Chapter 4

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"On today's edition of 'May's Adventures', we find her on the road to Cherrygrove city, Johto, with an arrogant rival! Yes! You heard me right! In Johto with my rival Drew! Would you like to guest star?"

He gave me a weird look. "Still doing the May's adventures thing? I would have thought you would have stopped sometime between Mirage Island and now."

I pouted. "You just don't know how to have fun."

"That's the exact same comeback that you used on Mirage Island."


He shrugged. "I have a good memory, and a sense of attention span."

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, YOU GRA- ooh, is that a Caterpie?"

"My point exactly."

I glared at him while he just continued walking, a smug yet amused look on his face.


"I'll go gather some sticks and stuff to light the fire fire with." I suggested as Drew pulled out some cooking supplies. "Are you sure you don't want me to help cook?" I asked. It just didn't seem fair to make him do all of the cooking.

"Are you sure that you want to be poisoned?" He retorted.

"Meenie..." I turned around to go gather some fire materials.

"Hey, May? Don't go too far. I don't exactly feel like having to find you or rescue you if a wild Pokemon jumped you." I'm still trying to figure out if he's just teasing me, or if this is his cryptic way of caring.

I rolled my eyes. "I can take care of myself."

"Seriously though, don't go too far."

"I'm not four..." I argued. This wasn't my first time traveling! He knows that!

"Really? Well you act like it."

"Hayden..." I growled before going to gather the fire material.


By this time, it was pitch black save for the dying fire and the stars.

Drew yawned for about the hundredth time in the past ten minutes."I'm going to bed..." He murmured sleepily.

I was wondering it was going to take before he either went to bed or just plain fell asleep sitting up.

"I'll go to bed too."

I pulled out my dark red sleeping bag while he rolled out his black one. "Night... May..."

"Goodnight, Drew."


I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I opened my eyes to see sunlight streaming through the leafs of the trees above.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I wandered over to where Drew was making breakfast while simealtaniustly running a brush though my messy hair, returning it to its usual bouncy state.

"'Morning, sleepyhead. You'll be pleased to learn that breakfast is almost ready, Mrs. Always hungry."


I smiled as I finished my last pancake. "I didn't know that you know how to cook!"

He shrugged. "It's never exactly come up in conversation. Plus, I started out traveling by myself, remember?"

"Oh, riiiiiiiight..." I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my head. "Brock did pretty much all of the cooking back when I was traveling with them. Max, Ash, and I would probably starve each other."

I wasn't sure why, but Drew's eyes narrowed when I said Ash's name. I don't get it - Ash never gave Drew any reason to hate him, but I got the feeling that Drew didn't exactly like him.

We quickly packed up our things and hit the trail.

We had been hiking for maybe an hour or two before...

"Hey, Drew? Let's play a game!" I said, as I was getting a little board.

He cocked one eyebrow. "What kind of game?" He asked.

"Um... One of us could describe a Pokemon or a Pokemon type and the other one tries to guess it."

"Okay. I'll start. Uh... It's a type. One of us has a pokemon with this type on their team."

Okay, that eliminates quite a few.

"This is the only type that is super effective on it's self." I gave him a confused look and he face palmed. "...of course you don't know which type that is... Um... It is one of the less common types."


"I'm the one with this type Pokemon."

"So it's... A dark type, poison type, ground type, or dragon type?"


"Can you give me another hint?"

"It's the dragon type."

"Okay, um... Is- Hey!!! I said hint, not answer!!!!"

He only chuckled to himself.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shrieked a very shrill voice. Drew and I took one look at each other before sprinting off to the source of the noise.

We broke through the bushes to find several Mightyena surrounding a poor little Pokemon.

"HEY!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!" I screamed. The five dog pokemon turned to me.

My eyes widened in fear as one of them began to charge, but Drew stepped in front of me.

"Flygon, earthquake!!!!" The ground began to shake, and I started to loose my balance, but he held on to me.

The Mightyena ran off, having low HP.

We ran to the injured pokemon. "An Altaria..." He said quietly. "What's it doing all the way in Johto?"

I pulled a hyper potion out of my bag. "Here..." The Altaria's wounds began to heal and she fearfully raised her head.

'You couldn't even defend yourself against a pack of wimpy Mightyena? How'd you even evolve from a Swablu?' Flygon asked in a very Drew-like manner.

Altaria shakily rose to her feet. 'Who are you to call me weak, you oversized Trapinch!?!?' She retorted.

Flygon glared at her and Altaria glared back.

May had no idea what they were saying, and Drew could only understand Flygon, but they both got the idea of what was going on.

"Flygon!! Be a little nicer!!!" Drew cried, but it was no use as the two continued arguing.

I looked at Drew. "Should we let out our other pokemon?"

He shrugged. "Sure." He sent out his five and I sent out my four.

I glanced over to Beautifly. She had gone over to investigate some flowers while Masqurain hovered over by her.

Butterfree relaxed in the sun, Skitty ran in circles, Glaceon lay on the grass, while Roserade and Blazikin were chatting about something or another.

"Huh? Where's Absol?" I asked.

Drew sighed. "Probably hiding in the bushes or something. He... He can be kind of shy, but when he's comfortable whither you, he is the CRAZIEST thing you will ever meet, but it may take him a while."

"There he is." I saw that Absol had curled up near the edge of the field. "Huh? I said as Altaria approached me.

'Hey, May?' She asked. 'Can I join your team? I'd love to, as long as I don't have to talk to that annoying Flygon.'

"Sure!" I said happily. "And you never know. You might end up being friends with him."

'I doubt it."

"Pokeball! Go!"


"Good night, Drew." I said closing my eyes.

"Good night, May. We should reach Cherrygrove right before lunch, if we set off early."

And I drifted off to sleep.

----------------------- I the only one who thinks that the chapter is the worst so far?

Anyway... I have a new oneshot up called 'please say yes'. That's kind of the reason this chappie took so long.

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