Chapter 10

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"Hellooooooooooooo Johto!! My Name is Vivian, and I would like to welcome you to Violet City's very. Own. POKEMON CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Drew sweatdropped at Vivian's enthusiasm. "I wonder if Solidad and Harley are entered in the contest," he said absentmindedly, staring at the screen that reveled the stage to those back stage.

"May?" He asked, turning to his partner upon hearing no reply. "MAY!"

"Hmm? Oh, I, uh..." She said, snapping out of her trance.

"Don't worry. Just calm down. You'll be fine."


"This isn't your first contest."


He was going to say something to the effect of how Beautifly was going to be nervous of she was nervous, but he figured that would only make her freak out more.

"Just remember that I'm going to be out there too, so if you mess up, everyone's going to be looking at me anyway," he encouraged.


"Are you always like this before a contest?"

"S-sort of..."

"Just chill. You'll do fine."

"For those of you in the audience who haven't already heard, the contests this year will be tag team, so I would like to welcome our first team, May and Drew! The two were previous rivals, but now partners, so let's see if they can pull this off!!" Vivian screamed into the mic.

May nervously wondered if the audience could see her legs shaking, whereas Drew sauntered on stage as if that was where he was born and raised.

May took a deep breath before locking eyes with Drew and nodding, their agreed cue to release their pokemon.



"COME ON OUT!!!!!!!" They yelled together.

The two Pokemon twirled around each other twice before opening their wings to show the sparkle on Beautifly and bright colors on Masqurain.

"Masqurian, Bubble!" Said Pokemon produced a large ring of sparkly blue bubbles surrounded center stage, half way up the stadium.

"Beautifly! Morning sun!"

May and Drew bowed as Beautifly and Masqurain landed on their respective trainer's head.

The whole stadium was filled with a beautiful glow, and the bubbles were the brightest of all.

"Let's see what the judges have to say!"

The numbers popped up.




"And May and Drew start the contest off with an impressive 27.9, a tough score to beat!!!"

The crowd cheered and May and Drew walked off stage.

Drew smirked and May let out the breath she was holding.

"Hey- MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!" May and Drew turned to find the source of the noise.

"Grace?" May said, recognizing the red head.

(No, she is not an OC. She beat Drew in the first battle round, and then May beat her on the final stage, earning her first ribbon all the way back in 'Come What May.' She was that girl with a Medicham, remember?)

"May! I haven't seen you in forever! I see you're doing well," she commented.

"Yeah... I guess. I'm still really nervous, though," May said modestly.

"Are you kidding me? You two did awesome! Oh, I remember you. You're Drew, May's boyfriend, right?" She continued.

Drew face palmed, hiding his blush in his hands while May waved her arms around wildly. "N-no!!!! W-we're just friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Grace made a weird, scrunched up-ish face before bursting out laughing.

"Oh please!!! It's so obvious you two were meant for each other!!!"

The two lovebirds only bushed harder.

"So... Uh... Grace... Who are you competing with?" May asked, trying to get off the topic Grace was steering them to.

"Oh, I'm competing with one of my childhood friends, Megan."

(Random person I made up)

"And next up, we have Grace and Megan!!"

"I guess we're on."

"Good luck!"


"And we find ourselves half way through the final stage match with Grace and Megan vs. May and Drew! I'll admit, I was a little surprised at the latter pair, but I think they have surprised all of us with their amount cooperation despite being such fierce rivals!"

It was a tough battle alright. Both teams had lost about 25% of their points although Grace and Megan were slightly in the lead.

As the clock ticked down, May and Drew started to panic. They only had around 20% left while the other team had not quite lost half yet.

30 seconds left.

May and Drew looked at each other, knowing that they would have to do it.

25 seconds left.



"In position!!"

20 seconds left.

"DOUBLE SILVERWIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The two attacks were unleashed in a fury of shining silver. Medicham and Meinfoo flinched under the weight of the attack.

May glanced at the scoreboard and her heart sank. 5 seconds left and they were still behind with no time to attack again.

"And Medicham and Meinfoo are unable to battle! The victory goes to... MAY AND DREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vivian yelled.


"So, where are we going next, oh smart one?" May asked.

Drew, who had been flopped on his own bed reading some random book he had found laying around the room, looked up. "There's a contest in Azalea Town in around a month. It might seem like a long time, but route 32 is pretty long and we have to go through Union cave," he said before returning to his book.

"Cool! When do we leave?"

"It's supposed to lightly rain on route 32 tomorrow, so we can have the day to train and look around town before we leave the day after that," he added without looking up.



Sorry if this took me a long time to update, and sorry if the contest stunk.

Bye peoples!

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