Chapter 19

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May nervously held Altaria's pokeball. Sure, Altaria and Flygon had cooperated to practice together and it looked really good, but she was afraid that their distain for each other would show in the performance.

Drew, however, was just as chill as ever. She envied that about him - he was always so calm and level headed, nothing ever broke his focus. Sometimes she wished she could be like that instead of panicking and freaking out every contest.

Drew gave her a sideways glance. "Clam down. The more nervous you are, the more nervous you are, the more nervous Altaria will be."

"I know!" May cried desperately. "But the more I tell myself that, the more nervous I get!"

Drew honestly didn't know what to do. Everything was mental warfare for him. If he told himself that if he was calm he would do just fine, he relaxed because he knew that he would do well because he was calm.

However, he knew this wasn't the case with May. She was a more literal kind of person who wore her heart on her sleeve. The things that made her scared made her scared and the things that made her nervous made her nervous.

And being frank, he stunk at comforting people.

"And next up we have contestant pair 38, May from Petalburg City and Drew from Larouse City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We're on."


May took a deep breath. "Altaria! Take the stage!!"

"You're on, Flygon!!!!"

The two dragon pokemon rose up half way to the top of the open-roofed stadium.

"Altaria, use dragon pulse,"

"And Flygon, use dragon breath!!!" Drew finished.

The two pokemon flew apart before launching the attack. At first, it appeared that the attacks would hit the other, but they met half way in the middle. The dragon pulse formed a ball while the fog-like dragon breath fanned out around it, encircling it completely.

The crowd gasped as the purple and blue dragon pulse shown through the dragon breath in colored beams of light.

"Flygon! Steel wing!"

The crowd went wild as the mist spread throughout the stage as the dragon pulse rained down Beautiful sparkles and May and Drew curtsied and bowed respectively.

May and Drew hi-fived the moment they were backstage. Drew smirked. "We can do this.


May happily looked at her new Azalea ribbon as Drew got changed into his PJs. They had won.

Drew flopped onto his bed while May resisted the urge to giggle. Drew entirely lacked the ability to stay awake past nine o'clock. She didn't doubt that he would fall asleep standing up if he had to.

"Hey, Drew?"

"Mm?" He asked turning his head to her.

"Where are we going next?" She wondered.

He yawned. "Goldenrod City. It's the largest city in Johto. It is home to the Johto's normal type gym led by Whitney, the radio tower, an underground shopping market and photography area, some game centers, a bunch of other random shops, and the department store. It's the largest one in Johto, and it holds virtually everything. A daily raffle, TM and HM moves, potions, status condition heals, both rare and usual, just everything."

"Are there any clothing stores?" May asked, hoping the answer would be yes. She hadn't found any good stores yet, and she was itching to go shopping.

Drew turned back to the brochure he was reading, looking up at it while he was laying on his back.

(A/N we all know that position.)

"There's a section in the department store. This would normally be the part where I said I would be taking absolutely no part in it, but this time, no." He pulled at his shirt. "My clothes are starting to get a little small, and I completely lack a sense of fashion, so I have been told."

"You got that right," May muttered.

Drew rolled his eyes. "Then what's wrong with my outfit now, oh smart one."

"The pants," May told him without missing a beat. "While the outfit's color scheme doesn't clash, the pants clash with your hair. You can't put a color with a different shade of the same color," she diagnosed.

Drew closed his eyes. "Way to be blunt."

"I think I'm also going to change it up a little. I think it's about time to change this outfit," she admitted looking at her red bandanna.

"How about this," Drew started, a plan formulating in his head. "We have to go all of the way through Ilex forest then skip along route 34 just to get to Goldenrod. If we train along the way, we should get there pretty soon before the contest. The contest after that is in Olivine City a long time after it."

May nodded to show she followed.

"I say we take a day after the contest and go to the department store. We go to clothes first and I'll get a new set of clothes. After that I'll go look for some good TMs and helpful items and such whole you get your clothes, since I get the feeling it's going to take you a lot longer than me. After that, we meet back up and just hang around town and things like that."

"Sounds like a plan to me," May agreed, ignoring the fact that he had yawned, like, four times in his little speech.

"We're going to need to pass through Ecruteak City to get to Olivine City, but in between Goldenrod and Ecruteak is the pokeathelon and national park."

May waited for an explanation.

"Assuming that you don't know what either of those are, the pokeathelon is a set of different themed competions that you compete in alongside four of your pokemon. It's not battling, but more like tests of strength and skill."

"That sounds like fun!!!!!!!"

"And the national park, is, well, a national park. Bug catching competitions are held every Saturday, so depending on our timing we might not get to... *yawn* try it."

"Why don't we get some rest, Sleepy Tree Top."

"Shut up..."

May giggled as his words were broken up with another yawn.



I cut the contest waaaaaaaaay short.

See ya!

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