(I'm running out of title ideas)

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We reentered the auditorium.

The susPENCE

Darkstalker was slowly flapping around the place, inspecting the terrified students.

He looked like a feeble bat making it's way around a cave.

The queens (Except Glory and Snowfall) were in their dragon forms, glaring at him, and protecting  their prince and princesses with their shimmering wings spread wide.

Moorhen had her mud-brown wings folded regally next to her and was in a battle position, Thorn was desperately scanning the crowd for Sunny and Qibli, Ruby was glaring whole heartedly at Darkstalker, Coral had one wing wrapped tightly around Anemone, who was trying to wriggle free, Snowfall was still sick, Granduer did not acknowledge Jambu in any way, and Battlewinner was next to Greatness, with her teeth bared in a terrifying snarl.

Darkstalker narrowly avoided bumping his head on the lights above him, his wing got caught in the wires that connected to the microphone, and his tail smacked the curtains, releasing a huge cloud of dust.

He coughed.

The girl who had come with him sighed.

"Clearsighed." Darkstalker said. "Stop sighing."

"Did you just call me Clearsighed?" She demanded.

"Whoops. CLEARSIGHT. sorry."

Granduer spat a few droplets of venom onto his wing, which sizzled and melted his scales.

"OW!" Darkstalker shouted.

The green haired boy who had came with Darkstalker laughed. "Pffft."

(Yeah you can tell I'm running out of ideas)

Darkstalker landed regally on the stage.

Or, tried to land regally.

More like,

Landed, tripped on his claws, stubbed his snout on the floor, nearly poked his eye out on the microphone, and got his tail tangled on the wires.


"Just what do you think you're doing, storming into our school like that?" Coral demanded. Even though she was bigger than some of the queens, she still looked tiny compared to Darkstalker.

"Storming?" the boy, probably Fathom, said. "Very true, especially how he's going to wreck your beautiful stage because his head is too high in the clouds."


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