Ch. 6| Divine Warriors?¿

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Things to Know~
•(Y/N)- Your Name
•(L/N)- Last Name
•(J/T)- Jury Title
•(F/C)- Favorite Color
•(W/T)- Weapon Type
•(N/N)- Nick name

-Play song-
|Your POV|

It's too familiar....
But why?
And How?
It's like I've seen this place before.....

"(Y/N)?" I heard all over, a Voice of a women rang through my ears; It felt like everything stopped. I looked around looking at every detail of this structure, why? Why does this look too familiar? I suddenly felt a hand grip my arm and I was being pulled back.
"(Y/N)!" I heard again but it was much deeper, Then it happened. I fell, I lifted up my head and Saw Garroth.
"Are you okay (Y/N)?"
"Uh- um Yeah...."
What just happened?.....
"Good, you almost fell into a hole."
"I...I did... How could I be so careless."
Garroth helped me up, But something seemed off with him.
"Garroth, real question is, are you okay?"
"Oh... Uh well I don't feel right here it seems really familiar here, like and uncomfortable feeling..... I don't like being here."
"Really? Why does it seem familiar?"
"Well- "
"Guys over here!" Aph called,
"Guess we should go there huh.."
"Oh uh yeah.."
We walked over and down into a broken up corridor that met a room, there were books and papers scattered almost everywhere and a desk full of notes.
"Kenmur!"  Emmalyn yelled,
"Emmy I'm right here! Calm down...." Kenmur said covering his ears from Emmalyn yelled,
"Oops sorry sweetie, were are my notes?"
"How would I know there everywhere.."
"Well guess I'm gonna have to look.... Yay..." Emmalyn said sarcastically, I looked at this large tapestry hanging on the wall, you could discern that Lady Irene was in the middle; and what in guessing the divine warriors around her. I studied each of the divine warriors when I was in the jury, Irene the Marton, Enki the Keeper, Shad the Destroyer, Esmund the Protector, Menphia the Fury, and Kul'Zak the Wanderer. Each were easy to identify cause of their symbols, Each Divine Warrior had their own Relics, or possessions that give whom ever has them.... But what does this mean? Since Aphmau and I both posses Lady Irene's only Two relics; we both posses Equal power? Or we don't only Half? I've only experienced her power once, but Does Aphmau even use her power?
"Emmalyn, What can you tell me about the Divine warriors?" I asked, Her head shot right up and she gave me a smile.
"Well as you probably Know Lady Irene and all the divine right?"
"Well yes, I was in the jury and I would constantly study them."
"Well their just normal people."
"Normal People?!" Everyone asked,
"Well as a theory, As you know of the War of the Magi; it was a war against the Shadow Knights right? Well most thought of Shad to be the shadow Lord, But it's not know.... Just a theory, But each Divine Help with the war, well with their power I can't tell you how they got that. Most think that at one point Irene was just a normal Human, along with the other Divine. But none of its confirmed, Another theory is that Lady Irene created the Irene dimension to hold the war. To keep everyone in the world Safe, But that was over 4,000 years ago...."
I walked closer to the tapestry, and studied each of the divine. Shad Be the Shadow Lord, Is that even possible? Each Divine warrior was in a stance and hold each symbol of there's 'power' or what ever.....
"Emmalyn, could any of the other Divine create a dimension? Like Irene did?"
She looked up at me from searching through the all of her papers,
"Why do you ask?"
"Uh... Well I...I saw A...Aaron"
"You Saw him? How? And Where?"
"Where the Portal was before Aaron sacrifice himself to open it..."
"Hmm.... I don't know but this is a great thing to start research on Kenmur and I, were going to need to go to get more books and do some research.... Well try and get him out as soon as possible, Well try!"
"There nothing you have here to give us a clue?!" I made a fist, I wanted to punch something but I couldn't.
"N..No I've only ever heard... And well seen the Irene Dimension."
"Uh- well thank you for your help Emmalyn..." I mumbled..
I turned around and Everyone looked at me worried, I let out a small sigh.
