himself.

"Hey Drew? If something I say bothers you, please tell me. I don't want to walk on uncomfortable ground."

He nodded. "Same to you, Airhead," he answered, cheeks still tinted pink from the hug they had just broken apart from.

Instead of getting mad like usual, May just laughed.


I just got back from watching 'Home.' So funny!!!!!!! Love the cat.

Ugh. Another multichap idea, and I'm already doing my maximum of two multichapies. I'll have you guys vote on which one you want more based on the title when I get near finishing this one and 'what's left of you' which I can tell you is going to take a while.

Uh... Any oneshot ideas? I just can't seem to think of any good ones!

Sorry for the shortish chapter.

See ya!

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