Chapter 6

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May skipped along happily while Drew walked with hands in his pockets. She gasped, hands clasped at her chest, and ran off towards a lake.

"May, just stay focused," Drew said, sighing. "Aw... Can we please take a look around the lake?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"No. If we want to make it to the Violet City contest on time, we need the keep moving," he argued. She pouted. "You're no fun...."

Drew rolled his eyes. "No, I'm just not ADD." May cocked her head. "What does that stand for?"

"It stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. Simply put, it means that you can't focus on one thing for more then a short amount of time," he explained.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, I've heard of ADOS before." Drew gave her a weird look. "It's ADD."

"Nope! ADOS stands for Attention Deficit- Ooh, Shiny!

(*cough cough* Wonderdreaming_ *cough*)

Just a day in the life of May and Drew.


May collapsed under the shade of a tree, determined to get in as much rest as possible in her short break. She took a huge gulp of water, and she saw Drew doing the same.

He had long since taken off his jacket, in fact, May was questioning why he was even wearing it in the first place. He seemed to love being warm, always wearing pants, long sleeves, and that purple jacket.

However, it was too warm right now, even for him. It was the end of August, and burning up outside. Both were sweating pretty heavily, though Drew more so than May.

He sat down beside her in an attempt to cool off as well. "It's like a hundred degrees out here..." May panted.

"Nooooooo... I couldn't tell," Drew replied, heat completely not effecting his sarcastic nature. "Let's take another five minutes before we head off again."

"That soon?" May complained. "I don't like it any more than you do," Drew agreed for once. "But we need to keep moving, and it will start to get cooler soon."

May pouted.

-----a few days later------

Once again, Drew began to cook dinner while May set up camp. The two had fallen into a routine:

Drew wakes up first, trains for a little bit, then starts breakfast. May then wakes up when Drew is nearly done. If not, then he wakes her up.

They pack up and begin hiking, taking a mid-morning break for five to ten minutes.

At lunch time, they settle down and eat before spending a little time training.

After that, it's on the trail again with a break in a few hours.

When it starts to get dark, they set up camp so the someone (May) wouldn't trip and hut something. That and it's easier to do things when you can see.

They eat dinner then hang out for a little bit before one of them starts to get tired.

Oh, and don't forget to insert great amounts of arguing at every stage. I mean, really. Did you honestly expect them to get along?

Not fighting, though, arguing. Mind the difference.

Seriously. Think about it. There's a MAJOR difference between the two teen's squabbling and actually being mad at each other.

And trust me. They did more than a bit of squabbling. It was just the way they worked.

A May and a Drew without their arguing would be impostors.

"You're an airhead."

"Oh yeah? Well you're a Grasshead!"

"You've already used that one. Several times."

"Well, it's a good one!"



"Then you're a bandana brain."

"And you're a... a... Tree. You're a tree."

"The hair, June. You are insulting the hair."

"Oh yeah? Well I'll give you 'the hair.'

May made a lunge for Drew's hair in an attempt to mess it up. In response, Drew stepped away and grabber her hands to prevent her from touching his precious hair.

May gave him an annoyed glare and blew on his bangs instead, sadly to no effect.

"Really, June? Really?" He said, and watched calmly as May struggled to free her wrists. "I'm stronger than you, you know. That's not going to work."

May ignored him, and continued attempting to break free, making no progress what so ever.


The two sat by the fire, having just finished dinner.

"Hey, Drew? There's something that I have to finish from earlier." Before he could react, she reached over and completely messed up his hair.

He made a grumpy face. "I would mess up your hair or something, but I'm too tired..." He yawned.

"You're not a night owl, are you?" May asked, referring to the fact that so far he had been the first one to start getting tired, and also the first to go to bed.

"Nope. I'm a morning person, not a night owl. I haven't made it up any later than 11:30, and that was on New Year's," he admitted sleepily.

"Really? I've pulled a couple all-nighters before," May told him.

"Don't... Care..." He murmured.

May grinned playfully. "Is it someone's nappy time?"

"Shut... Up..."

She giggled. "Yeah, we should probably go to bed..."


"Good night, sleepy tree top."


Okay, so funny moment. I'm in the play 'The Sound of Music.' So weber about to preform, right?

Rolf: Break a leg. And dislocate a shoulder, and scratch an eye out, and-

Me: Go get a concussion.

Boys are so immature. Sorry any boys who happen to be reading this.

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