Why Darkstalker apparently came and also the queens are mad at Moon

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Charat Gensis/Bigbang (where I do the other kind of characters) are not letting me upload pictures to here, so bear with me. :)

CLAY  (he only has a scar because of the viper. Got to be realistic guys)

I ate a bag of chips.


Cuz why ever the not?

The nummy salt and vinegar chips crunched loudly and Peril glared at me.

"What?" I asked, a little too loudly.

My favorite flavor of chips was by far BBQ, followed by sour cream and onion, then salt and vinegar. I like cheddar cheese, but they leave too much cheesy stuff on my fingers and Kestrel always yells at me when I get my fingerprints on the ball.

So salt and vinegar it is.

Darkstalker was currently trying to get dust out of his dragon nose.

"Seriously, when was the last time someone cleaned this place?" He demanded.

"Yesterday." Coral said. "They did a play based on my book: The difference between an oyster and a clam."

"That's easy." Darkstalker said. "An oyster's bigger and has pearls and an clam is plain."

Coral looked ready to kill him.

"How does someone even act that book out?" Clearsight asked.

"Simple." Coral said. "Someone dresses as an oyster and a clam and there's a narrator and there's an audience and there's a fish and a bunch of sand and more."

"Someone was a grain of sand?" Fathom demanded. "What?"

I had been to that play.

It was quite hilarious.

There was about half the school jammed onto that tiny stage, all but three dressed in yellow or white to represent sand. 

The oyster, clam, and narrator had to be on swings that were hung from the ceiling.


Coral gave up the argument all together, probably thinking that nobody got her amazing writing.

"As you all probably know, I'm here to take over the kingdom and rule over all the dragons." Darkstalker said with a straight face.

He might as well said he was going to kill everyone.

The queens shrieked, which was very un-queenly of them, and the crowd erupted into mad yelling.

Peril was standing up as well, shouting at Darkstalker.

My friends, Tsunami, Glory, Sunny, and Starflight were also throwing a tantrum, except maybe for Starflight and Sunny because they were trying to calm everyone down.

I was still eating mah chips and trying to process what Darkstalker had just said.

"SHUT," Darkstalker was yelling, but nobody was listening.

Darkstalker finally hissed fire when we all stopped, looking horrified.

Even Clearsight and Fathom looked horrified.

So horrified that the next day, they vanished without a trace, which caused more yelling and feet being stamped on.

I was eating lunch with my friends when the queens came stomping in and went straight for us.

Coral, being a normal mom, started yelling at Riptide, and Tsunami, being a normal daughter, starting yelling back, and Glory, being a normal friend, was eating popcorn in an amused fashion.

"You." Granduer said to Moon.

Moon stopped, halfway into her sandwich. "Hello?"

"You must tell us who else is in our tribes." Battlewinner said.

Moon looked at her food, then back at the queens. "Right now?"

She was soo right. NOTHING is more important than FOOD.

Battlewinner threw her arms up in a fury.

"Right now." Moon said hurriedly.  


Moon stood up and so did the rest of us. I still munched on my chips.

"To the art room right now." Moorhen said, then I don't exaggerate when I say they dragged Moon to the art room.

We stampeeded with her.

There was a class already waiting.

"HI!" Kinkajou beamed.

They looked at her.

"Sort them." Coral said to Moon.

"I... don't have my chip?" Moon said.

I handed her a Pringles. 

"My obsidian chip." Moon said. "But thanks."

Qibli took the Pringles and ate it.

"Here's your chip." Battlewinner said, handing Moon the small, smooth, black chips that was the key to Moon's powers.

Moon didn't ask how she'd gotten her hands on it

She put it in her medallion. 

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