Chapter 18

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"Look out for the 'wet floor sign.'"

"I can see the floor is wet, Grasshead. I- WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!"

"...that's why I said look out for the sign, not the wet floor itself."

"Shut up, Tree Top."

Nurse Joy rounded the corner to find the extremely argumentative pair from the night before. As she had assumed from what she had heard of their conversation, the brunet was on the floor having tripped over the sign that was supposed to prevent falling.

She smiled as the green haired boy helped her up.


The girl pouted. "Jerk," she muttered. "Oh, hi Nurse Joy," she said, finally noticing the pink haired woman.

"Hello! Do you need anything?" She asked cheerily.

"Er... Sorry about all of the yelling Drew and I did last night...." She said sheepishly, gesturing at the boy as she said his name. "I'm May."

"Or airhead, as I like to call her," the boy said smirking.


Nurse Joy giggled behind one of her hands. Her prediction from last night was proving its self to be right: from what she had seen this morning, they liked each other quite a bit.

She laughed some more as May attempted to attack him with flailing arms while he easily held her back, but it quickly turned into a silent 'awwwwwww.' She smiled as he handed the girl a rose, causing her to instantly calm and smile again.

However, the sweet moment was short lived as Nurse Joy was knocked to the side and the Rose snatched from May's hands.

"Oh! May Hun!!!! I can't believe I ran into you here!!!!! Oh, is this from Drew!?!?!?!?!?" He asked, heavily handling the rose.

Suddenly he gasped. "Don't tell me... You two are partners now?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Drew shrugged, playing it cool like it,was no big deal. "We're really the only co-ordinator the other knows here in Johto - minus you and Solidad that is - and we already know our styles work well together, so we figured why not?"

"Why am I not surprised that you two ended up as partners. And Harley give May back her rose before you destroy it," the peach haired woman commanded Harley as she walked up.

"Solidad!" May cried happily.

"Oh, but Sugar Cookie, don't you know what red roses mean?" Harley said in his weird high-pitched voice.

"Red roses mean congratulations," Drew butted in in a low, threatening tone.

Nurse Joy laughed softly. The boy was right - red roses did mean congratulations, however a single red rose meant love.

"Really?" May asked. "Then why do you sometimes give me them after I lost?"

"As a congratulations on squeaking through the appeals round," Drew covered while Harley's left eye twitched and Solidad shook her head.

"Solidad, who's your partner?" Drew wondered. Solidad smiled and Drew paled slightly.

"Oh please no..."

"That's right, short cake. Ginger snap and I are taking. Home the trophy."

May rubbed her temple. "Who's who?"

"Why of course you're sugar cookie, May Hun. Solidad dear's ginger snap, and Mr. Rose is short cake!"

"Why am I short cake?" Drew muttered.

"Because your short!!" Harley bluntly sang.

Drew's right eye twitched and his face took on a look that said that he would gladly kill Harley at any given moment.

"Um, anyone want to play Spoons?" May asked hoping to break up the evident tension. Why it was there, she wasn't quite sure.

"How do you play Spoons?" Solidad asked as Harley produced a pack of cards out of literally no where.

"So everyone starts with four cards. The sit in a circle with one person with the deck and the person to there right with the discard pile. The goal is to get four cards of the same value. For example, four threes, four queens, four tens, etc. it starts when the dealer picks up a card and decides if they want it. If they don't, then they pass it on to the person on their left. If they do, then they put it in their hand and pass on one of the cards in their hand that they didn't want. So basically. You can only have four at a time and have to pass off the fifth. Then the spoons come in. There will be one less spoon than players - so three for us - in the center. Instead of the last person passing their card on to the dealer, they put in the discard pile so it can only go around once. When you get four cards of the same value, you pick up a spoon. After the first one is taken, anyone can take one, so it's a mad scramble to get one and not be the one without a spoon, because that person is eliminated. Thing is, this is a speed game, so there are no turns. The moment the dealer passes his or her card on, they draw another one as fast as you can because you want to get that first spoon. You could have a huge pile of cards that you have to go through one at a time because you aren't as fast when looking through them as the person next to you," May said turning to face your screen. "And if you didn't get any of that, dear readers, then I suggest you look it up because it's an awesome game."

(A/N spoons, butterscotch, go fish, any card game is both loved and extremely intense when played with me and Amphy's group. Seriously, Wonderdreaming_ got like seven matches in a row in go fish, so my other friend went all Hisoka on her. So funny, but she refuses to teach me...)

Drew eyed May weirdly. "Um... Who were you just talking to?"

"You guys. I was explaining. How to play!" May defended.

Yeah, but you said something after that," Drew insisted.

"No, I didn't."

"But... Never mind."


It was all Drew could do not to laugh. Everyone was so busy looking through the cards that they still hadn't noticed that he had taken the first spoon at least three minutes ago. He just kept on feeding them cards as if he was still in, but they hadn't realized that there was only two spoons left.

At that point, Solidad got her four and looked up to realize that she hadn't needed to get them - the first one was gone meaning the others were a free for all.

Drew smirked and held up the spoon, and she rolled her eyes and quietly took one, leaving May and Harley to pointlessly gather and get rid of cards.

After just a minute or so, Harley realized that there was only one left and secretly took it, still feeding May more cards so she just blindly continued to try to make a set of four.

Let's see how long this takes.


Okay, this is a quick filler, but it's because I've been working on this really long one shot called Why?, and I'm most of the way done with it, so...

See ya!

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