Chapter 9

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"Come on, December. The contest is in a few days, so there won't be any rooms left if we don't get a move on," Drew begged impatiently as he tried to drag May to the Pokemon center rather than stopping at every thing she saw. "There's time for this later."


The center doors slid open, allowing the two entry.

"Hello? Can we rent a room and sign up for the Johto contests?" Drew asked ever so politely.

"Sure! You two are lucky. We have one room with two beds left. If you two will come with me for a moment, I can take your pictures for the Johto contests," Nurse Joy said happily.

May frantically tried smoothing down and brushing her hair while Drew just calmly followed Nurse Joy.

To May's delight, her picture actually looked okay for once. As for Drew's...

Well, he looked amazing like always.

"And I assume you two want to sign up as partners for the contest?" Nurse Joy asked, clacking away at the computer on her desk.

She got two blank looks.

"I take it you haven't heard yet?"

Two more blank looks.

"Well, you see, the contests this year are tag team battles. You have to register with the partner that you will be completing with all year," she explained.

May and Drew looked at each other. They turned back to Nurse Joy. "Why not?"

"Okay then," she said, absent minded as she typed some more mysterious words into that wonderful gadget called a computer. "You two are registered to be competing together, Ms. Maple and Mr. Hayden."

She handed them a room key.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you two a couple?" She asked wondering what their reactions would be.

Both co-ordnaters immediately felt their faces warm slightly at the thought of them being together.

"N-no! Of course not! We're just friends!!" May squeaked. Drew's face saddened a little bit at being friend zoned, something that did not go unnoticed by Nurse Joy.

"Let's go," he huffed, taking the key.

She smiled as the two 'friends' walked of to find where they would be staying. "They completely like each other," she commented to Chancy who chirped in agreement.


"So we're tag teaming, huh?" Drew commented.

"Yeah," May said quietly. She knew she should be excited, but instead she was scared.

She was scared that they would start fighting uncontrollably. She was scared that they wouldn't be compatible enough to work together effectively. But most of all, she was scared that she would let him down, that she would mess up and ruin it for the both of them.

From across the room, Drew was having similar fears. He was scared that she would get too annoyed with him and just leave him all alone.

"If we want to have a shot at this, we should probably do some training together," he suggested.



"So who do you think we should use for our grand entrance into Johto?" May wondered.

"Hm... What about Beautifly and Masqurain? They've known each other the longest other than Roselia and Blazikin, and they seem to work well together. And if we can get them to pull off a double silverwind like on Mirage island..." Drew suggested.

"Good idea."

"I'm full of good ideas."

"No, you're full of yourself."

"Looks like someone's been working on her comebacks over the summer."

"Was that a compliment?"

"Take it as you want it."

*sigh* "Some days I just don't get you, Andrew Hayden."

"You're quite a mystery yourself, Maybelle Maple. For example, how does one manage to trip over air?"


But, as if on cue, May tripped. She squealed and braced herself, but Drew with his quick reflexes had wrapped his arms around her to steady her.

For the second time in the past ten minutes, they felt their faces go red, courtesy of each other.

"Er... This looks like a good place to train," May said awkwardly.

"Alright then. Masqurain, come on out!!"


I updated! 😊


See ya!

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