Ch. 5| The Temple

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Things to Know~
•(Y/N)- Your Name
•(L/N)- Last Name
•(J/T)- Jury Title
•(F/C)- Favorite Color
•(W/T)- Weapon Type
•(N/N)- Nick name

-Play song-
|Your POV|
"(Y/N)?" His Voice Cracked,
I turned his body was cover almost everywhere in Blackish purple substance, He looked pale.
"W..What Happened to You?!"
He got to my level and grabbed my hands, I started into his dark Eyes.
"I did this for everyone.... For Aphmau, To save Garroth......He was stuck in the Irene dimension, and Aphmau tried doing everything she could to get him out, B..But nothing could have worked with out a sacrifice... So I did it...."
"But why! No it's my fault, if it wasn't for my you wouldn't have to do this.... Irene playing tricks on me, Your Dead..." I sobbed, his grip tightened... He was real.... I wasn't just seeing things...
"Don't go blaming this on yourself... All you wanted to do was help out village... I did this on my own, I wanted to keep everyone else happy.."
"A..Aaron... Do you feel real?"
"What? I feel real... I think, why would you ask?"
"C..cause Aaron They told me you were dead.... But your here right now.."
"Last thing I remember was holding Zane up with the amulet and now I'm here...."
"C..could you be in another dimension?" 
He looked up at me, I felt a year roll down my face.... He took his thumb and rubbed it away, He smiled.... How could he be smiling at this moment!
"What ever it may be, I'm glad I got to see your beautiful face again...." 
~Ring ring ring~
The sound of bells rang, Aaron's started disappearing.
"Aaron! No!"
He completely disappeared, I felt the tears pour out of my eyes.... He could possibly be stuck in another dimension that none of us no about....
"No!" I screamed....
I smashed my (W/T) into the ground and squeezed it tight, I heard people come up behind me.
"(Y/N)?" Voices yell.
Tears escaping my eyes drink down my cheeks, I felt a some down to level with me.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"
I felt my chin lifted up, And someone wiped off My tears, I saw Laurance.
"(Y/N)? are you okay, Why are you crying?"
"I..I... Aaron He's stuck..."
"Stuck?" They question,
"Yes! In another dimension I believe... I s..saw him..."
"C'mon let's back to the village.." Laurance said, he helped my up. And we started walking back to the village, Once we got there I told them everything I saw and what Aaron said to me.
" you believe A..Aaron is in another dimension?" Aphmau asked,
"Yes what he said to me that the last thing he remembered seeing Zane in this grip, then suddenly he was here.."
"That's what happened to me..." Garroth Mumbled,
"I'm sorry..." Aphmau said Turing away..
"I'm sorry for Making you cry... And you running away, I just couldn't handle someone saying anything about him... I'm truly sorry, I know it's not your fault."
"Thanks Aphmau" I sniffled, She stood up and we each other brought into a hug. I felt so comfortable around them, such caring and kind people; I could never hold a grudge on her.
"So What do we do now?" Laurance asked,
"Emmalyn! She has been researching on Lady Irene maybe she knows a thing or two about this." Aph said beaming with some happiness.
"Right lets head to the portal!"
We got up and left the village, Bringing us to a house that was oddly shaped, and a portal outside of it.
"We're are we going?" I asked,
"Home!" Aph laughed and pulling me through The portal,
"Gah!" I yelled and jumped out the other side, where were we? In some sort of a tree...
"This is what you guys call home?" I questioned,
"No silly, our village is this way!"  
We walked to a small set up with tents and a large boat in the water, they must be just starting the village. There were some built building but most were unfinished,
"So yup this is our little Village so far" Aph said, 
"So where is Emmalyn?"
"Oh, let's me go ask" Aph walked off and I was left with Laurance and Garroth,
"So (Y/N), I have a question what Aaron said to you-" Garroth began to say, till Laurance cut him off.
"Garroth let's not ask that sort of question right now.."
"Oh... Uh right.."
"C'mon Helmet head" Laurance nudged Garroth, I chucked. I saw a small blush on the apples of Garroth's Cheeks.
"(Y/N)!" Aph called, "This is Emmalyn and Kenmur"
"Hello! So Lady Ir- I mean Aphmau said That you Had Questions for me!"
"Yeah I do and well they do involve lady Irene Aphmau said you study her."
"Oh do I study her! Or do I study her... That did make sense did it.. Heh... Well Kenmur! Where are my Books!"
"Emmy I'm right here you know.... There back at the temple, remember!" Kenmur said holding Emmalyn's shoulder
"Sorry... But Kenmur we need to bring you to the temple! C'mon at once!" Emmalyn Yelled and skipped off, I giggled.
-And we head to the Temple?
I walked around these ruins and came apon this huge temple that looked all to familiar..... But why does it?
"Hey Laurance don't fall Down into another hole!" Aphmau laughed,
"Hey A guy falls into a hole once or twice and he never hears the end of it!" Laurance flailed his arms jokingly, I laughed.
"I think it was more like Three times Laurance!" Aph giggled under her breath..
"Hey!..." Laurance chucked,
Garroth stopped in front of the Temple and just stared, I stepped into the temple and froze.... This place.....

It's too familiar....
But why?
And How?

~Continued Next chapter~

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