"Hey Why don't we head back to the village..." Aph said, I nodded my head and followed them back. Once we got back it was night fall, everyone seemed tired but I wasn't; all I wanted to do was stay up and find something to at least give us a clue that Aaron could possible be in another dimension. Aphmau allowed me to sleep in her house tonight in the extra bed she had, once I got there a women sat near the fire place with a little girl. I blinked and just stared at her, Her eyes met mine and she greeted me with a warm smile.
"Hello I'm Zoey! You must be new?"
"Oh Yeah.... I am, I'm (Y/N)"
"Well nice to meet you (Y/N)!"
"Gu~" the little girl Giggled, I smiled.
"Oh and this is Aphmau's Daughter Lilith!"
"Awe she's adorable"
"Isn't she!" Zoey Giggled picking up Lilith and kissing her cheek, Lilith Kept giggling and it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I heard the door creek open and Aphmau Walked in with a set of clothes.
"Hey! So I see you met Lilith and Zoey, i've brought you a set of clothes so you didn't have to sleep in armor."
She handed me a small bag with some clothes in it. I smiled,
"Thanks you Aphmau, You all have been nothing but kind to me."
"No problem, it's what we do!" She smiled back, I walked to the bathroom and placed the bag on the ground and began taking off my armor only leaving me in a pair of brown pains and shirt, I pulled them off and got into a shower, the warm water bounced off my skin and dripped through my hair. I got out and put on the clothes Aphmau gave me, it was a (F/C) shirt with some Black pants. Wow these are comfortable...... I've never got to be in comfortable clothes before, I walked opened the Bathroom door and-
I felt something collied with the door, I slammed the door shut and Grabbed my (W/T) and held it up,
"Who are you and what are you doing?!" I commanded who it was to say, pointing my (W/T) closer to It.
"Ayyeee! Put the (W/T) down please...." A deep voice said, the person stood up and rubbed his head.
"Heyy beautiful~ I'm Travis."
I raised and eyebrow, In one motion I had him face down pinned to the ground with his arms behind his back.
"GAH!" He yelled,
"Excuse me, what were you doing at the door huh?"
"Uh well I was just getting a better looked at you~ Wow you are just gorgeous!"
I pulled his hands further behind his back, He groaned in pain.
"Uncle! Uncle!" He whimpered, I laughed and let got of him and stood back up.
"Gez Travis got beaten down by another I see!" A women's voice said behind me, I spun around and flew out my (W/T) and they collied with a staff.
"Oh Hello Lovely." She smiled, I put my (W/T) down and back away a bit.
"Uh?" I stared at the staff, She's a witch..... But the staff looked familiar.
"Oh where are my manners I'm Lucinda, Aphmau told me about you while you were getting changed. I see you met that Adorable, dork, Travis."
"Y...yeah In like the worse why possible.... That pervert..."
"Hey!" He jumped up, "I'll have you know I haven't flirted with anyone for the whole day!" Lucinda looked at him and rolled her eyes,
"Okay, okay an Hour..... But still...." He chucked at bit, I had to admit he was cute, but none the less a huge pervert!
"Well it was nice meeting you (Y/N), I wanted to meet you before you went off to bed, so I'm going now goodnight. C'mon Travis let's go!"
"Okay..... Well goodnight."
"Goodnight Beautiful~" he walked by and whispered in my ear... I walked back and Aphmau was sitting in her bed with Lilith reading her a book,
"Hey Aph."
"Oh hey (Y/N), I was just reading Lilith a book. Your beds right there!" Three beds lining the wall, two were all messed up and one was perfectly covered. Guessing that's my bed, I crawled into bed and laid there listening to Aphmau read to Lilith. Crossing my mine was Aaron and How there might be a chance that he's in another dimension..... I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer, I felt my sleep drift off into a slumber.
Last thought crossed my Mine,

What if Aaron's actually Dead?

Hope you enjoyed my little Buggles! Idk why but this chapter tooook soo much effort to write! I couldn't think of wording and how to write things. I was loosing it! But here ya go! Hope you like it❤️✨

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