Chapter 5

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"YOU DID WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? SHE'S WHERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Norman blasted, rather infuriated. It was no mystery where May had gotten her temper.

"I said, that May is in Johto traveling Drew," Caroline replied calmly, not sure if she was terrified for Drew's life at her husband's rage, or simply amused.


"You wouldn't approve of any boy remotely her age who is .01% less dense than Ash. It's not Drew who's the problem, Norman. It's you."

Norman stepped back, shocked. "H-how? How is this my fault?" He stuttered, rather confused.

"It's because you don't want to let go. You don't want her with anyone who might eventually take her away from her. You know he likes her. You know that he's going to take care of her. You know that he's going to protect her, and yet you don't want him to because you want to be the person to do all of that," she argued, hands on her hips.

"I just- I- but-," he spluttered. "May's not a baby anymore, and if you keep treating her like one, you're going to have to deal with a rebellion bigger than traveling in Johto WITH her mother's permission."

"I... I... Fine," Norman finished, shoulders drooping, admitting defeat. "BUT THEY ARE BOTH STILL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!"

"And besides, if they can simply not live near each other, they can always split up and May can travel with Solidad. Although, I don't think that it will have to come to that. Despite all the teasing, they get along fairly well."


"IT'S TO THE RIGHT, GRASSHEAD!!! THE LEFT PATH LEADS TOO FAR SOUTH!!!!!!!!" May screamed, her top long since blown.

"No, it's left. The right part isn't on the map," Drew said, flipping his hair.






"It's to the left!! Now calm down, quit yelling, and just come on!"

"Fine," May huffed. "You go left, I go right. I have a map on my Pokenav, so we'll see who gets there."

Drew said nothing but began walking left, so May took that as an agreement. She went right.


"Stupid Grasshead. Stupid Drew. Stupid boys..." May muttered, still upset about the whole 'which way' dispute.

Drew, on the other hand, had calmed down less than five minutes after splitting paths. In fact, (although he would deny it with his life) he was starting to get worried. He didn't like the idea of May traveling by herself anymore than Norman did.

DANG IT! I thought that she was just going to turn around and follow me when I started walking away, but no. She had to take a totally different path.

Ugh. I shouldn't have let my annoyance get the better of me... I have most of the food and cooking supplies. She only has the snack-like items and energy bars! She's going to be hungry!

I hope she doesn't get lost... I mean, she has a map, but she needs a little practice reading it. Man, I should not have let her go off on her own...

Maybe I should turn around to find her... No. I'm probably closer to Cherrygrove by now, and she's probably walked just as far. It would be a lot faster to keep on going and then see where the path would lead once I get into town.

He had his head down on the ground in front of him, while May had her's buried in a map.

"Could this possibly by my road... No, it's too far north... Um... OWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She rubbed her head, picking herself up off the path. "Drew?"

"Huh? May?" He said, though inwardly he was rejoicing. He slapped his forehead. "The two paths must have run parallel, and were so close together that the map couldn't show them individually. Then they merge into one again," he reasoned.

May giggled. "I guess we were both right!" They began on the trail again.

"So," Drew asked. "Anything major like catching a new Pokemon that doesn't even live in Johto happen while I was gone?"

"Nope! You?"

"I would have told you already, airhead."


Ah, somethings never change.


"Yummy!!" May exclaimed contently, slurping her noddles. "I give this restaurant an A+!!!!!!"

Drew rolled his eyes, miraculously eating his noddles neatly. "You would give any restaurant an A+ as long as it didn't poison you."

"So?" She asked though a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Hm... The Violet City contest is in about a week and a half, and we'll need to go through Routes 30 and 31 to get there. Route 30 should take us around four days, and Route 30 should take us a little over two day, leaving a small amount of time for us to train and/or sightsee," he mused.

"That gives us top he rest of the day to relax or train a bit before heading on to Violet City, right?" May asked.

"Right on," Drew confirmed.


'Ello, peoples!!

So much better than the last chapter...

For the most part, I'm going to be transferring over to third person for all of my books. It's a lot less confusing to read than my first person, and I can describe more than one person's thoughts.

See ya!

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